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Whats the point of hating something so inferior? They're manlet for God's sake.
i will bite your balls off tallie
ur not on Sup Forums are u lost child?
this guy is 5'6"
Lifting is for poor people, rich people do cardio only.
i have 2 friends both under 5"6 and always talk to me about their height insecurities. Im 6"5 and going places with them and the looks i get gives me a boner.
I'm 6"5 and swim in poon while my 5"6 friends (theres 3 of them) circlejerk their depressing height insecurites.
That samefag
Anyone notice that their manlet friends are all big homos? Seems like almost every time I'm alone with one of my manlet friends they end up bottoming for me bareback.
This is a weird photo since gyms here seem to be populated almost 100% by manlets.
>I know those term and am still not gay
I'm 5'6 and I fuck my 6'5 friend's girlfriend daily
I know this 6'5 guy and he thinks he's so tough, I'm 5'6 and I could kill him with my bear hands
wow, dont you care about their self esteem? some friend you are.....
I'm 6'2" and my gf is 5'0"
Shit is cash.
yea lets see what happens when I get u on your knees on a mat
Sure thing little buddy.
enjoy manlet kids
>tfw 6,66 ft tall but thin as fuck
Better than having muslim kids.
6'2 with 5'9 gf
our children will dominate yours, leafcucks always lose
You owe your continued existence to my benevolence, laknklet. Next time, chose your words a little more carefully. My patience is fabled, but not unlimited.
why do you dislike people shorter than you? are you a nigger or somethin?
slightly above average is best height, over 6'5 is goofy and under 5'8 is just comical
Manlets and lanklets BTFO
manlet and lanklet are both cookie cutter terms, all that matters is if you wanna be a cookie cutter porn addict, or a pissening freak
I never met a manlet who didn't end up taking it in the end
pol confuses me, one second it's 'my word racial unity and nationalism is amazing, stick together' next is ' fuck people an inch shorter than me gas them"
taking what?
Someone who gets it
T.poor stick insect
Well that's hardly a fair fight you know, what with the bear hands and all.
>mfw 5'7
What ya gotta say to me famalam.
fuck off /lgbt/
also kill all tall people
t. low test cuckold
>5" 7 & 3/4
the fact that he included "3/4" kinda ruins his whole thesis about accepting his shortness
If course you could, you're a fucking bear
the "3/4" is only there because of imperial system. If he would have put a real measuring unit there like cm, it wouldn't have come out the way it did in the end.
at least I have the genes to build muscle really easily...shit beard genes though, sucks big time
im 5'7, doc says 5'8, and my life is pretty average, hoping to do big things this summer out of uni help out my friends with their coding
>big things
good luck, little man
>didn't GOMAD from child
>tfw coulda been 5'8
thx bro
I know a 6'8 guy who is a little bitch, scared to be left alone with me.
Holy shit, you have bear hands?
You should see a doctor, humans aren't supposed to have claws!
at least make the chad attractive looking, he looks like fucking ray william johnson
Woman here.
Manlets should deal with the fact that they will be raising someone else's children.
No woman with right to choose will ever bear the product of your inferior genes. The time when we were forced to is long gone. If anything, your wife will lie that the children are yours. Brace yourself for rapid evolution.
5'10" widda 5'6" gf
Gravitation towards the mean is rewarding.
I'm 5'11 so thatmakes me a manlet, especially in Bosnia since we are the tallest nation on earth, and women are often 6 feet+
Ive had taller gfs and have never ever been rejected becaise of my height.
It does make it more difficult, yes, since my first impression isnt as impressive.
Bt if you arent a massive cuck there is literally no problem with it
I do have to admit though, It was a bit awkward for me to date a 6'3 girl once, and she loved wearing heels since our height difference was cute to her.
I suck it up tho since i love tall chicks
I had a class once where we had to give a presentation in front of the class.
One dude was short, like really fucking short. I think 5'5.
The teacher was sitting in the back of class and I guess he couldn't see the guy behind the little podium thing or something, so he asked where he was.
The whole class laughed. Class was over 50% girls so it was shrill too. And there I was, 6'3, with a smarmy little grin on my face, slowly being filled with pity and guilt because I just found out all the fucking memes were real.