She's a ugly bitch with no family

She's a ugly bitch with no family
Her life is basically a FAILURE

Brits WTF ? Is that the best you can put at the head of your country ?

I wish Corbyn destroyed her tonight...

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. ahmed muhammad al-baseer


>a failure
>has more money and done more with her life than anyone who will post in this thread

I think your definition of a failure is skewed

leave mummy alone

Implying having money is an accomplishment for a woman. Let me break it down for you my simple minded reddit friend, NO CHILDREN = FAILURE OF A WOMAN.

so all those single mums churning out criminals are major success stories? Fucking idiots I swear.

Talk about a false equivalency, Ahmed. By what metric do you measure success if not the ability to continue your lineage?

she's mummy tier desu, would.

But how's her foot game?

She's a great representative of they dying cuckservative ideology.

>With no family
Damn bro, alot of us don't have family why you gotta be so mean? we got feelings too....we just never managed to find anyone to love....but i am still a person....ruined my day with that comment a guy who always wished a family,but was never able to find it baka.

So you consider somebody like Sir Isaac Newton to be a failure?

Top lel, m8.

> France
Like you can talk with your Rothschild banker as President who married a woman that could pass as his mother.

Was she hot when she was young?

t. Virgin

>French (but probably Muslim) cuck advocating for communism
Not surprised desu

Leave her alone


She got way better looking as she got older strangely. She has thicc hips, a nice arse and much bigger tits than people realize but she always hides it away. The only thing we see is her legs which are great too.

She's not even the real mummy

of course he is a failure as living being he wasnt able to produce viable offspring but despite of this he helped human race, so he was a failure as an individual but we leech his knowdlege in behave of us