Ok listen you motherfuckers: I am currently the third most subscribed alternative media Youtube Channel in Quebec and most likely the only one that shitposts on pol.
Here is the channel link: youtube.com/channel/UCAILqRR8BBjWkF2dk1bCJPQ
I don't give a shit about what you think of my videos. I just wanna let you know that I expect to fucking turn into shreds the fucking pedos that made this video: youtube.com/watch?v=r7T6qU16fT4

Please posts ideas, pictures, arguments you would want me to put in my video so I can destroy thoses pedo degenerates.

Video is gonna be in french tho.

After doing some research, pic related show that this account also promoted a fagtuber that showed up in a deal or no deal show severals month ago.
Dam I hate those people

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, we are in fact your personal research interns

What have we done

Do your own work faggot, and stay in Quebec.

Naturally, I dislike Canadians. I hate their superiority complex. I hate how when they go abroad they have to tell everyone that they're Canadian and not American. I hate how they somehow think they're more "cultured" than us even though they're basically America lite. But somehow you made me hate Canadians even more

Good luck with it. I'm feeling pretty sleepy though. G'night.

They're asking for help, and it to save a kid and to wreck some faggots.

Have a heart.

>8 year old drag queen named "Lactatia"
>isn't actually gay
>likely forced by his parents to perform in front of leering fags
I'm fucking done.

Reported your channel and videos.

>I am currently the third most subscribed alternative media Youtube Channel in Quebec

Wohh! we've got a fucking big deal here!

>I am currently the third most subscribed alternative media Youtube Channel in Quebec.


>I hate how when they go abroad they have to tell everyone that they're Canadian and not American

Maybe if American tourists weren't second to Chinese ones for how insufferable they are we wouldn't have to. We don't like doing it you know.

>I hate how they somehow think they're more "cultured" than us even though they're basically America lite

You've evidently never set foot east of Ontario. You're right about the Western half and Ontario, but Quebec and the Atlantic provinces, well they're the reason we have real culture.

He struggled to type with his bloated sausage -sized fingers as his latest meal of ranch and mayo fermented in his distended gut.

The Pepsi that started this topic is a retard though, I agree with you about that.

The kid in this video tells other kids to get rid of their parents if they don't agree


the parents are fucked up. listen to how his dad talks. his mother looks jew

this kid has no hope

The dad is an obvious fag, you can tell by his face and body language

YouTube where you can be famous and still living in your moms basement making shitty videos on a 480p webcam.

No dude he felt this way since he was 3 years old!!

Haha jokes on you I'm a skinny twig

Canadian still going on about "muh culture!!!"

Shit writes itself

dude W T F is up with that bald guy?

dude is creeping so hard wtf.

fuck off POS leaf

You're going to have literally zero reach if you keep making your content in french

Kid is probably living the life for all we know
Taking bananas up the ass every morning

>pretends real americans are ever foreign tourists
Why the fuck would I ever leave the greatest land on Earth to enter some muslim invaded land? As far as I'm concerned, Europe is a failed communist state like the Soviet Union once was.
We should not be embracing people who couldn't stop "national socialists" so instead they embrace "global socialists", or as I call them glowsticks -- drop em and watch em fall.

How old is she. I thought she was just some weird ass 20 year old.

someone still have the previous thread?

I'm gonna give you one bump only. Before we tell you what to fucking say on your own fucking show, you tell us what you have so far

Spilt my milk
Ahh, fuc


Buddy I have been investigating some pedos that run a youtube channel in quebec, maybe we can help each other out. I'm being serious, I can invite you to a discord in a minute.


Is OP dead?

WTF is wrong with anglos?

Probably taking a fap break.

>Video is gonna be in french tho.
Why bother then?

French is not a world language like english is, the only people youll reach are french, other canadians and africans

That doesn't mean some of us don't want to help. I never understood why internet groups like Sup Forums give heat to people asking for their help. It's as if you people are defending pedos.

Tailor to your demographics. Most men dislike trannies but may be unaware that it requires child abuse for success. Overwhelming majority of all demographics dislike child abuse. Women are threatened by competition - use trannies dominating women's sports. It would be beneficial to attract jews to your efforts as they control media, psychology, and know better than anybody how to hurt a narrative's fundings - not sure how to get them to turn against it though. Will post archives in next post.

Tell me more, user...

