Other urls found in this thread:
>Manchildren Going Their Only Way
fuck off
this is a jewish lie created to eliminate whites from existence
This is literally how I imagine MGTOWfags.
Its literally the same thing as feminism,
>women are oppressing me
>not gonna marry
Its cultural marxism in its purest form. another way to drive down white birthrates and create more state slaves.
they are all cringey faggots who just want an excuse to remain manchildren
Beta faggots who have fallen for an obvious jewish psy-op. They are the same as SJW libtards who never date men cuz "MUH OPRUSHINS!" But you'd never hear that from an MGTOW fag.
>tfw blackpilled woman who has given up
>white race is doomed, jews have won
>men are being turned into tranny cucks
>feminism infiltrated every part of education to help turn women into either entitled cunts or depressed and suicidal
>I was too far gone before I realised how fucked everything is and now I'm too broken
>might as well just live off welfare, stay fat and watch tv all day until death comes
thank me later
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ
women are inferior, physically and mentally
>give women what they want
>beta male provider
>fuck women but don't give them what they want
>alpha chad niggerite
>don't give women what they want
>omega loser blue-pilled manchild
I just can't win, can I?
I have a girlfriend and do not plan to marry nor have children.
Not MGTOW, but the more I've read, the more I've started to sympathize.
Personally, I'm just on the "No-Hymen-No-Diamond" bandwagon. Previous partner count is predictive of likelihood to cheat/divorce. I see no good reason to marry used goods. Higher risk for less reward basically. It's absurd that a chunk of Sup Forums, despite contrasting evidence, chooses to believe that "strong men" can rehabilitate women.
The reality is, most women don't deserve to get married these days. I believe I saw a study which projected that ~40% of millennial women weren't going to marry even once in their lifetime. Good riddance, truthfully.
With regard to relationships/sexuality as a whole, I've become convinced that if demographic changes don't destroy Western Civilization, the Sexual Revolution will. Oxford-educated Anthropologist, J.D. Unwin, conducted an inquiry into civilizations which have liberated themselves sexually. Without fail, he noticed that sexual liberation tends to bring on civilizational strife/collapse, increase the risk of foreign conquest, grow wealth redistribution programs beyond what's possible, and corrode the family unit.
Given the state of today's women, a traditionally minded man would have to strike gold in order to secure himself alone against degeneracy. Regardless of the luck of a few men, society seems to be going downhill either way.
I'd argue that it's best to just let women reap what they've sown, and push for accelerationism on this issue.
>inb4 muh white birthrates
Birthrates are a red herring. They're not the issue. The white identitarian movement is small enough, and can't manage enough action to form ethnocentric communities and enclaves. Encouraging a few idealists to marry some used goods skank, and push out one or two more children than they might otherwise have is a hopeless endeavor when immigration is factored in. America takes in ~.5M predominantly nonwhite immigrants each year (Not including DACA beneficiaries, H-1B recipients, Anchor Babies, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, etc.). Europe has another refugee crisis looming over it thanks to an upcoming famine due to hit MENA countries. Barring drastic political shakeups in the next few years, we can expect things to remain largely unchanged. Why focus on birthrates at this point? You're trying to plug a dam that's already collapsed. The hordes of foreigners being imported each year are far more consequential than a handful more of white babies in unstable families (Because again, whores and used goods are more likely to cheat and divorce. Divorce results in custody being given to mothers. Single mothers vote left, go on the public dime, and raise children more prone to poor academic performance, criminality, mental health issues, substance abuse, suicide, and out of wedlock births).
>man up and make a woman decent
Impossible, every study disagrees with you. Used goods make bad wives. Regardless, why would I want every intimate moment with my wife to be soured by the fact that she's been used as a cumdumpster by some other guy?
tl;dr: The sexual revolution fucked over the West. We get to enjoy lower birthrates, the collapse of the family, and women being absolutely worthless as a result.
I'm still trying to find a decent (read: virgin) woman, but at this point, I do sympathize with the MGTOW crowd quite a bit.
if you want to ignore women just ignore them and keep going on with your life. i assure you that no one will care about your choice to ignore women as they are all too busy living their lives in turn.
the second you try to make a political moniker out of your disillusionment with women you enter into an emotional support group for men by proxy.
i know you don't want to accept this, but it's the truth: MGTOW is an emotional support group for corny men.
every man that gravitates toward MGTOW is an inherently corny person. you can smell it on them.
if you want to ignore women then do so without all this pomp and parade around it. it is cornball shit.
