Filthy sub human shit skins must all be removed from this world.
>Muslim hoodie of peace detected
so it's an urban turban
Driven Under Islam
I don't think having a beard automatically means someone is muslim
Yes, but it's a style I seem to keep seeing pop up...
what are the odds of a truck of peace happening on July 4th??
I got a feeling we are long overdue for a terrorist attack in the U.S. think the last big happening was that guy killing all those fags in the nightclub.
>a style I seem to keep seeing pop up
maybe i'm just seeing things
that's a beard of peace
Perhaps electing Trump worked.
Beard of peace
a black somali-looking guy with a full beard without a mustache is 99% of the time is muslim.
I'd say extremely, though I would bet it doesn't happen in NYC or D.C. or any really big city like that. Instead, it'll happen somewhere like Cincinnati or Charlotte or Des Moines or Myrtle Beach, somewhere relatively big but not major. Police might not suspect it, security will be a bit more lax, and then here comes the Penske or U-Haul smashing into a bunch of families watching fireworks
My bet is on the Twin Cities with our enormous Somali population.
Was there another truck of peace in our peaceful world?
Yeah they're everywhere. Mostly they are found building barns or sometimes driving a horse and buggy. Did you know they believe that technology is evil? But once in their lives they get to go out into the normie world. Where they have taboo sex and drink the devil's elixir. And the women Always have to have their hair covered and have to wear long dresses. They stay at home making butter. Kek lolz
As long as he's not white I'm fine
Every time a shitskin kills a bunch of people God kills a democrat
When will these WHITE males stop?
only known photo of the killer
>Yo what kinda stache u want?
>well i'm M-
>say no more
It's time for lesshammad
White supremacist confirmed
doesn't make him a refugee pham
nice screenie
>the beard
is that a man dress that he's wearing?
What happened? I saw somethign about this earlier but was wayching the britbong elections, how many dead? Was it actually Islam or accident?
dark skin white nale.
Not all Muslims are refugees, but all refugees are Muslims.
Decidedly not true, most refugees that will be coming in soon will be from Venezuela
>Dark skinned white male
What will it take for honkies to be called out for being the terrorists they are.
He seems to be wearing those wahhabi pants that end just above the ankles.
100% mud.
You can have them, "pham".
it's either a BLM nigger killing cops or a muslim
Goats don't like a full beard.
>muslim shoots up gay club
well um thats um.. wrong and stuff.
>muslim attacks washington dc
hmm well thats.. um ya know... bad i guess ahem
muslims are required to have beards in order to be muslims
I love how every article stresses that it's a WHITE truck involved. We know why they want to insert the word WHITE over and over so that all people know is that it was a WHITE truck that ran over those police officers. These WHITE trucks are out of control and WHITES need to be stopped.
and he's not dreaded out enough for a rasta type
getting a black Muslim vibe
Same happened on London Bridge.
>You're a fucking white van!
Oh we'll enjoy the Venezuelan ones
>women are all obsessed with being as beautiful as possible due to pageant culture there
>will see what socialism is like, so will be hard right-wingers like Cuban refugees
>most are practicality Catholic fanatics
>An accident happens in DC it must be a sandnigger
No, that"s just an ordinary nigger. Come to the DC metropolitan one day, car accidents happen daily. DC is a fucking hellhole for driving, especially on the beltway. There's a good reason why we're considered the worst traffic in the country.
t. Someone who lives around the DC metropolitan
Also nice lack of source.
American black guys don't often go in for beards tho; even with them getting more popular again amongst young whites of all political/social persuasions from southern dudes to city hipsters....they haven't really taken off for blacks. Except if they are Muslim.
Granted I'm old enough to remember the buttoned down black Muslims of Malcolm X's day, but the new black Muslims are much more pseudo-Middle Eastern looking
>Religion of Peace
I love it.
Is it time to mobilize boys? Are my burger brothers exited? About time we can get our hands dirty, time to get in touch with our primal humanity and kill r the right cause.
Solid webm
Are you sure we're not just dealing with a drunk nigger here?
