Should gays be allowed to adopt? Thoughts?
Should gays be allowed to adopt? Thoughts?
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It's not the most desirable situation but, if I had to be honest, I'd rather the kid have someone who could care for him instead of growing up in an orphanage.
No. Higher rates of "divorce", no normal family role model, higher rates of mental illnes, degenerate behaviour, child molestation and undesirable social interactions.
Fags should not adopt, most of them are just as destructive as single mothers, although homosexual women are even worse.
Better invest in good orphanages and don't make it so fucking hard for normal people to adopt.
Nope. If homos were meant to have kids they would get pragnent and poop them out.
This, I'm sure foster parents are screened for history of mental illness or abuse and a thorough background check is done before they're allowed to adopt. It doesn't matter if they're gay as long as they raise the child normally, without forcing their beliefs on them, which can happen regardless of whether a couple is gay or straight, e.g:
source for any of that?
I've seen studies that suggest the opposite:
>lgbt equality site
Yes, but you woill have to take a Polack by his words as I don't have a source dump for this topic. It's just my mental collection of all kind of differnt facts I've come across under consideration of peer reviewed studies and as objective as can be sources (most had other main findings, as direct studies about possible negative outcomes obviously would not get funded, just like with race realism).
And I don't hate fags, they are mostly more intelligent than hetero men and have done much for society and that's also why it would be better if they would at least try to fuck women and get their genes on instead of embracing their hedonism. They can still have a sidefag.
Homosexuality IS a mental illness.
But consider that homosexuality is most likely the result of a chemical inblalance in the brain to the prenatal development and early childhood (see:
A child need both genders to grow up healthy and to know how to interact which each one. It's just as bad as letting boys grow up in a system where they rarely even see a male figure (single mother, female teachers, females coworkers, etc). Those boys get feminzed and have psychological deficits (see nearly all Moly-Meme stats). The same will be true about male-only envoirements and those which are mostly lgbt instaed of "normal".
It's not possible to rear children in a different way to which you life. And we don't need more kids thinking about transitioning because it's
With restrictions.
I'd say they're only allowed Retards and downies, they can even take niggers if they like. But apart from that, then no, it's not normal.
I've always wondered what happens in a gay household when the kid shouts dad, does it cause a tear in the very fabric of the universe?
>A child need both genders to grow up healthy and to know how to interact which each one.
Won't most of this interaction occur at school anyway? Female teachers, female students and male students to interact with. Having one extra male parent shouldn't make a difference in terms of interacting with the opposite gender.
And anyway, you're assuming that every male parent will exhibit male characteristics and every female parent will exhibit female characteristics, but in reality one parent might be more feminine than the other regardless of sexual orientation.
>Won't most of this interaction occur at school anyway?
Use your fucking brain. There is no substitute for your parental figures. Cut this fucking critical theory shit out.
>Won't most of this interaction occur at school anyway?
There is a great qulity difference between a teacher which has to deal with 30x6-8 kids a day and your parents which actually should care for you and give you moral and intimite support. Otherwise it would be enought to just give a kid a TV and let it learn how humans work. How should a young boy learn how a good women behaves if he doesn't have a rolemodell at home? Why do you think so many young men don't know how to find good wifes? Because they have grow up in single mother households and only learned how trashy women are. They same will be probably the case in male-only households. You can't just take away the father nor the mother and think the kid will get it somewhere else.
>And anyway, you're assuming that every male parent will exhibit male characteristics and every female parent will exhibit female characteristics
Yeah, that's what functioning households do. Sexual rolemodels are there for a reason. Nearly all females want to be housewifes (see the growing dissatisfaction with more and more woemn working/ more feminism) and most men want be a provider (see also that still most women want a men being more succsesfull then them and this is harder and harder as women can study and earn more and more - women get more and more unhappy).
That's simply how humans evolved, most outliers have chemical inbalances or where indoctrinated. That's it. And that'S also why our societies fail, broken people rear broken kids, which will themself get broken children.