Why should they "grow up" for the sake of marrying used goods who present a much higher risk for a negative life outcome? Seems like there's a lack of incentives there.
There's a large contingent of Stormfront posters on this board. While they're okay on some counts, they absolutely refuse to assign blame to women for some reason. I've never understood their thinking, but it boils down to women being victims of Jews, and white men having the responsibility to look past all their transgressions and "save" them. Ridiculous.
How is recognizing that:
>Modern women aren't really worth committing to
>Modern marriage (post-no fault divorce) being skewed against men
analogous to feminism in any way? Yes, two groups of people are bitching, but that's where the similarities seem to end.
First of all I'm not nip.
As much as I hate the mostly fedora wearing mgtow guys I'm really coming to the conclusion that it is the only way guys should live in the current state of our civilisation. Think about it.
Getting married and having children is realistically speaking financial suicide for the guy. It's like gambling with all the money you currently own and all the money you will own in the future. If things go bad, and they will in almost 50% of all marriages you bill be buttraped by alimoni and child support. I don't know about the laws in your countries but where I am from they will just take everything you earn and leave you with barely enough to make ends meet and that's even the case when you got a well paid job.
I think if you believe in 'shes my miss right' youre possibly a little bit too naive. There is no such thing as eternal love. You can't foresee how you or your perfect future wife will change in the future (everybody changes) so even if it goes well for let's say 20 years. One day it might very well happen that you'll have a divorce and all the legal battles. I'm not claiming to know what way of life is the right one. I decided for myself that you cannot and should not gamble with your life like this. Blame legislation or whatever. I wouldn't say it's exclusively the women's fault it's a mixture of culture, women and legislation.
If you are planning to get married and have kids I wish you the best of luck.
Side note:
In my country there are roughly 8500 male (29-50yo) suicides per year. Around 2000 directly linked to alimony and child support. I pity them and at the same time I think it's a respectable way to get off the ride.
Why i would marry and pay all those bill wen i can just buy a nice car, fuck your wife and let you raise my children?
This, for the record, is when you'll inevitably get those morons who haven't read a thing on modern sexual behavior trying to gaslight, claiming that premarital sex, adultery, etc. have always been this way, people just feel more comfortable talking about it now.
Don't listen to Sup Forums then doing own thing
You're gonna burn yourself out on pol if you try to engage the simpletons. Obviously your intellect is of a higher calibre, so I will humor you.
I don't think your assessment is wrong per se, but you make it sound like trying to form a white nationalist movement at all is a waste of time. Yes, immigration is a huge problem, but white people will do what they've always done: white flight. White people to flee to the corners of the earth until they inevitably realize that the white nationalists were correct. Without the white nationalists, there will be no one to turn to in the white man's final hour.
White people will still exist in the future. If the past is any guide, then american will either have another civil war or split into separate entities based on culture. That being said trying to "save" women is indeed a fools errand. A better idea would be to encourage people to move to areas with a strong white population, as these will be the places that form their own state in the coming collapse.
Live free making your own ends meet and making a legacy for yourself, or getting tied down to a woman that only loves your paycheck. Hmm...
What the hell is an incel?
Most people on /pol are Alt Right kids that never even been married. You will not be taken seriously by them yet. Women are turning in to conservative/red pill/traditional women now. they will not be able to pair bond cause of riding the cock carousel. And they will divorce their beta providers.
The future is MGTOW but wait 10 years or something.
Artificial wombs are better for reproduction than women. People who say MGTOW contributes to the extinction of the white race are retarded.
This. Personally, I will never understand people who do not wish to love and raise their own children. I'd rather burn myself up in the attempt to raise a strong individual than shotgun my seeds all over the place. Seems to have worked so far for my family line - just one aunt has two, most have 3 children, all manage.
>Women are turning in to conservative/red pill/traditional women now. they will not be able to pair bond cause of riding the cock carousel. And they will divorce their beta providers.
Tradcucks BTFO from here on out.
No it isn't. Watch this: youtube.com
involuntary celibacy.
>Most people on /pol are Alt Right kids that never even been married.
Yeah, people on Sup Forums just LARP as alpha providers of the white picket-fenced house with a stay at home wife.
