Anybody else in the weird position of being a left wing nationalist?
>race realist
>anticapitalist/economically socialist
Anybody else in the weird position of being a left wing nationalist?
>race realist
>anticapitalist/economically socialist
No you can't be left wing and a nationalist it is an oxymoron. Also National Socialist Germany wasn't anti capitalist per se. Fuck off shill
Social programs only for whites isn't left wing, it's moderate at best.
You absolutely can but it is arguable because nationalism means a sort of bravado and machismo that's only common amongst the right, then we're arguing about feelings rather than policies though.
Look, regardless of what they teach you about leftism in school, the left nowadays is a globalist, pro-debt (via universal healthcare, social programs like the HLM in France and other gibbsmedat), pro-migrant, pro-islamist (on paper against ISIS, but never do anything about it and severely rebuke any type of solutions proposed to end terrorism, including keep Assad in power).
Additionally, it has become clear that they have a strong anti-white narrative with the recent uprising in anti-white movements like the ones that we've seen at countless universities, more recently Evergreen college (which is public and therefore taxpayer funded, I might add).
All in all, you can say you're a leftist or an ethnonationalist / race realists / etc... But they are mutually exclusive nowadays.
Same here senpai.
i guess you could be literally stalin?
sadly the marxists hijacked sensible compassion and replaced it with suicidal self deprecation,
ironically the greatest political need for our countries is an actual moderate democrat party
Yeah im on the same page as you so ur not alone
>race realist
>anticapitalist/economic socialist
You're literally a Nazi, and that's a good thing
Best you come to terms with it.
What you listed is just National Socialism, which is not left-wing. I agree with you on everything there (although I'd call myself agnostic, and I'd prefer people have the freedom to provide for themselves without state interference like a (((property tax))).)
Now, if you consider yourself to be socially """progressive,""" then I strongly suggest drinking bleach.
The National Socialists were (believe it or not) economic socialists. They were racialists and obviously in favor of an ethnic state. The only reason they are associated with christianity was due to the fact that Germany was one of the biggest christian nations at the time. Most high ranking Nazis and Nazi philosophers were atheist, but valued pagan ideals. Don't get me wrong, they supported christian ideals and sentiments, and the fact that most of Germany was christian, but philosophically they were atheist/agnostic/neopagan.
im not against capitalism because im not an authoritarian retard. socialism has failed every time it's implemented on state-wide scale you fucking moron
Hey there blind retard, how does 66% in taxes sound?
t. civilian from "socialist utopia"
>posts swastika
atheism is incompatible with national socialism you nigger
I've actually been drifting further left, economically speaking, as I've become more socially conservative, nationalistic and reactionary.
Of course, I can't vote for modern leftist parties, because they all support letting minorities and women run amok; however, I am increasingly sympathetic to their economic positions.
>tfw no Socially Conservative, Fiscally liberal, pro-Federal govt, pro-white, pro-Christianity, isolationist party in the US.
If you're Nat Soc you're anti-jew not anti-capitalist.
I've been becoming more socially liberal
>tfw no black bull to breed my gf
Feels bad man
you are strasserist/NazBol
honestly all i care about at this point is to stop immigration. if youre a nationalist far left party, i will vote for you in an heartbeat even if im a right winger
You can be a race realist/generally on the right in terms of nationalism whilst criticizing the excesses of capitalism.
That's the third option bro. Traditionalism. Care for your people and your community. Transcend raw consumerism
What do you mean by socialist? Like, legit no profiteers workers control the factories socialism or capitalism with a welfare state and strong regulations?
Socialism is an over abused term to be totally honest.
I'm actually in the same possition as you. Of course, Sup Forums is infested of right wing cucks
Yes you're in the same weird position as Hitler was. You're a nationalist. And a socialist.