>Are much more likely to have received welfare (IBF 17%; LM 69%; GF 57%)
>Have lower educational attainment
>Report less safety and security in their family of origin
>Report more ongoing "negative impact" from their family of origin
>Are more likely to suffer from depression
>Have been arrested more often
>If they are female, have had more sexual partners--both male and female
>Are more likely to be currently cohabiting
>Are almost 4 times more likely to be currently on public assistance
>Are less likely to be currently employed full-time
>Are more than 3 times more likely to be unemployed
>Are nearly 4 times more likely to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual
>Are 3 times as likely to have had an affair while married or cohabiting
>Are an astonishing 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
>Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will
>Are more likely to have "attachment" problems related to the ability to depend on others
>Use marijuana more frequently
>Smoke more frequently
>Watch TV for long periods more frequently
>Have more often pled guilty to a non-minor offense
>It found that children of homosexual fathers are nearly 3 times as likely, and children of lesbian mothers are nearly 4 times as likely, to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual. Children of lesbian mothers are 75% more likely, and children of homosexual fathers are 3 times more likely, to be currently in a same-sex romantic relationship.
>Both males and females who were raised by both lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers have more opposite-sex (heterosexual) partners than children of married biological parents (daughters of homosexual fathers had twice as many). But the differences in homosexual conduct are even greater. The daughters of lesbians have 4 times as many female (that is, same-sex) sexual partners than the daughters of married biological parents, and the daughters of homosexual fathers have 6 times as many. Meanwhile, the sons of both lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers have 7 times as many male (same-sex) sexual partners as sons of married biological parents.
>Children raised by a lesbian mother were 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver" (23% reported this, vs. only 2% for children of married biological parents), while those raised by a homosexual father were 3 times more likely (reported by 6%).
Consider those are meta-studies which are are summary of all we know while also showing the bias in the previous ones. The results also match our social outcomes.
Also it's note worthy that people with higher numbers of sexual partners are less likely to remain in a stable relationship. This means having gay parents will drasticly lessen your chances of getting children (healthy children in a marriage) yourself.
Gay adoption is their primary method for creating more fags. So no.
Based Jap
As stupid as it sounds, that's actually the case.
It's like the "foreigners take away our jobs"-meme, which is actually true if you read into the job market, wage dumping and effects of immigration on welfare.
Gays should not have children.
no. it deprives a child of either a mother or a father.
>putting vulnerable children under the custody of mentally ill deviants
Do you think the majority of gays have gay parents? Man you guys are stupid.
>Do you think the majority of gays have gay parents? Man you guys are stupid.
Of course not, she the study about hormonal effects on human sexuality, but gay parents tend to create children which tend to be very unsure about their sexuality even without prenatal exposure - which should be considered child abuse.
No, if they adopt a boy they will obviously rape and molest him. (Youtube search "The Boy With The Henna Tattoo" to get an idea of what I'm talking about.)
If they adopt a girl they won't rape her but they will still expose her o all kinds of degeneracy and be a really terrible male figure in her life which will seriously fuck up her future relationships with men.
Homosexuality itself should just be made illegal. Obviously it will still go on behind closed doors but criminalizing it will force fags to keep it there and prevent them from ever getting any foothold. Gays need to stay in the closet.
Gays shouldn't be allowed outside of mental wards user.
who would want to adopt a homo
I threw up
Fucking sick fucks
>be an impressionable young child
>look up to parents because they know everything
>daddy talks about sucking dicks all day and brings home strange men
People develop sexual fetishes when they're young, homosexuality is no different. Most gays turned out that way because they were abused as children.
I think being gay doesnt have anything to do with it.
Being a fucking degenerate should disqualify you. There are plenty of gays who are completely normal.
There are only lots of straight couples who are completely degenerate and should never be allowed near kids.
Is forcing gays to pretend to be straight any better though? You'll end up having a bunch of guys marrying women they don't love, which would result in broken homes.
I say keep homosexuality legal, but don't allow them to adopt or make public displays.
What did they mean by this Sup Forums?
>There are plenty of gays who are completely normal.
