We're only one step away now from a society accepting pedophilia diversity!

We're only one step away now from a society accepting pedophilia diversity!
Think of the progress we've made!!!

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One step closer to the backlash

That vid was getting savaged in the comments section and dislike bar yesterday. Then they did the usual lefty trick of disabling it all to allow their degeneracy to go unchallenged.

Just shoot everyone involved. How the fuck is that kid not taken by child protection services.

Fuck that gets me salty. That poor little bastard. He'll be dead in 10 years by his own hand all because his parents wanted to show how tolerant they are.


Shamelessly reposting from another thread.

President of the American College of Pediatricians, Michelle Cretella, MD explains it as "institutionalized child abuse."
>'Affirming’ so called transgender children means sterilizing them as young as 11years old,” said Dr. Cretella. “Puberty blockers plus cross-sex hormones causes permanent sterility.

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder”, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Close to 80% of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated.

Forced Transgender Boy Quickly Returns To Normal After Removal From Mother’s Care

The trans population is growing at what should be considered an alarming rate.

Allowing trannies in the military and forcing citizens to pay for cosmetic surgeries negatively affects troop morale as well as impacts enlistment rates/quality. Related thread with veterans expressing discontent: Regarding bullshit paid-for gender studies:
>Two Dudes Wrote a Fake Penis Study and Got It Published to Slam Gender Research
>"Part of the fault may fall on the open-access, pay-to-publish model, but the rest falls on the entire academic enterprise collectively referred to as 'gender studies,'"
>But other scientists have come to the defense of the field of gender studies, pointing out that flawed, weak, or incorrect papers get published in practically all disciplines, including medicine and math.

No I just think the crazier this shit gets the more normies will get out off until the pendulum swings back hard

Twitter is already there

>one step away

Don't you remember? During the 70's the left used to shill full force for legalizing pedophilia. They even had open, active pedophiles in influential positions. They came around when they noticed nobody was down for it, but that culture doesn't just disappear.

Why do you think these people fall head over heels for the religion with the pedo prophet? Leftists have always been pedophiles, or at least sympathetic to pedophiles.


Jesus christ these guys are fucked

That 13 year old "gangbang slut" is obvious honeypot

isn't sterilization why the tranny shit is being pushed in the first place?

Could be though those guys have had accounts since 09 preying on actual young girls. I had one girl that got harassed recently and had to get police involved. Twitter banned her account rather than theres. So if its a honeypot its a shitty one

There's multiple reasons, that being one of them. But ask your average tranny enabler in the business why they peddle this and the answer will be "because it is profitable."

It makes logical sense to allow sex between adults and children, as long as the all consent and no one is being hurt. Why deprive these children of something they have a natural right to enjoy?
That's how it will be portrayed, that and "we're born this way".

>"I think anyone can do what they want in life, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks"
haha.. me too..

The internet is a really dangerous place for people this stupid.


Lol as to why people have their images and location I have no clue

>How the fuck is that kid not taken by child protection services.

You don't understand, user....

Yes, leftists love the "natural" argument. I occasionally visit Plebbit, and someone expressed their concern about mass immigration. Not one, but two (maybe even three) leftist pieces of shit actually came along with the whole "change is natural" argument.

Leftists have also sanctioned Islamic child marriages among """"refugees"""". The only reason they're not more in favour of pedophilia, is because society at large abhors it. But the classic leftist relativism no doubt spurs most of them on to regard pedophiles as poor, misunderstood victims who just want to be sweet to children. And body-destroying sexual violation, eh, who worries about that, really?

We let it get this way. Ths slipping away into Muhammad Jihad consciousness. We should've listen to what the prophets warned us about. Were fucked!

>baby seal

And here I was thinking the sea otters were the sexual predators.

>comments disabled
>ratings disabled

I'm kind of curious to see how this goes. If the pedo push actually happens, it'll result in a lowering of AoC Laws.

Yes, fucking prepubescent children is disgusting and degenerate; however, post-puberty, biologically, is fine. The interesting interplay will come from the fact that modern AoC laws were actually pushed for by a lot of the early feminist rabble-rousers.

How are whores, single mothers, and post-wall women going to compete with the "groomable" 15 year old should our legal system change?

If nothing else, I'll enjoy watching a potential schism in the social progressive crowd.


>No I just think the crazier this shit gets the more normies will get out off until the pendulum swings back hard
Do they not teach you english down under mate?

we have already lost the west. how do we preserve at least some small core of civilization in this mad world?

LGBTP when?

Soon the breaking point and all of what they call progress will be swept away and traditionalism, conservative values will be back ;)

Good night gay kikes

Oh ok

She was a hero

Is that Youtube?

Twitter lol

same thing

>You need new parents

Anyone remembers that new bill they passed and the arguments we had for it? Are you still not able to connect the dots, leafs?


So we just gon ignore her name huh?


Canadian friends of mine recently had a child. I am very worried for them.


Lol its not based on email its based on IP as to why

We had a huge thread few days ago about a bill recently passed in... one of the cucked Canada states, forgot which one.

In the bill, it was clearly implied (by being intentionally vague) that any families that harbor anti-LGBT sentiment will be deemed unfit to take care of their children's needs so the state can take them away and put them in a family that supports it.

If your 10 year old decides it's a womyn and wants its dick chopped off and you don't let it, you are emotionally hurting it and it can be taken from you.
The video I just had the courage to see coincides with everything.

Please don't ask me to look for the bill.


The name chosen is clearly the most disturbing part about all this

Is this gonna be the new norm in 10 years?

That one. Thanks burgerbro.

We had a few leafs playing lawyers but they all realized in the end how dangerous that bill is.

Lo and behold, an 8 year old saying
>You need new parents

My God.

Gas the kikes.
Race war now.

>making kids choose a sexual identity before puberty.
>even telling them they can choose before puberty until they believe you

this is definitely the work of people who want to fuck children. I find it disgusting and morally abhorrent so naturally, only someone who doesn't, i.e. a kidfucker, would be for this sort of thing.


checked but naaaah. White people want to be destroyed. It's over m8. Let's watch from a distance the demise of western civilization. It's over.

The problem is, in that video there should be a 2m tall Canadian dad delivering a right hook to that ping shirt faggot and grabbing his daughter from the ear home.

But that shit is all illegal now, apparently.
Fathers won't have legal rights on their children if the state ''proves'' they bring emotional harm.

He's just being a law abiding citizen m80.

>grabbing his daughter from the ear home
they've gotten to you too

W-White genocide isn't real!- Every cultural marxist.

Maybe for non cucked countries such as yours. But the vast majority of the west is lost.

Looks like jews like to play with fire, normalfags are antipedo as fuck

destroy the bridges out and nuke us pls.


>Don't ever touch your child it's BAAAAD
It's you that they've gotten to, retard.

Perhaps you leafs deserve it all. I don't know why I wasted my precious minutes again for your sorry asses.

his "daughter" is a boy

Literally who?

What the FUCK is wrong with people (especially moms) who endorse this? I thought parents should tell kids that they're beautiful even without all that kikery.
And what about feminists? My head's about to blow up. Shouldn't they fight with such degenerate representation of women? I know that radical feminism does but shouldn't all "Body Positive" libfem weirdos oppose this too?
I want off this ride

>his daughter
Finland...i'm sorry

It seems you were lied to about the nature of your enemy, your atention diverted.