Damn that was pretty close those people got in just in time
regular niggers don't wear muslim pants
I refuse to believe that an american snackbar would only injure 3. this is a flas flag. even fake closet homo snack bars get 30+ kills over here.
my bad wrong link
send to breitbart and drudge
There was one in Texas that got shot before he could kill anybody.
all blacks are terrorists
meme this into reality
I'm sure more money is being put into counterterrorism and intelligence nowadays, for sure.
Agree with those who feel another attack is overdue though, and it probably won't be in a big city. More Orlando or San Bernardino-tier. I feel like CA is a powder keg because I'm convinced our elites have been clandestinely smuggling more Muslims in--on top of the black problem in CA--but I am seeing more mudslimes around town in the last year than ever before. It's easy to spot them because of their stupid hijabs and beards, otherwise they'd blend in with all the pooinloos we've got here in CA already.
Something is afoot out here, I'm telling you. It could even happen in northern CA. I know SoCal seems more unstable with LA and all, but don't underestimate the toxicity of Oakland/SF/San Jose/Berkeley. Berkeley would be sadly perfect for an attack. All those idealistic, friendly liberals and also a relatively small police force and lots of narrow streets and traffic--getaway would be hard but we know mudslimes don't look to get away, they want to sacrifice themselves. And they want their VICTIMS to be trapped with them, unable to escape easily. The east bay area in general would be perfect for that. Ugh.
Nigger has weak roadkill game.
I've run over more cunts in my driveway when I'm drunk.
No need for memes. Just more crack
Just the numbers there are trouble, I agree.
Captcha just suggested Calumet, a small town about fifteen minutes from Grand Rapids. Apparently Grand Rapids has a growing Muslim population: muslimobserver.com
audible chuckle when you circled the pointer around him
not every nigger is gonna be a beltway sniper, most niggers are very stupid. he probably saw a bunch of videos on the internet and didnt understand that most american streets arent that packed, so instead of changing his plan, he said FUK IT, MUH DIK and rammed into whatever he rammed into.
Okay, Amish are memeworthy. Remember though they will never see our work
Keep an eye out for Crisis Girl! Here she is at the Manchester hoax.
americucks btfo, based muslim bro !
dont worry there will be much more attacks
Fuck the sub-human shit skins they ruin civilizations
nice work kek
>washington dc
nothing of value was lost
>check the beard
How about check the long dress under his hoodie you stupid fuck
Now now Ahmed
What if a slightly more radical fellow believer removed you from this planet?
I agree. There are way more muslims in this country that what we've been told. They are all over the midwest, not just the cities but in small towns and even rural areas.
So many fucky things happen that don't get a lot of attention, like the muslims setting IEDs on hiking trails in Eastern Kentucky and the muslims captured on a trail cam hiding a cache of explosives on a remote hunting property in rural Missouri.
Obama fucked us so bad, I never saw a muslim before 9/11 and now I can't go anywhere without seeing one.
>tanned canadian
Do you realize that beard are very popular among young black men these days? I live in NYC and I see blacks with full beards all over the place now, and on social media. It's a pretty recent trend, only from the past few years/
u have bad teeth and bad food and you are a faggot
The way to defeat terrorism isn't with bigotry and hatred. We can only way to defeat it by coming together...at the wheel of a truck going 70mph.
guns are illegal in washington DC
it's illegal to have a gun, in D.C.
That's just a nigger.
You fucking false flag faggots are the worst. Trying to defelect from muzzie scum with your tinfoil bullshit.
>gets stabbed by three muslims freely roaming London with no way to defend himself
At least Britain is progressive and gun-free, so who's really losing here, gun nuts?
Enjoy being on the watch-list
Guns not permitted in DC faggot.
Remember, nobody kills more muslims than other muslims. ;>)
enjoy being fat
>be american
>get shot
>get robbed by niggers while bleeding to death
>Less than 10 people
Wow, terrorists over there suck. I thought America was great, you gotta step up your game.
Somali Phenotype
Damn he's urban and turban. If these attacks become frequent in the U.S. we're not going to have a good time.