This is how respectable women should dress

This is how respectable women should dress

Looks kind of cool actually.

>believes her hair is a turnon


Some random qts on the street? No. My (hopefully) future wife and daughters? Yes.

Even better if you consider she is wearing nothing underneath.

It would be even more appropriate on men
Men don't experience pregnancy, they burn fat faster than women, yet they're usually a physical mess
So don't worry about women, do something about men. And covering up their fat arms, fat guts, shriveled genitals, fat oily necks, ugly faces would be appreciated by not only women but other men also
But make sure you put lots of lining in male burkas, we don't want to see flimsy material pressed against their ugly bodies, ok
Get onto it

Only men and grand beasts can be respectable, females and other power beasts can not.
No respectable man would let a cunt he owns wear clothes. To let it wear clothes is to say it is a person.

I saw this at a local shul...these are just very basic guidelands...a person should consult their posek (Rabbi) for more information...please spread this ifnormation...thank you!

that whore's wearing make-up and makes her nails look good liek the harlot she is!




Who's version of respectable? You think any of us give a shit about some pissy immigrant teen who moved from some sandy shit-hole in the middle east to get gibmedats in America?

Fucking kill yourself.

> inb4: hue hue, I'm just trolling.

Still kill yourself.

Not terrible, but looks a bit bland, and imagine the sweat build up in warm weather

cover that back collar bone, you filthy animal

Why is pol full of muslims?

>high heels
What a whore

This is White Sharia!!!!!!

yeah, fuck high heels, no high heels.

fuck off Esau

Looks like your grandma that old bitch.

hahaha tell me 52% xD
Even your president is a nigger

>Sith shilling

You've written "goats" wrong.

>Those ankles


You mean humble? Women aren't a quality. Their actions names their price.

Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.

Pressure women into getting fit so that they don't have to hide their natural beauty.

You can talk about women when you actually get one to sleep with you, and rohypnol doesn't count.

>tfw when can't turn on national geographic and see white people acting like savage niggers
>tfw when every other race but white pipo on nat geo acting like niggers

I want to see some white people getting nasty, damn our ancestors for creating civilization

Trying to tell Eruopeans that women should cover up when we have always valued feminine beauty as bringer of life. Meanwhile Arabs can't see beyond their instinctual responses to nakedity so they force their women to cover up in the hope that their race won't self sabotage in a spree of rape and murder.

once again America proves you wong


that's too much, but i get what you mean. Arabs have the right idea, it would be well suited for this island seeing as its hot as well

t. Jamal Abu Akbar Zanj Zib al-Detroiti

>window dressing whores won't work.

Natgeo is just another name for AnimalPlanet so that the shitskins don't fell so bad. White people have created the world, so there is no need to show their mud sheds on TV, as everything (including the TV) is part of the white society.

Exactly. Animals will act like animals and can barely keep themselves from raping everything with a body cavity. That's why "white sharia" only comes from mudbloods and niggers.



This is really cute. I wonder if I can convince my gf to wear something like this without seeming like a crazed muslim convert.





no, they should dress like this, mohammed.



OP and friends

Fuck off ahmed.

There is nothing wrong with nakedness, but in everyday life we should be clothed.
Pic related is a bare minimum how a woman should dress.

Why are you so concerned with female outfit? Don't you think we have more important issues to talk about, perhaps..POLITICAL since we're on pol.....

> in everyday life we should be clothed
People should, yes. Cunts aren't people, they shouldn't wear clothes.
And hair coverings are disgusting. What's wrong with you?

No need for a veil outside a church. Just wear something where your boobs don't fall out or everybody can she your cunt (miniskirts, leggings, ...). It's not hard to be modestly dresses and still looking modern and clean.

We should not go from one degeneracy to the other.

Bonus: Folk dresses






Embrace your own culture instead of copyinng some goat fuckers barely even to be classified as civilized homo sapien sapiens.



You have TLC for nasty hwites

All european women were covered in headscarves, long clothing and more for most of european history.

So were men in daily life, while in private life nudity was nothing naughty (siehe Körperfreikultur or FKK). European women diden't wear those cloths to not get raped but to show their status (being able to afford a shitton of skirts and petticoats and filigran waistshirts.

That's why nudity were also normal in ancient times, see all our art. Healthy body, healthy mind. If you were afraid to show your body, you have obviously wrecked it and where therefore inferious. Having a pferctly healthy body what therefore as well a sign of purity and status, making it normal to show it off in baths or sports, males and females.

I agree. Women showing skin is the same as merchandise on display in a store.

Consiedring that women are choosing their mates, and not the other way around in humans, the opposite is the case. Men have to advertise while most women can pick.

Men promoting the hiding of females only try to reduce compettition from other males. It's really beta.

Perfection, if I do say so myself.

Yeah and get raped...

Mehmet pls

Yeah, fuck living in that reality. I like whores in yoga pants, thanks.

I'm wearing nothing underneath my clothes......

Medieval elegance I can live with

None of those women and girls dress modestly though