A fantasy of a bygone age they are not willing to take the steps to reach.
Well thanks, user, I appreciate the comment. Don't worry though, the majority of my time here is spent shitposting.
That said, despite having a few gripes with the broader White Nationalist movement, I really don't want to disparage it too much. Obviously, ethnonationism is commonsensical, and the political winds seem to be blowing in that direction.
My point, to try and boil things down, is that the White Nationalist movement, while a positive thing, is currently small and hasn't accomplished much. Jared Taylor and the Amren crowd have been floating the idea of white enclaves for a while now. That obviously hasn't materialized in any real sense. The Alt-Right suffers from the same problem, too. This isn't entirely their fault. The political climate isn't right, the movement is small, massive changes are expensive, etc. That said, I just dislike the idea that demographic issues can be solved with "more white babies." The math just isn't there. Immigration should be the main focus of ethnonationalists right now. It's a much bigger issue, and a good way to get their foot in the door politically speaking. It would be much more productive than trying to encourage the few members who will listen to completely overlook the massive faults of modern women to try and increase the white birthrate.
tl;dr: White nationalism as an idea is a good thing. Their priorities, focus and rhetoric needs to be reevaluated in my opinion.
You summed things up perfectly, user. Just because the opinions of women on certain political issues has changed doesn't make them proper wife material.
I'm not yet convinced of the inevitability of "MGTOW" entering the mainstream, at least not consciously on part of most people responsible. I do think we'll see younger people start shunning the institution of marriage though. I mentioned millennial marital projections earlier, but (and this could just be my own browsing habits), it seems like I'm noticing more and more women complaining about men "not wanting to grow up" in the obvious sense. The descriptions of men they give don't really paint the picture of self-proclaimed MGTOW, but of despondent millennial men without much incentive to partake in most social norms and functions. Anecdotal, to be sure, but I'd say it's worth keeping an eye on.
How are MGTOWs any different from the angry ugly man hating feminists who thinks that all men are rapists and who wants to tax and punish cis-men to an early grave.
Well you guys do you, but I think it's sad to steal the chance of having a loving family from yourself. Ask anyone, the most precious thing they have and the greatest source of happiness they got is always family. You can have all gadgets in the world but ultimately one of the most fullfilling feeling of all is love, being loved and loving back.
You can rationalize it all you like, but the harsh truth of life is that we are all going to get fucked over by other people at some point of our lives. It's just a part of life and there is no escape from all sorts of pain and suffering in life. Pls don't be puss out on very sentimental things in life just cause you are scared of the worst case scenario.
That subreddit is filled with complete fucking losers. Even worse spiral of self hate than /r9k/
>How are MGTOWs any different from the angry ugly man hating feminists who thinks that all men are rapists and who wants to tax and punish cis-men to an early grave.
Modern legal framework regarding divorce in the West is objectively pro-woman. Conversely, feminists can't seem to find a shred of evidence to support their claims of systemic sexism.
From what I've read of the MGTOW community (And I can't claim to be well-versed in their feelings), it seems like most want to just do their own thing, bitch about women, and discourage younger guys from making, what they view to be, their mistakes. Feminists, at this point, aren't just blowing of steam, or wallowing in self-pity, they're actively promoting ideas and legislation that harms men, male participation in things, etc.
With regard to marriage though, why should some man be eager to marry the average modern woman? Average weight has gone up, she's overwhelmingly likely used goods, etc. Why should any man be eager to incur higher risk for less reward?
>How are MGTOWs any different from the angry ugly man hating feminists who thinks that all men are rapists and who wants to tax and punish cis-men to an early grave.
>who thinks that all men are rapists
Well that's incorrect, whereas the belief that society is not only permissive but encourages hypergamy is a fact.
So 1. Reality based as opposed to fantasy based.
>Well you guys do you, but I think it's sad to steal the chance of having a loving family from yourself.
Starting a family is very risky. You have to get it right your first shot, otherwise your life is fucked and you'll never see your kids again and will be creating another single mother.
>Ask anyone, the most precious thing they have and the greatest source of happiness they got is always family. You can have all gadgets in the world but ultimately one of the most fullfilling feeling of all is love, being loved and loving back.
Women aren't capable of love in the same way as a man. They will never satisfy such a desire for love.
>You can rationalize it all you like, but the harsh truth of life is that we are all going to get fucked over by other people at some point of our lives.