Lol no. By definition homosexuals cannot be normal.
Is he, dare I say.../our kid/?
Homosexuality is normal in nature. Acting like a fucking faggot isn't.
>Is forcing gays to pretend to be straight any better though?
They simply will not be able to make such degenerate "pride" parades and marry. They will still know how to hock up and fuck each other. Nothing will change for them, besides rights which have a negative effect on society.
They don't have to marry a woman, it's not like you get killed if you're not married by 30.
Pretty much this D E S U. Degenerates shouldn't be allowed to have kids period. Although i don't think geys should be allowed to adopt either way.
Heteronormativity BTFO
I'm not advocating that.
I just want to go back to a time when they had to tell everybody that they are bachelor roommates and we all pretended that we didn't know what that really meant.
Criminalization prevents them from organizing any gay rights groups in the first place. (Also if we get rid of the jews that will help that too, much of the leadership of the gay rights movement is made up of gay jews). If they try to protest or demand rights they will be jailed.
I'm not advocating cameras in bedrooms or cops kicking down people's doors.
Don't ask, don't tell. But of you do tell you go to fucking prison.
>Don't ask, don't tell.
>Homosexuality IS a mental illness.
As homosexual you have decided to extract yourself from the pool or reproduction. Therefore you have NOT earned the right to adopt a child!
It's completely different w/ hetero couples who have to struggle w/ infertility due to injury or other mishaps. OTOH, couples who willingly sterilised themselves and later start regretting it, shouldn't be eligable for adoption, too!
...what is it with the boatload of homo threads?
>I'd rather the kid be passed around as a fucktoy for faggots than have them live in an orphanage
That's how you sound.
People are going to start suspecting something if two unmarried men are hanging out together a lot past a certain age. Also, isn't "bachelor roommates" pretty much telling? Why not just criminalize gay rights groups? Sodomy laws seem a bit much.
shouldnt even be allowed to breathe
I'm basing it off of what has actually happened.
We had that system for years and everything was fine. It was illegal to be gay but nobody hunted them down or anything.
Then it became legal to be gay. And in a few short decades they have total control over the pop culture and it is almost illegal to not support them. In America the only thing stopping the govt from throwing me in jail for typing this is the 1st Amendment.
Give them a hand and they chop off your whole arm.
no it was not fine you fucking retard it was horrible to be gay in those times and thousands of people did get arrested for it.
So, don't go fuck in degenerate locations with your hommies. Nobody has been arrested only for being with a men at home. They all come from asking normal people to fuck them in pubs.
Go cry somewhere else stupid faggot and stop believing those LBGT boogeymen.
And I would also add that I would outlaw things like tinder or hock up bars at all. It's degenerate and ruins society.
Could've been worse faggot, you're welcome.
Yes, they were. People would be persecuted even if they were under the suspicion of being gay. You have no fucking idea how it was then. kys.
Yeah pretty much. I realized there was never going to be a point in time when all these LGBT groups said "We are done. We are finally equal. Close up shop, everybody go home. We have enough rights." It will never, ever, ever end with them because they are fundamentally inferior to us and on some level they know it. So they will constantly demand more rights to feel equal, but it will never satisfy them because they are not equal, so they will demand even more rights and so on. Maybe they will stop if artificial wombs are created and they can actually make life. Otherwise I see no end to it.
I'm not going to claim that everything was perfect and there were no abuses but most of those gays were arrested for having orgies in clubs and bath houses. How often were the cops kicking down bedroom doors?
It's not like they were always catching them in the act but people talked especially back then and people knew and when they knew they would be harassed by the law and the people.
Ze women were CATTLE back then, you have no idea how much oppression we faced REEEE
You're hazard for society, that's just what it is. The only times you did get fucked up was if you behaved in a way your community has demed you a danger for them. Behave like a straight good persoon and nobody would care - and don't fucking come back at me with those 2-3 times some nednecks smashed some gay prositutes.
Almost no gay people acted fem because people would know. I'm not gay I just recognize that it was fucked up.
