Some things i have observed from my time here on the board and its culture is the narrative to break your mind there is various groups with agendas that post here.
Board Topics and Narratives
Race mixing bait threads promoting
black men on white women
white men on black women
white men on asian women
asian men luck out
The Cuckold community making posts
about jacked non white males being superior
Black supremasicts making posts about white girls
fucking black men and that white men are inferior
There is a group that pushing its yellow fever agenda
here aswell that constantly pushes asian women being
more conservative "how can white women compete"
it also bashes on white women in general the boards
theme is to demoralise white men and to discourage
them from seeking out white women these threads
come into play by pushing the Asian meme as
better or a substitute because white women are trash
this agenda helps Chinese colonists push into the west
and makes loser white men more inclined to vote
them in for a chance at yellow pussy,
also the weebs are a very strong, vocal and autistic
element of it all with their "ironic" shitposting
encouraging 2D girls so yeah
just drop out of society all together "muh 2D waifu"
This will have serious consequences for other
gook/nip/chink/flip posters here
where in your sub cultures of anime, sniffing undies
and well everything is 2D you drop out of society
become grass eaters and beta white men are
encouraged to go after your women who are uninterested
or unable to find suitable mates of their own race
because of social engineering and of course feminism
is the angle of attack the women got it was two pronged
Asian's you are under constant demoralisation here
perhaps more so then white men recognise this
and inoculate yourselves from it.
its fucking hilarious becasue its true mate
Muslims making posts about how to fix degeneracy
and how islam is the cure, muslims see a way in with
losers that cannot compete that would adopt a
religion where they think it would guarantee them
a wife/slave/pussy because its all womens fault
"they need to be controlled" the usual appeals to
weakness and frustrated losers that hope a sand cult
would elevate them in society and finally make
"that Stacy girl respect me" (lol faggots)
Blackpill threads
Are demoralisation threads to keep you dwelling
on all the things negative in society including
your short comings and failures also
why it isnt your fault blame society
"go DO something about it"
Threads made by various groups hating on women
mgtow, muslims, shills
and blaming them for everything wrong is society
that targets the losers on the board to complain
and pity themselves also there is a radicalisation
agenda by muslims that try to push their narrative
Race baiting threads
To keep people distracted with anti white hate content made
by non whites/commies/sjw's/establishment approved messages
nigger hate threads for sperging and reeeeee's
Distraction threads such as
Global warming
All the threads that start with
Asking for Pols opinion on .....x
Red pill me on .......x
Say Sorry
Alot of the general threads such as
Communism General The Chicago police
scanner threads its just more useless
bullshit on the board
Constant threads shilling against
Civic Nationalists
Ethnic Nationalists
Or more simply put people who are Anti-Globalists
This includes people who may be just philosophers or thinkers
that do not express their thoughts from a marxist world view
or shill for establishment narratives this includes men that
are just successful who may be Apolitical or have a successful
youtube channel that gives people from the above mentioned
air time such as Joe Rogan, also men from the masculine
fitness/health corner of the net and ones that give practical
advice on how to navigate and communicate with modern
women mostly the ones that are NOT losers who do not push
mgtow because as we know mgtow is apart of the narrative
for depopulation and reducing possible mates
for the opposite sex, as feminism is for women.
The arguments/advice/ideas put forward by these
youtube/twitter/podcast e-cleb personalities
that are Anti-Globalist fight the Narrative are never
addressed what ever is said is taking out of context
to feign outrage the persons character is always
attacked, Rumors are spread about them
There is an effort which relates to e-clebs
making content from the above post
to accuse everyone of being a jew or to have a jewish agenda
so much so that unless you believe jews are behind
every religion
every establishment political movement
every counter culture/sub culture
behind every country's government
The reason your a loser
Also that there is no other globalists groups and factions,
smaller, older or new secret sects of society from either
tech start ups or what ever you can think of,
If you question that just maybe these exist and its not run
or in control of the evil jewish essence
"that is cancer of the world" that marching down
the street with a shaved head shouting about it or associating
your brain for a toilet world view/approach that's because
you must be a jew
Now there are many things with truth and some flat out proven fact
especially about multiculturalism and the disease known as liberalism that
is pushed and bragged about by active and open jewish activists
being undertaken but you notice there is never a concerted effort
to track down other groups and country's agendas its just the JQ
even the invention of that being it is the only truth of the world
or the final redpill having it worded as such should give you a
sense of pause from the individual stating it as so.