And your message is pucker-up, bend over, and take it.
>It's just a part of life and there is no escape from all sorts of pain and suffering in life.
So because life is painful, better get the EXTRA THICC cock with barbed wire?
>Pls don't be puss out on very sentimental things in life just cause you are scared of the worst case scenario.
You say that as if the worst case scenario is unlikely. 50% you dumb nigger. By your logic I should gamble my life savings because I shouldn't consider the worst case scenario.
MGTOW is a movement same ws LGBT - to promote their idiotic behaviour.
Remember to sage these dumb threads and do not enter into arguments with these subhuman losers.
>With regard to marriage though, why should some man be eager to marry the average modern woman? Average weight has gone up, she's overwhelmingly likely used goods, etc. Why should any man be eager to incur higher risk for less reward?
They shouldn't. But I think that they should be less radical in their views - and just for their own gain.
If you spend a great junk of your life reading divorce statistics, listening to the stories of divorced men and basically everything which is going to strengthen the image you already got in your head, you are just basically brainwashing yourself. Sure, those things happen, people get dumped, divorce and all sorts of sad things, but there is also the other side of the coin. The desire to pair up and have offspring is a very basic desire most of us possesses. As said, I just think that it's sad that someone opts out completely just cause they are scared.
I don't think that the MGTOW guys seems too happy. If you are someone who genuinely doesn't want kids or all of that jazz, then sure be it, I'd be silly to try to make them change their ways. But I don't think that that's the honest reality for many MGTWs. They are just stubborn and stuck in this negative limbo which they are feeding all the time.
>Bitch agrees with them
>betas still attack and insult her
But that is what she deserves for uncletomming for those lowlives, same with those niggers and spics that support drumpf.
>If you spend a great junk of your life reading divorce statistics, listening to the stories of divorced men and basically everything which is going to strengthen the image you already got in your head, you are just basically brainwashing yourself.
It's called being informed. And some people need reinforcement so as not to make stupid decisions. It's like asking why recovering alcoholics go to AA. Some of them need others to keep themselves in check. People want to find meaning in the family, but the family unit has disintegrated and all they'd be doing is becoming a statistic.
>The desire to pair up and have offspring is a very basic desire most of us possesses.
Yes, for some people the desire is there, but obviously now isn't the right time.
>As said, I just think that it's sad that someone opts out completely just cause they are scared.
It's sad, that they have to opt-out, but it's smart and will ultimately allow them to find happiness.
>I don't think that the MGTOW guys seems too happy. If you are someone who genuinely doesn't want kids or all of that jazz, then sure be it, I'd be silly to try to make them change their ways. But I don't think that that's the honest reality for many MGTWs. They are just stubborn and stuck in this negative limbo which they are feeding all the time.
Yeah, it's all in their heads, society isn't totally fucked. Think positive thoughts, that's all they have to do!
>Starting a family is very risky. You have to get it right your first shot, otherwise your life is fucked and you'll never see your kids again and will be creating another single mother.
It's a risk for everyone involved yes, that's why you shouldn't breed just with anyone and you should make sure you are comfortable that the choice of your partner is a good one. Same applies for women though.
>Women aren't capable of love in the same way as a man. They will never satisfy such a desire for love.
And you base this on what? If it's the biology card, then I'll make a claim that men are only capable of loving their wives when they are young and fertile. After that love dies and he'll naturally go and want to find a younger, still fertile woman. Do you think that's true?
>They shouldn't. But I think that they should be less radical in their views - and just for their own gain.
Well, I'm not in the "Swear off all women forever" crowd, but let's personalize things a bit. I won't date non-virgin women. Not only does the thought of them being used goods disgust me, and intrude on the time I spend with them, but they're far more likely to cheat on and/or divorce me later on down the road.
Let's say I get over the first bit. Suddenly, I'm okay with the fact that my girlfriend/wife, etc. has been fucked by other men. Why shouldn't I spend time reading divorce statistics, though? Isn't it wise to arm oneself with information so that an informed and rational decision can be made?
Sure surrounding oneself with negative anecdotes can't be good for one's positivity, I won't contest that. But I see no reason why guys should ignore data.
With regard to the happiness of the MGTOW community, I won't argue that. The community seems to be made up of incels (autists, socially stunted individuals, a minority of ugly younger guys, etc.), once-burned men (the bulk of the movement, it would seem, formerly-divorced guys), and under-stimulated men with no incentives to opt into society and thus find themselves unconsciously lumped in with this group.