It wasn't. It was what was the best for the majority and society at large. Now we played your wishes, given you all the rights and believed you that it's not a slippery slope - and look where we are. Kids get their genitals chopped of against the wish of their parents after indoctrinating them into LGBT shit.
The hand and the arm. You have showed yourself to not be a healthy part of society and onn contrary a danger for our children.
Ok what you are talking about (police and other people harassing a person that they suspected was gay) is extra-legal activities. Not at all what I am talking about.
Gays molest children 30 times more than heterosexual couples. They should be shot in the head, not allowed custody of children.
No one who gets srs does it because of indoctrination, everyone who's willing to get that done do it because they have a severe mental illness and having a penis causes thems severe distress. And trans people have been around since that time.
You're a fucking retard with his head up his ass.
Of course.
>It was what was the best for the majority and society at large. Now we played your wishes, given you all the rights and believed you that it's not a slippery slope - and look where we are. Kids get their genitals chopped of against the wish of their parents after indoctrinating them into LGBT shit.
I agree 100%. All this tranny shit (and soon pedophilia and bestiality) is a result of that gay shit opening the door. We did not just wake up one day and start cutting our sons' dicks off. Getting to this point was a process. One that started by saying "It is ok to be gay".
>No one who gets srs does it because of indoctrination
Kids under 10y old get puberty blockers and get encuraged to change their sex, how do you think kids can actually learn what they want if their ingroup praises trannies and claims it's a-okay? EVen if the don't chop of their balls they fuck up their whole hormon household. AT this point you simply don't want to see the facts, fag.
>You're a fucking retard with his head up his ass.
>historical facts
>scientific facts
>social facts
>current year
Yeah, sure it's always those ebil nazi-frogs.
>Child, aged five, born genetically male will undergo intersex surgery to become a sterilised female after Family Court ruling
>New Ontario law allows govt to seize children if parents oppose their ‘gender identity’
Nothing to see, goy. That's just love and tolerance. Don't be such a hateful bigot.
The most UNSUITABLE parents I have ever seen were 2 lesbian couples who both had kids.
I feel sorry for the kids to this day =(
Pedophilia is already on the march and the bestiality-fags already tried last year to get the animal rights changed due to their sexual orientation, so they can be able to fuck them.
They push and push and we give and give. This will never end. Somethey they will claim a right to fuck your dead grandmother.
Puberty blockers are completley reversable and they're only on them a short amount of time until they get old enough to get on hormones if they need them. And trans people can be perfectly normal people if they get treatment (are allowed to transition) and aren't encouraged to be a degenerate.
It's not gay/trans people pushing sjw shit, they're just another pawn of the jews.
>muh slippery slope
There are pretty obvious reasons why pedophilia will never be legalised.
That's an intersex child, She has a vagina but she also has testicles. They're just removing the testicals so she doesn't grow up to be a he-she freak. It's what they've always done.
Only blood relatives.
If a trans kid knows they're trans and can't transition because their parents are bigots and have to watch their body be destroyed they should be able to be put in the care of the state.
>all that excuses why it's a-okay to give small kids hormon blockers
You know that nearly all kids grow out of this if not encouraged? It's a MENTAL ILLNESS. We should do everything to work AGAINST this. Just fucking look at the suicide rates if encouraged you fucking degenerate.
Good god, how can you not fucking see what you are promoting.
>There are pretty obvious reasons why pedophilia will never be legalised.
We have a party in german which makes our current school books which teach children to try and stick their fingers up their age (under 6 y old) and pictures adults doing it to little boys while being against child marriage. "it will never happen" is a fucking meme.
pedos have tried to latch onto the lgbt movment since the 60's. It's never worked and never will because everyone knows pedos are monsters.
> Somethey they will claim a right to fuck your dead grandmother.
Yeah, and if they grow out of it they stop the blockers and are fine. And if they don't grow out of it and actually are trans they saved themselves a ton of anguish and suffering.
>their body will be destroyed
FFS NEARLY ALL CHILDREN GROW OUT OF IT but you will get fucked in the head after taking hormon blockers for years instead of going through puberty like a normal kid because your community thinks its fucking cool.
