When will Sup Forums take the hardest pill to take: Islam.
There seems to be a whole lot of hatred against Islam on this board, but you are all looking at the wrong Islam - Sunni Islam; complete and utter trash. Everyone in the Islamic world who has ever been important has been Shia, and it is the true religion of the White Man. Let me go over some benefits for you
>redpilled about Israel and the jews
>women won't be degenerate and sleep around and be whores
>can have multiple wives, which means higher birthrate for the white race to compete with the low IQ arabs (Sunni) who are invading Europe
>preserve the modesty of women by covering them; the west used to do this anyway before the feminist (((woman liberation)))
>awsome nasheeds
>can yell Allahu Akbar in a serious manner instead of just larping
>no alcohol, no more degeneracy
>get to beat the shit out of faggots
>can fight back against the jews and sunnicucks without being ridiculed by the left
>most muslims WILL NOT fall for jewish tricks like communism, or leftism as a whole, so pretty based overall
Why aren't you a muslim yet, Sup Forums?
Take the Islam pill
Other urls found in this thread:
Fool. We fight the jews just as the nazis do. (Hamas, Hezbollah, other SHIA sponsored groups)
The muslims who help the jews are SUNNI, not Shia, so they are completely controlled by the kikes in Israel. The only way to preserve your race is to become a muslim.
no you ausstralian cunt im a convert.
you can still be a natsoc and be a muslim. this is a fact. the nazis worked with the arabs in world war 2 because they both hated the kikes.
BE A MUSLIM AND FIGHT OTHER MUSLIMS WHO INVADE YOUR HOMELAND (shitty arab sunni fucks. be an Iranian (white) shia islamist)
Fuck off mudslime cunt.
I will never submit to your sandnigger pedophile cult and I will fight against your disgusting ilk to my last breath.
I'd prefer my people to all die rather than them fall under your revolting ideology.
>and it is the true religion of the White Man
Of course Islam isn't a religion of peace. That is the point. We dominate the jews, the kike-on-a-stick worshippers, and other FALSE BELIEVERS, like sunni muslims.
Also, remember, there has NEVER been a nation that has been both communist and Islamic. They are mutually exclusive. If you want to get rid of commies, use jihad against them; you will have the might of the Islamic world at your back, helping you every step of the way.
Fuck off mongol rape baby
These people should be ignored, for they are probably shills trying to stop my preaching for the good of the white race and against the JEWS AND FUCKING COMMUNISTS.
You mudslime subhumans are not welcome on this board.
Just a reminder: so called "moderate muslims" that the left trots out to call Islam a "religion of peace" are NOT REAL MUSLIMS. They are FUCKING INFILTRATORS trying to ruin Islam and make it cucked like the rest of the left. Ignore these agents of deception, as they are the users taqiya you speak of.
Their cucked brand of Islam should be destroyed by the nationalistic, NatSoc, far-right brand of Islam.
>the literal result of inferior genetics breeding calls me a subhuman
More white than you, chinkypoo. As I said, I am a convert.
I don't care what you are, by converting to that sandnigger religion under whose rule your own sisters and daughters would become property of pedophilic sociopaths, you have clearly showcased utter mental deficiencies.
>I am a convert.
We will kill you first when the culling begins you sellout sand nigger lover
Women are property, fool. Stop treating them as if they are human. Have you ever been in an argument with a woman before? They are NOT human; they are emotional subhumans who manipulate for sex, and therefore, should be controlled like property. Only with men to control their sexuality will they become useful to society. And once again, no pedophilia is within Islam, fool. If you pedophilia you mean hebephilia, then you are an idiot because hebephilia is getting them right when their reproductive organs are fresh (around 15, which is just 1 year before the age of consent in many western countries). This is by no means pedophilia, fool. And even in most Islamic countries, it is frowned upon for a man above 30 to date a woman of this age, unless he is very wealthy. It usually does not happen, so don't try to bullshit me.
As for it being a sandnigger religion, so is christianity and kikeism, but they turned into white person religions when they got into Europe. Islam will do the same. Just because you are a muslim doesn't mean ethnic cleansing is off the table, either.
>implying you will even win against the commies without the help of Islam
Stop larping, there will be no "culling" you fool. There will be demographic winter in Europe, after which, whites, and their brand of Islam, will take up ethnic nationalism and rid the arab sunni shitskins out of Europe. The White Man's Islam has power behind it, while Sunni islam just has shitskin arab feces all over it.