It's no wonder they're not really happy, but I'd argue that in most cases, their stance on MGTOW isn't the root cause of their unhappiness.
>Same applies for women though.
>marry man
>have kids with him
>he divorces and takes the kids away
In what fantasy land do you live in?
Marriage favors women.
>And you base this on what? If it's the biology card, then I'll make a claim that men are only capable of loving their wives when they are young and fertile.
Women are social, and depending on the society will either be promiscuous or obedient. There is no loyalty to them. No love. There's a difference in brain structure, in overall social conditioning. At any point she pulls the "he's not the right guy card" out and feels no remorse leaving her husband of 9 years.
I don't know whether men would do the same if they were in the exact same societal position, but as of their position right now, the only reason a guy would get into a serious relationship with a woman would be love, as it comes at a material cost and risk with no added benefit a less serious relationship would have.
>People want to find meaning in the family, but the family unit has disintegrated and all they'd be doing is becoming a statistic
Yeah, so statistics show that 100% of marriages fail, 10/10 of wives will without expection go get blacked during the marriage and out of the 50% of the marriages which do actually fail, every single divorce is woman's fault and has no other reason behind it than her desire to steal his husbands wealth and go fuck other men while not letting him meet his own kids just cause she finds it cool to be an evil witch. Alright. Well if statistics really are that way, I guess it's better to avoid marriages altogether as a man.
>It's sad, that they have to opt-out, but it's smart and will ultimately allow them to find happiness.
I don't know man, maybe we just disagree on this, but if I'm imagining the very moment where I'm on my deathbed, old and sick, realizing that I've almost played the one chance I was given in life. I don't think that I'd be thinking "at least I didn't let any whore fuck me over." I'd personally rather even get fucked over than live a life of not getting loved and having loved. Not all marriages are forever, but if you two chose to take the commitment to that level, there sure must have been good times on the road.
You just make it sound like we should all kill our selves right now cause we are going to die anyway oneday and the actual death we'd experience naturally could be painful so why wait and take the risk.
Speaking to U.S. divorce statistics at least, ~69% of them are initiated by women, and the most commonly cited reason is 'dissatisfaction.'
Marriage and the nuclear family just doesn't work anymore. There needs to be some kind of change. Humans are very adaptable. We'll figure something out
I'm genuinely curious as to what you mean by this.
Going by all the data and studies we have, monogamy and the nuclear family seem to be the optimal form of human organization. Both for promoting investment in children, and society at large. The data bears this out, and the sentiment has been echoed by serious academics familiar with the subject.
What's not working about marriage and the nuclear family? Does this reflect an inherent problem with these things, or does the blame lie elsewhere (individuals, culture, legal framework, economic stresses, etc.)? What can possibly replace it that isn't objectively inferior?
>Well if statistics really are that way, I guess it's better to avoid marriages altogether as a man.
So as long as it was only 99% of marriages, you'd still do it since there is "a chance"?
Wow, it's not the worst case every single time, guess that means you should fucking go for it. Are you the kind of guy who spends all his money on lottery tickets?
>I'd personally rather even get fucked over than live a life of not getting loved and having loved.
Spoken like a true cuck.
>well at least I helped Jamal's girlfriend with her finances!
>well at least I had sex once
>I even had a son, well my ex-wife's son
>I guess life wasn't half bad!
>go to heaven
>Paul is hysterically laughing at you
>You have a suite in the cuck corner of heaven
>big boy points and "at least you tried" awards daily!
>I don't know man, maybe we just disagree on this, but if I'm imagining the very moment where I'm on my deathbed, old and sick, realizing that I've almost played the one chance I was given in life. I don't think that I'd be thinking "at least I didn't let any whore fuck me over."
Personally, I think that'd be a great thing to think on your deathbed, but even better would be
>at least I didn't enable some bitch
>Why shouldn't I spend time reading divorce statistics, though? Isn't it wise to arm oneself with information so that an informed and rational decision can be made?
Because people doesn't work like statistics. It's not like you'll get married and some upper force will spin a lottery wheel and with 50% chance your marriage will either fail or last. Those marriage statistics includes all marriages, between all kinds of demographic groups. You can actually control the risk at least somewhat - know whom you are marrying, don't marry too soon, screen through potential partners and opt out if needed.