In regards to white identity and whites having homelands
it makes sense to address and is important to whites to understand
Either way try bringing up other groups such as china or japan
or the various Arab states or Russia having agendas or what their
plans mean or about various groups/factions having footholds in
different country's and see how far you get in a thread before
its the jooos is brought up congratulations thread derailed
even if you believe it but don't state it try discussing other group
possibility's see how far you get before your thread is derailed
or the fact no one has done any research of thought into other
groups, that would work to my advantage if i didn't want attention
on a globalist group or faction i ran or was apart of.
There is a group that pushes the meme of what is White they have scripts
they work off, there are many spergs here that debate it and talk about
percentage this and that and muh racial purity and get into a bizarre
line of thought of purity which is reinforced by agitators and
alot of unwell people this also ties into the jewish narrative and
that their essence being evil or tainted from mere existence.
There are groups from mgtow or some weird fusion of male losers
that hate women and love attacking girls especially white girls,
which also adds into the demoralisation you will never see women
or white women not attacked, some justification because feminism
is used if there is no other depending on the target or nature of thread
that's about all i can think for know basically alot of shit to get people talking in circles and limiting your scope of thought and perspective of the bigger picture also it is the hope the board culture and type of people that then frequent and post will be that of the mentality and narrative external forces have been trying to shape here.
There is an incredibly active shill force
that when not whipped into a frenzy
and actively shilling with scripts they
just lurk on the boards and absorb
the content and shitpost so another
explanation for sheer retardation
is not just reddit posters but from
dedicated shills who start to shitpost
in random threads not actively being
targeted and its just their own dumb
thoughts soaking into the posts
this is where they start to become us
in their down time they are still here
and recognise their own tactics and lurk
in non shill threads and decide to
interact, we are the only people that
will talk to these losers they start
liking it especially when they say
something bigoted and offensive
and funny and get a lot of (you's)
and find themselves enjoying
the interactions its a slow process
bogan version of tay
In fact the extreme positions shills
pretend to advance whilst in a thread
causing conflict and the rhetoric they
spout would be so often and so cancerous
that they would never be able to talk like that
in society or irl even some of the
positions they pretend to advocate
to alienate people have some truth to
it and they start questioning themselves
and what they are scripted to say
also the unaccountable free expression
found here is nowhere to be found
anywhere else on the net this place
will warp them even if it is only a little
bit they wont fit back in anywhere else
on the net thats when they start to
realise that they are here forever.
OP I'm convinced some people are legit drones and post retarded one liners memes as their OP, others are just lonely and want (You)s.
Of course there are agendas though, I don't think anyone ever disputed that and only a moron could considering this is an anonymous board with millions of users.
Yeah i forgot to mention the lonely posters
wanting (yous') i guess there are alot of
posters who are either sick of reading
peoples bullshit and they decide to make
bait threads and annoy people and
some do it for fun, also i guess if you
have nothing you can be fucked talking
about you just make up some bait thread
but that would have to mean the OP
had more than 1 post by this ID and
stayed in a thread and advocated a position
to rustle everyone i don't see it often.
Also there are many new freinds lurking
who need to be made aware of what is
happening to the board and why it
looks the way it does this wasn't for the
benefit of a long time user it was for
newfags and pointing out agendas
to people new to the whole concept
of manipulation and astro turfing
of online forums and comment sections.