Also only sensitive muslims get angry about Muhammad pics btw
>Women are property, fool. Stop treating them as if they are human. Have you ever been in an argument with a woman before? They are NOT human; they are emotional subhumans who manipulate for sex, and therefore, should be controlled like property.
Nice insecurity m8.
I am not such a pathetic creep that I'd want my own siblings, and daughters to be fucking property and basically slaves. How fucking sick do you have to be in the head to desire such fate upon your own flesh and blood?
Islam is a religion of a pedophile warlord and his degenerate cultist followers and it has no place in the west.
I am ready to kill any single one of your disgusting ilk if you dare to push that shit in my homeland. You have no place here.
This, is exactly why you don't belong here.
Fuck off back to your desert, you absolutely plague.
I hope you eat bacon
Saved. Thank you. My brother is blue pilled so he probably won't care but I'm sending that to him
>nice insecurity
Stop covering for women and what they do. This is why the west is getting FUCKED BY NIGGERS. You are too tolerant of woman and their bullshit. It is not insecurity to point this out.
And the only way for my flesh and blood to protected, my daughters that is, is for their sexuality and lust to be controlled and directed towards men that I want them to date, instead of them being degenerate whores and dating "whoever look the most attractive, rather than the most successful". Once again, you western, leftist cucks don't seem to understand that not controlling your women leads to the death of your society (like giving them to ability to vote, which leads to the welfare state and other such nonsense)
Islam has no place in the west, yet christianity is pretty much the same, but the Jesus was an absolute piece of trash. He wasn't even a warlord. I would much rather have a warlord than a stupid cuck as my prophet. (warlord means strength to defeat enemies, like jews and commies)
Have fun when women start being unruly and start to vote for leftist politicians, which will inevitably happen, since women always vote with their emotions and base instincts in mind, instead of what is good for the nation, because they have no desire to prolong the welfare of the nation or its people; she only wants SEX and resources. Western women are fucking whores and you are cucks for not controlling them like they should be.
Fucking christcuck. You worship the "love thy enemy" faggot who literally got his pathetic cult taken out by a bunch of old kikes.
Also, walking on water and turning water into wine as it has been described is not possible. Fuck your fairytales, and your false god. There is one true god, and his name is Allah. You will learn this sooner or later.
You don't need Islam for any of that, the west had all that and more and weren't a bunch of infant cousin fucking dunecoons to boot.
Christianity knows how to keep women in check.
Read the bible.
The problem is 90% of "Christians" don't read their bible.
If 90% of those Christians gave serious merit to the word of Christ, women would become well dressed, submissive and yet still unopressed.
Islam would also be removed from the US and made illegal.
The only cousinfuckers are the arabs. It is a race thing, not an Islam thing. Just develop a white man's version of Islam and prohibit such degeneracy.
Look at my flag you braindead sand nigger. I'm not a part of the west. Women here and in most eastern countries are conservative for the most part, and even then we don't have the degeneracy and spiritual decline that the west has.
Islam is not the only solution, in fact it's not a solution at all. It's a pleague, a disease.
Die, heretic.
final post best post
hahaha, so literally retarded, good enjoy the inbred retarded group you belong to
I ain't a fucking leftist you pathetic mudslime shitstain.
I am a fucking fascist, and I utterly detest western degeneracy, just like I detest your mudslime pedophilia.
Your "solution" is just as bad as our current state of affairs, in fact, it would be worse, because under your mudslime shitstain laws, you kiddie diddlers would have free reign to rape and kill my daughters.
Fuck off, I will never accept anything from your disgusting religion. I will fight to my last breath to prevent you disgusting subhumans from gaining any ground in my nation.
Christianity is the fool's religion. It worships the kike on a stick, and that is its problem. Listen to Varg's videos (despite him being a filthy kuffar) and he will tell you why christianity is shit.
The only reason your country is conservative is because it has seen communism for a few decades and your people have become redpilled on how shit it is. There is nothing to solidify this, so a few generations down, you will likely become just like Germany is right now. Your woman are based now, but they are still women.
>listen to Varg
Wow you really are a dumb pig
Go shove some bacon strips up your asshole
hang on shitcunt, didn't your fucking prophet ascend on a horse into the sky?
Just as big a fairytale
Luckily there is a solution for people like you who aren't willing to convert
In the face of the enemy, we get very patriotic, it has been proven fact time and time again.