I found it lol

The slippery slope is real, user. First it was the fag pride, then fag cakes, then the fag marriage, then trannies, then fag adoption and now child trannies.

It will never stop because there will always be some to push the boundaries even further until people start pushing back, being neutral is just as good as giving in.

Allowing fags to get their way will inevitably result in child abuse and grooming, that's the true cost of letting the "nice" fags have their marriage and adoptions.

And now they'll start pushing against straight parents with bill 89, it's only a matter of time before they take away some kid because his dad stepped in to prevent his teacher, Ms Shekelstein, in turning him in a little faggot.


President of the American College of Pediatricians, Michelle Cretella, MD explains it as "institutionalized child abuse."

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Forced Transgender Boy Quickly Returns To Normal After Removal From Mother’s Care

The trans population is growing at what should be considered an alarming rate.


My bad forgot my genders

3rd most subscribed
fucking canadia

Je vais regarder ta chaine plus tard

Appeasing fags isn't working, it's time to stop them from spreading the poz any further.
> The Boy Scouts continue homophobic ban, despite uniform being popular lesbian get-up

Close to 80% of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated, these medical interventions come close to child abuse.

Allowing trannies in the military and forcing citizens to pay for cosmetic surgeries negatively affects troop morale as well as impacts enlistment rates/quality. Related thread with veterans expressing discontent:

Send the queers back in the closet where they belong

1920s Berlin had high levels of degeneracy and guess what happened next


If Islam doesn't kill these cunts, National Socialism will

Regarding bullshit gender studies that support this scam:

>Two Dudes Wrote a Fake Penis Study and Got It Published to Slam Gender Research
>Penii a social construct and causes global warming
>"Part of the fault may fall on the open-access, pay-to-publish model, but the rest falls on the entire academic enterprise collectively referred to as 'gender studies,'"
>But other scientists have come to the defense of the field of gender studies, pointing out that flawed, weak, or incorrect papers get published in practically all disciplines, including medicine and math.

Because we're not someone's personal army and that's been a core tenant since back when Sup Forums was relevant. Sup Forums was never meant to be where it's at today and it shows since half of Sup Forums is reddit. This just leads to putting Sup Forums's name out there and making this place more shit. These people aren't even from Sup Forums 99% of the time.

That is disgusting. Dragqueens and that whole gay sub culture are based on sexuality, that's the whole core of it, so anyone exposing and encouraging minors into that lifestyle are deliberately sexualizing them. Look how the kid is dressed, like a grown woman going out on the town, an adult wouldn't wear that get up in the daytime, how the hell is it appropriate clothing for a child? LGBT needs their political power vastly reducing, it really is true that if you give them an inch they want ten miles, it's not about equality, it's about "love between two consenting adults", it's about normalizing perverted lifestyles.

What in the absolute fuck is this thing? This is exactly what I'd imagine an alien pretending to be human would look like. How the fuck can any leave their house looking like this and not be chased with pitchforks?

If that happens right wing death squads should kill all involved

Judges should the first to die

If the gov ever came for my family
There would be a massive bloodbath
Always keep hideous weapons just in case
Any police that support social workers would die as well


after his mother dressed him like a girl for the first 3 years

OP, va aussi poster ton travail dans les commentaires de fdesouche et n'oublie pas de "proposer un article" là-bas non plus.

This is why homos shouldn't have children

Kill the degenerates NOW!

thank me later
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ

You'll meet quite a bit of pushback on Sup Forums. I blame a decade of trap threads on Sup Forums. People that identify as trans (or whatever) are a very vocal minority that spend a lot of time online because they are not wanted irl.

reminder of what Canada was before
also not a Frenchie but I respect you guys. Canada will probably balkanize so I support eastern canucks forming a franco-irish catholic state in the east and a western Anglo state built in the greater Cascadia area. Ontario will be lost I think tho

also I apologize for when leaf
autists or shills come in here and
start spamming but when a leaf
creates a legitimate and sincere
post theres no reason to autistically
shriek about it

I don't understand what the image is implying

We should take bets on whether Canada or Australia descends to the bottom first.

Thanks OP I lost all fucking hope this was it.

Canada has hands down. Australia is basically where Canada was in the early 2000s; still above 85% white, mostly conservative population. People don't realize the treason that occurred in Canada. weve elected the right wing government into power for 25 of the last 35 years yet the conservatives continually cuck further and further until now their basically the liberals 2.0.

What's your third party situation like ?