All I'm saying is that driving is dangerous, but by using a seatbelt, driving accordingly and adjusting your speed you cut the risk significantly. You cannot manage the risk of someone else crushing into you, but the car crash statistics includes both responsible and irresponsible drivers - yet the statistics would look different if everyone was a responsible one.
maybe you should spend your time making sure you have a good relationship with girlfriend/wife instead of reading up about what can go wrong. Seems like it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy
im with you on the virgin thing, i cant see past it, its 100% a deal breaker if shes not a virgin and most women arent virgins so its better to stay out of the game for guys like us. hookups/1 night stands/short term girlfriends dont excite me whatsoever either. i dont think most guys understand we cant sleep around like they can.
lmao, MGTOW is just an excuse for losers to remain as kissless virgins.
Everyone thinks they got the good one.
You don't even have to do anything wrong, she just has to see something she likes in someone else and get curious.
I'm not even disagreeing with you in this regard. This is why I'm doing what I'm doing with regard to women. Marriages involving female virgins have an extraordinarily high success rate. Even when comparing virginity to other markers of marital success (College education, middle class+, etc.) virginity seems to come out far ahead as being a predictor of remaining married.
I wasn't aware the two were mutually exclusive.
Oh, even ignoring the data, I find it to be disgusting to consider. Sadly, I've not had much luck. A fun little anecdote though. I recently dropped a church girl who admitted to not being a virgin. Apparently I'm the bad guy for not being able to look past it and forgive her. I'm still trying the church meme, but I think I need to consider other churches at this point. American evangelism is nothing but "forgiveness," and gay-bashing.
most of the girls at church are trying to "sober up" or "clean up" from their "naughty years" i would steer clear of church girls
The older ones? Absolutely. I had hoped that some of the youth group church girls weren't trash though.
After the blackpill, there comes the iron pill. Get fit, get a hard working man, get fucked, breed a couple aryans somewhere in the country, homeschool if possible. Be the best person you can be. Society will fall earlier or later, and with it this degeneracy. Don't waste your life in nihilism if there is still a way to produce quality humans.
>Are you the kind of guy who spends all his money on lottery tickets?
Again, lottery and marriage statistics are completely different. Everyone buying a lottery ticket has an equal, small chance of winning and you either win or not, there is no gray area. When it comes to marriages you shouldn't just look at the end results and draw black and white conclusions. (Like that 10/10 of those 50% of failed marriages were proposed by women, resulting in the man losing his kids and all of his wealth. 100% of the cases the husband was an ideal husband and there was no abuse of the wide or substitutes or cheating.)
>Spoken like a true cuck
Well what can I say, you can't win if you don't even gamble. MGTOWs are the ones giving up even before the race has even started.
>at least I didn't enable some bitch
Quite sad desu if on your last moments you'd be happy that you didn't lose money for some imaginary person who doesn't even exist in your life and never did.
Even if the marriage ended, chances are that you had good times together. She gave you offspring. With you she formed a family, which gave your life a meaning and great amounts of happy moments. Who knows why your marriage ended, and even if it did, whether the divorce was ugly or not. Or maybe it didn't even end. You simply can not know beforehand, but if you decide your faith already and decide not the even give it a go, you know already that you are most likely going to be more or less lonely and sad cause oneday you'll realize that you aren't going to live forever and neither does anyone else around you. You see your friends having kids and grandkids, you see your friends getting sick and dying. And what you'll also see is friends with loving partners by their side. And you realize that you missed out on all that. And it's not cause of evil whore women, but because you chose to say no to giving life a chance.
Don't know about MGTOW and I guess families are fine and all but there's not a sinle benefit for a man to be constitutionally married today.
There is not a single unmarried man over 40 who is happy. You're just kidding yourself if you think men aren't totally dependent on women for happiness and vice versa.
I'll make a deal with y'all
Reformulate or Dissolve the Family Court System, make prenups enforceable, and I'll actively try and start a family.
Until then, you're asking me to play Russian roulette with a half loaded revolver.
>I'm still trying to find a decent (read: virgin) woman
Abandon all hope, my friend. If you are not a pedo, you'd rather win a lottery than find a virgin.
Sometimes shit is so beyond repair that it needs to completely burn down to salvageable.
At this juncture in history we're in foreign territory.