So by all means, keep trying. You only strengthen our hatred towards you and our own unity.
Islam is for nigges
Another christcuck, not listening to a based man's words. Fool. I'm trying to prevent our country from being taken over by niggers and spics because, clearly, christianity isn't doing anything about it.
Mamma Merkel wont be able to criticize muslims for attacking other muslims, but she'll sanction the fuck out of your pathetic nation for saying a single word about massive immigration. They have the power right now, and the only way to undermine it is to take on what they keep as their sacred cow (islam) and use it to our advantage to destroy the inferior muslims (sunni, arab shitskins)
White Man's Islam will be much better, and you will come to accept it.
Kill yourself OP. Only yourself.
Niggers following Islam does not mean Islam has been tainted. I seem to recall a lot of Etheopian christcucks, and niggers wailing in churches in America about Jesus.
Islam is redpilled on the jewish question, the nigger question, the spic (catholic cuck) question, and all other racial questions. Islam is what will save us.
As there is to you mudslime subhumans.
A final solution
The day our goverment accepts you rats into our country is the day they'll be beheaded.
But that won't happen, because neither they, nor the people wish for islam here. We, out of everyone in europe, hate you the most.
I rather live in poverty than let you in.
So by all means, let the EU try to put sanctions on us. But you aren't fucking coming in.
I assure you
Awwww, Hans? You know you're not allowed to say that. Your government has adopted the shitskin arab SUNNIKEKS as their sacred cow.
You should realize that you can easily take the fight against those you hate, those who have invaded your country (the arab sunnis) and use Islam to protect yourselves. White man's Islam is superior to arab Islam because whites have a higher IQ, and are smarter when it comes to battle. The best religion for conquering and warfare, Islam + the best race for fighting, the white man = world conquering and ethnic cleansing. This can be paired with National Socialism, if needed, by hopefully a bit further to the right than the 3rd Reich was.
Stop larping finncuck. You know the final solution is to stop the jews, and there is no people who hate the jews greater than muslims. So far, your people have cowered at mere words - racist, islamiphobe, sexist, bigot - YOU cannot do shit. I have Islam, I have a barrier around myself, and with it, I will destroy my enemy: commies, sunnis, and shitskins.
You don't realize that ISLAM will be the thing which allows us to carry out the final solution.
King Crane is coming.
>us rats
If by arabs, you would be correct; all arabs are rats, even muhammad, as they are subhuman. This does not, however, undermine the religion.
Also I'm not coming to your shitpoor country, and not even the subhuman rapefugees want in, either. They only come for welfare, dumbass.
>multiple wives
Epic meme you stinky retard. Way to go in skewering the gender balance.
None of your arguements are even remotely compelling. Its all garbage, its a religion for 4 feet tall conquered rape babies who cut off the foreskins of their microdicks to avoid getting sand in it. Religion is tradition and culture. I wont bow to any brown man with poopskin and feces hair. Infact post your address, you piece of absolute garbage, so i can order a hit on you.
If youre not living in the middle east, iran/iraq/syria, you shouldnt be a muslim. That religion does not belong anywhere else.
Islam is nothing but cuckdom, cucking to a false god, a holy book which is literal fan fiction of the bible, written by """""'god"""""", who happened to speak arabic. Its ridicuolos and you have to be a sub 80 iq monkeyman to adhere to that religion.
> sees that my country is patriotic and his attempts at scaring me have no effect.
What happened to "islam will dominate the world", you goat fucker?
Nice larp. Have all my (You)'s
Or how about people realize that there is no god so that way the world can stop fighting about stupid shit?
Idk guise he's like ya know got some decent points dehurrhurrheeehaw
May I borrow your Pepe? He seems rare.
>be born muslim in some shithole desert country
>watch your mom get beaten by your dad everyday
>get raped everyday in the ass by the elders when you are a kid and forced to be a dancing boy
>watch your sisters get married off to some old man that rapes them daily
>eventually get forced to marry your cousin
>have inbred daughter
>sell her to some old man so she can get raped daily
>the circle of life continues
There is no more cucked man than the muslim man.
CIA niggers promote islam.
Thank you for reminding me of "dune coons." I was getting tired of repeating "sand niggers." Variety is the spice of life, and racial epithets, based Nip
Christ plainly named the jew as well. Christ is the Son of God. Christ is not a weak warlord pedophile. Allah is satan
Islam is the worst of the 3 major religions.
For Christ's sake, you guys like niggers.