Hi Sup Forums. I came here to laugh about the British elections and make a point to you. I'll cut right to the chase. 2017 will be the year where everything you've been hoping for and building up to comes crashing down right in your fucking faces. Your precious "Alt-Right" is already a borderline dead meme, barely clinging to life. When all is said and done, Brexit is not going to happen. Donald Trump will continue to blunder his way to an eventual loss to the Democrats in 2020, if not impeachment before his term is up. More European elections will be held, and more Right-Wing political party losses will occur. White people will continue to die of old age and be replaced by ethnic minorities due to stagnant birth rates. And you're not going to be able to do a single fucking thing about it except sit back and try to wonder why your internet memes aren't working. The world is in fact progressing forward to the Left, and the slight hiccup that was 2016 won't stop it in the end.
You're Already Losing
i predicted this
Well done. I'll be sure to come here after every Right-Wing failure to lap up the salty tears.
Wow, that's a lot of butthurt for a slight hiccup. Protesting too much.
I'm sorry that we took your Crooked Hillary's smug face and smacked the fuck out of it with our MAGA haymaker. Serves you right for supporting rape and corruption, you degenerate girly-man.
>slight hiccup
You were the hiccup. This year will make that painfully obvious for you.
I'd love you to be correct, then shit would really hit the fan, and you'd be one of the first hanging from the lampposts
Shit won't hit the fan. Maybe you haven't noticed, but the only people who are politically motivated and willing to take to the streets to push their agenda are all on the Left. What remains of the Right involves two types of people: Elderly white men who can't do much one way or the other, and neckbeards on Sup Forums who have no meaningful investment in life and get their kicks LARPing as Nazis on a weeb image board.
Oh kikes
We've watched you laugh
And we will watch you weep and weep and weep
Now pack your carpet bags and bugger off shill
Y-yeah guys... the next hearing will DEFINITELY be the end of Drumpfh... he heh...
I see a lot of salt over the fact that the Comey hearing didn't go according to plan. Hence your entertaining the idea of Trump's 2020 defeat. Sorry, pal. Your little tantrum stemming from your political blue balls is delicious.
Daily Stormer supported Corbyn
Laugh while you can. While you're doing so, more and more people in your Alt-Right are finding reasons to abandon Trump. Who will even be left to support that man in 2020? I'm serious. I've watched as your own board becomes increasingly divided over him. I visit whenever he fucks up to watch you squirm and try and rationalize it.
Right and left populism will pendulum back and forth until globalism is defeated. This isn't news, pumpkin.
Enjoy the next 7 1/2 years of Trump
This. No impeach 4 u BITCH
>this will be the end of DROOMPFFF
t. Increasingly nervous man part 698
I laugh at the politically naive. I laugh at Eric Clanton getting cornholed by the Aryan Brotherhood. I laugh at you Inauguration Day protesters getting years in the slammer. I laugh at you 140-pound effeminates and your weirdo beta genes.
Like I said, laugh while you can. You're all going to be left in the dust. Your ideology is dying out and you're being demographically replaced. There's literally nothing you will do about it. There's nothing you realistically can do about it. You can talk about your ethnic cleansing genocide fantasies and re-emergence of far-right nationalism, but it's never going to leave the posts of edgy kids on the internet and you know it.
Nice fanfic, bro. You're totally writing from a position of assured victory. There's not a whiff of sour grapes and bitterness in your posts.
Yeah, sure. Four of those years being endless butthurt on twitter about how unfair it was that his base abandoned him due to his endless backpedaling and ineptitude and that he never got his second term.
>more and more people in your Alt-Right are finding reasons to abandon Trump
People in a political faction you made up are criticizing Trump? color me surprised
>Who will even be left to support that man in 2020?
Considering how his opposition is consistently being proven and liars like today, I'd sat a lot of people
>I've watched as your own board becomes increasingly divided over him
Yeah I see it happen too, but then the narrative of the week dies and we go right back to being 80% Trump. Every time
What exactly has gone right for you guys?
Brexit passed by a hair, but has faced endless issues since. Trump won the Presidency thanks solely to the electoral college but has fucked up even by your standards ever since. Literally every other Right-Wing nationalist candidate you guys have supported has lost since.
8 years, pal. Bend over. The Democrats aren't going to run some progressive champion, because their donors won't be having any of it. They'll run another Clinton-like candidate and drown in their social hypocrisy again.
Sarcasm is a tell for cognitive dissonance
You've already been persuaded
Trump won because the Democrat voting base largely didn't show up to the polls this time around in key states. A mistake for sure, but likely driven by the fact that they considered Clinton a sure thing. They won't make the same mistake again.
Do you realize that the only group of people who voted overwhelmingly for Trump were white men? Have you even taken a look at US demographics lately?
>Trump won the Presidency thanks solely to the electoral college
Before Election Day: Muh Blue Wall in the Electoral College. Drumpf is finished!
After Election Day: Electoral College. REEEE.
I laugh at your impotent screeching. You're not going to have too many illegals and dead people in 2020. Speaking of which, why aren't you bragging about 2018? Hilarious.
>Implying I care about the parties of a bunch of kikes.
Besides, Corbyn was our guy
blame people, make excuses, blame people, make excuses
Keep it up though, I'd love to watch you go into 2020 looking like sore losers who did nothing but whine
I'm not screeching about it at all. It's fair. I merely mentioned that he only won because of the electoral college because it's true. He was stomped by Hillary in the popular vote. That means most Americans wanted Clinton to be our President- they just didn't show up to vote in key places of the country. It'll happen in 2020 now that the base is once again mobilized.
Guess what? America will be even less white in four years. The GOP's overwhelming voting base is literally going extinct.
>Do you realize that the only group of people who voted overwhelmingly for Trump were white men? Have you even taken a look at US demographics lately?
While not "overwhelming," Trump got 53% of white women. I know that one hurt your fee-fees. Muh pussy tape hypocrisy. Suck it. Nobody cares about niggers on the Democratic plantation.
Are you really bragging about getting 53% of a demographic...?
Considering how many of his voters he's alienated, I'm almost positive that he'll drop below 50% here. His only majority base in 2020 will be white men.
>He was stomped by Hillary in the popular vote. That means most Americans wanted Clinton to be our President-
Non sequitur. If the goal had been to win the popular vote, Trump would've campaigned differently. Only sore-loser Hillary agrees to the rules of chess, loses to Trump's strategic planning, and then gloats about winning checkers.
Next, if the goal had been to win the popular vote, more Trump supporters in deep red and deep blue states would've shown up.
Next, illegals and dead voters don't count.
Finally, neither candidate got a majority of eligible voters.
Try harder.
No, Trump could not win the popular vote if he tried. I know you guys like to mock Americans for out country being filled with non-white people. This is exactly the reason why a Republican candidate is very unlikely to ever win the popular vote in this country again. The demographics are working against them.
>Considering how many of his voters he's alienated
"However, while Trump would retain almost all of his support if the election were held again today (96 percent), fewer of Clinton’s supporters say they’d stick with her (85 percent), producing a 40-43 percent Clinton-Trump result in this hypothetical re-do among self-reported 2016 voters."
Nobody likes a sore loser, it turns out. No wonder Democratic strategists want her to disappear. But it's not in her nature to do so.