No, whites are not going to "breed themselves out of decline" with "the iron pill".
This is about societal forces and technology.
You can't control shit.
Well I dare to claim that marriages where the female is a virgin are successful because the couple is very likely united by religious values. Marriage is viewed differently and divorce has a bad stigma to it. If you are worried about getting judged by your social circle or even by God, you will hold onto the marriage tight. It doesn't mean that the marriage is happy though. It might or might not be, but again all I'm saying is that you can't just stare at the statistics and draw conclusions.
Anyhow, if the girl being a virgin is important to you for whatever reason, you should hold onto that criteria and you have every right to do so. You might have to widen your search area though. Good news is that the world literally is your oyster, internet connects us even if the physical distance is great and in theory you have a much greater access to potential partners than any of your ancestors had. Sure this can also turn against itself and some people are so blinded by the sea of options that they'll always go around looking for the next best thing. But not everyone, and you just have to do screening and perhaps widen your horizons. At least try to actually find a partner, don't just give up. You shouldn't have to compromise with your basic values and criteria, and in that case it is better to stay unmarried. But at least try. For your own sake.
My state has fairly lax AoC laws, so I'm attempting to take advantage of them. Regardless, it is an admittedly shitty situation.
Well frankly, we don't really care what you do with your life. At the end of the day you either take the risk or you opt-out. No one else is really interested in forcing you to contribute for the society or save the white race or anything like that, no one really cares. It's you and your life and you either play or you go your own way, and I don't think that anyone will be running after you or yelling for you to get back.
There's no way that bitch is 21. She looks 35 at the least.
fpbp. They are no different than the fat whale that holds out for their prince charming.
>if there is still a way
If only there was a way.
Maybe she is 43 and 21 miles away?
>alpha providers of the white picket-fenced house with a stay at home wife.
I don't larp as this - I have a stay at home wife, two kids, 2000 square foot white picket fence house, 'manly' job as a firefighter, etc. etc.
Reality is not nearly as much fun as fantasy - the fantasy of the alpha provider with the above is ingrained into a lot of young men's heads. The reality of it is far, far fucking different.
You're responsible for everything - you must continually lead her and the kids. A stay at home mom is bored fucking senseless most of the day - and the moment you walk into the house she's there, expectant. The kids are very similar. You have to continually be the center of their world - and most of the time it's a good thing. But sometimes...fuck me, sometimes the thought of being a single man in his 40s is so fucking tempting it hurts.
There are benefits and drawbacks to everything in life - married/not married. Kids/no kids. And the reality of all of it is not anything like what you imagine. My desire at times to be a single man in his 40s would not be reflective of what reality would be like for a man in his 40s. It's just a pipe dream you create in your head - just like everything else.
That said, for fuck's sake, be careful about getting married/having kids. I seem to have lucked out (for now - nobody knows what the future holds) - but I don't kid myself that things could have been far, far worse. Women hold every single legal card when it comes to marriage and kids these days, and if she is done with you...you're fucked. For hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
The whole MGTOW movement to check out is simply a man's version of feminism. They're not happy so we are hearing the nonstop bitching (instead of improving or using the time wisely for other things). There is no need to bitch about it or announce it - that's what women do.
Simply use your time wisely, do other things but at least make them productive. Locking yourself up in a room, locking yourself away, playing endless hours of video games - all not productive, not healthy, etc....
>A stay at home mom is bored fucking senseless most of the day
The biggest problem here is that most modern women don't have enough brain not to cheat while you are at home. Controling own desires is a basic thing for most men to do, but women? Nah.
>I seem to have lucked out
I hope your luck will not leave you, mate. God bless, if you believe in one.
>slaving for shekelstein so you can feed and house your bitch who's fucking tyrone on the side when you're at work and her screaming little shits
Kumar knows what's up
It's analogous to feminism in that MGTOW acknowledges women as adult equal individuals, which they can't be.
>men doesn't hate women
Kek. Just look at this thread m8.
The one with higher IQ is the one with upper hand and that also correlates with maturity. (Being able to see the bigger picture and consequences of ones actions.) Stating that all men are superior to all women is simply false, since women are not en masse inferior to men intellectually.
Interestingly enough it's men who portrait many childlike personality features, like the lack of impulse control. Men have a harder time controlling their hormonal urges. It's men who rape, use violence, break things, break law, kill and has a strong desire to control women and their sexuality cause he can not handle seeing her acting against his will.