Just fucking end your life, user. I'm not even memeing. Full seriousness kys.
No, you are actually retarded if you think that parents and society at large will allow that.
>Good god, how can you not fucking see what you are promoting.
I suspect that the person you are arguing with is either a homosexual or a tranny. That or it could be a family member. Maybe his brother is gay or he has two Moms.
Whatever it is, he has an emotional reason for refusing to accept reality.
Most children grow out of it, most never seek out blockers for it, and most never want it bad enough to go through the massive ordeal it is to actually get on them. This massivley helps the ones that actually are trans and has many many safeguards so that those who aren't don't fuck themselves up.
The entire point of marriage is for the children. IF gays are allowed to get marries, THEN they MUST adopt. Theyre marriage has to be useful.
It's already happening in germany.
Sadly no subtitles, maybe some user can translate.
A kid would be ridiculed for having gay parents, and it could very well become a point of shame for them. But fuck what the kid might want, right?
>This massivley helps the ones that actually are trans and has many many safeguards so that those who aren't don't fuck themselves up.
No, as they will be simply given to most children which "feel" like the opposite gender instead of just letting them be children just because 0,02 percent of people have this mental illness which should be worked against and they should learn to accept their gender, instead of larping and killing themself.
I don't need to watch it to tell you it's not happening.
It used to be acceptable in Ancient Greece and Rome so I see no reason as to why it can't become acceptable here.
>Child sexuality is normal, natural and healthy. People only oppose it because of rigid, right wing residual Christian thinking that teaches that sex is icky. If the child consents it is ok. Blah blah blah
If shitlib parents are ok with cutting off their son's dick to virtue signal, I'm sure they would be ok with letting their son be sodomized if it is the "in" thing to do.
Yeah, I suspected that. He obviously doesn't really care for the real benefits or risks only for what he has been told is their "right" and simply overlooking the problems for not only society but even the people which are ill.
Giving in in their illusions is actually killing them at 20x the rate of normal people. Transition isn't working. We have to go 180° and give them such hormones that they will love their bodies again. That's the human way.
Not an argument. Everything your saying all comes down to "but what if some scenario I'm imagining in my head happens?" There is no basis in reality, it's just some backwards bullshit being scared of what he doesn't understand.
And transition is literally the only treatment for gender dysphoria. Nothing else works.
>says the kiwi to the native
Sure, just close your eyes. That will never happen. That's surely what they thought in the 60s.
You very obviously are talking out of your ass and know absolutley nothing about gender dysphoria if you think that.
Trans people have a higher suicide rate than normal people know matter what. It sucks to be them. But hormones massivley improve their quality of life and lower suicide risk from what it is without treatment.
>Everything your saying all comes down to "but what if some scenario I'm imagining in my head happens?"
Everything I said is grounded in facts. Just read the thread and what is happening. But YOU only bring feelings and claims that something will not happen or at least nothing really bad, without prove - on the contrary with direct opposite prove.
Seriously this discussion is over, you're disgusting human trash worthy of the ovens.
>And transition is literally the only treatment for gender dysphoria. Nothing else works.
Nothing else has been trying due to being "hateful" not to accept their illness. But there are experiments with hormon therapy which did work. Sadly I forgotten the name of the chemical.
It's absulutely possible, but (((someone))) doesn't want healthy people.
>And transition is literally the only treatment for gender dysphoria. Nothing else works.
There is no such thing as transition. In the future maybe there will be.
But right now the only thing they can do is mutilate your genitals and give you hormones.
You're speaking out of your fealings and simply don't want to accept that giving them male hormones would help them far more instead of trying to change their whole sex - which is impossible. Acceptance is death for them. You know nothing but hollow phrases and the propaganda of mentaly ill people.
But I'm not surpriced that you'Re the same kind of people promoting euthanasia for everyone willing to die. You've got depression? Don't work on it, just kill yourself, that tolerance.
Gays shouldn't be allowed to live, what makes you think they should be allowed to adopt?