>Have retrograde ejaculation
>Can't cum anymore and impregnating women is very difficult now
>Im 20 y/o
I better go suicide then Mgtow.
>slaving for shekelstein so you can feed and house niggers and their screaming little shits without anything of value which will be left after you die
A good little goy you are. Yo need no men.. I mean female. They are all there to get you.
For you guys looking for a virgin girl, well....
You can stop wasting time and marry your hand right now
Literally preferable to marrying used goods user. While it's doubtful that you're a woman, I tend to loathe this line of thinking when it comes from them.
>Take that boys! We're all shitty partners, and you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.
No thanks.
Given statistics on virginity and reported depression & marital happiness, I'd argue it's genuine rather than compelled by religion. Then, one must also take into account the fact that promiscuity literally erodes one's ability to pair-bond at the neurochemical level.
Funny how the one good post in the thread is ignored by all the stormweenie circle-jerkers going on about "MGTOW is the jews, women dindu nothin!"
Good posts mate.
He's saying that finding a virgin girl is extremely unlikely.
I really sympathize with MGTOW, and have been burnt before.
I guess, this has a point, it´s about "raising women" but there are different pedagogic approaches, the best education works over relationship and authenticity and not over authoritarian discipline, and so on.
So i guess, maybe there would be the possibillity to handle your women without an authoritaraian "parienting" style, which i find is outdatet and inferior to a relationship based parenting style.
I mean isn't it interesting that most of these "young" females coming on the Alt-right side don't have families or children with a stable partner?
It was too good to answer. It is like laws of physics, you can't deny it and you will not.
I'm well aware. I'm just pointing out that just because the overwhelming majority of women are shit, doesn't mean that compromising on something so essential is worthwhile.
Yes, it's unlikely. So? I'm not marrying used goods.
What video is this from?
Hardly any women these days have a stable family.
Unfortunately most females are used goods incapable of pair-bonding.
Why are they coming to the altright? they see the shift and are preempting it for social capital.
Exactly, it's in their nature.
And that's exactly one of the main points of MGTOW. Female nature in combination with present laws enforced by the force of the state = men are fucked very easily. You want to risk your life savings and maybe your childrens future?
>Well you guys do you, but I think it's sad to steal the chance of having a loving family from yourself. Ask anyone, the most precious thing they have and the greatest source of happiness they got is always family. You can have all gadgets in the world but ultimately one of the most fullfilling feeling of all is love, being loved and loving back.
Nothing in life is guaranteed. Just because somebody else found it doesn't mean you will.
>It's just a part of life and there is no escape from all sorts of pain and suffering in life.
Yes, there is. The solution is not to play the game in the first place. Don't partake in it.
Then you will stay alone. Your life, your rules tho.
I somewhat agree with you, the purer the better, but some used womans makes fantastic and faithful wives.
This guy gets it. Nothing wrong not being a submissive beta doormat (which is not masculine and which is just as big of a turn off for most women as a very masculine woman is for most men.) But you can't act like a parent or some other actual authority figure and tell her what to do. That will piss her off because no one enjoys getting controlled like that. A woman with brain and healthy sense of self-respect isn't going to tolerate that and the more negative feelings you raise within her, the less she'll respect you. You'll just unironically push her away that way.
The data says otherwise.
Stay delusional/roastie.
No i don´t mean that,
i mean leading her by relationship, you have to lead her, she will fail if you don´t just look at the mess of women who follow the state ideology blind and tell themselfes that they are "independet".
I mean you have to lead her on a basis of trust and authenticity, you have to be honest and caring, she has to choose you as her leader because you gained her trust and she realises that you are good for her, and this is nothing which you can force, in the contrary it will destroyed by force.
N1 pajeet
Yeah fuck the data.
How about going out and meeting girls and see with your onw eyes. You will soon realize that even if a girl had a life before meeting you, doesnt mean she is a slut or a garbage human being.
Just by curiosity, what do you think of mens who had multiple sexual partners ? Do they make good husband ?
that's the point
>The biggest problem here is that most modern women don't have enough brain not to cheat while you are at home. Controling own desires is a basic thing for most men to do, but women? Nah.
No legal punishment for cheating is why I'm never touching marriage. Fuck that shit. I've seen too many men punished for the actions of their partner.