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A gentle reminder
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Yes ZOG should be overthrown and the kikes needs to be chased out of the country.
>rights pulled out of anal cavities
I can't believe how you fail to see the big picture.
Just to make a single example out of the many, by 2040 there will be high enough temperatures to kill healthy young men.
Your choices as Americans are impacting the fate of our species, not just your fucked up country.
Your choices may kill my son. On the other side of the globe.
If you do not something about it, you are directly responsible for the endgame.
People have to be willing to lay down their lives though. Not in some massive Civil War like many believe, but probably a few hundred or even thousand before the military/police snap out of it.
So many these days are little more than cattle though. Don't wanna lose my vidya/movies/smartphone etc. to make a better life for my people.
Oh fugg it's a jew warming conspiracy thread? My bad.
Kek we don't give a fuck and neither do you, otherwise Chyna and India wouldn't be exempt.
But my government IS working in my common interest. We're out of the SCAM of the paris accords. Thank the fucking lord. We can put that money aside for the wall.
rights dont exist, its a made up concept
people deserve whatever they are willing to put up with. Nothing more.
My only regret is that you won't be alive to watch him die.
You know its already too late by about 8 years now to stop anything in regards to CO2 and methane.
> The so much acclaimed second amendment
It is your right to choose so. It is my right to try to convince you otherwise.
You do not have to lose your life for it. You can bail out when and if they will mow down civilians.
I am astonished by your ignorance. Global warming is a thing. The scientific community does agree on the matter.
I do give a fuck. I do what I can and so should you.
So should China and India.
I find it hard to believe you are being serious.
I do agree with that. Nevertheless, you can not deny the impact American policies have on the world, and where those policies are bringing us all.
I actually will.
So what? Give up the fight?
And no, it is not too late. If things go business as usual, it will be too late.
Complain to China and India then, maybe they can lower the amount of toxic shit they're pumping into your air and the environment
>I am astonished by your ignorance. Global warming is a thing. The scientific community does agree on the matter
And China and India are the main perpetrators. You didn't refute that point. Get mad at them not us, were already bending over backwards.
Suddenly liberals, when they've lost all elections, have discovered this. Silly liberals.
Because America does not have a far greater influence on their policies than I would have.
Or on Europe's policies.
Also there is absolutely no language barrier.
So easy.
Yeah, and you guys shouldn't worry about what your country does as well, given it is so small and insignificant.
I am Italian. I do not define myself as of any party. Choose the politicians with which you agree, politics is not a team to cheer on.
>So what? Give up the fight?
>And no, it is not too late. If things go business >as usual, it will be too late.
No really, even your "scientific community" agrees It was irreversible in 2007,2008.
Well we're not going to pay a mafia tier fee with our tax dollars while the rest of the world doesnt contribute.
There are ways we can force them to shape up, I vote military action or sanctions. Don't get mad because we won't foot the bill for shit other people want.
Wow you're so intimidating. It takes a real man to screenshot a page on Wikipedia and pretend that something will happen.
Also, just to point out, 27billions will be spent for global warming in 2017. Over 50 for war.
Not really bending backwards, it just a matter of priorities. But I understand how you like sending people to fight wars you have no interest in (as in American civilians have no interest in) only to have them come back and suicide. Money well spent.
As far as my sources go, we are running out of time.
i would really be interested in learning more if you have though.
Because Europe and Australia are clearly do not contribute. So sorry not to directly pay as well, recognizing this will kill us all.
Right. It takes a real man to elect a selfish buffoon as your president. Not that my grandpa didn't do that. Plus, I am involved in politic action. And have protested. It is not that difficult to do, but please, continue dwelling at home, watching lolis, and tell me I am an idiot for worrying about the end of our species.
That is a real man's stance.
bwaaaa global warming is China's fault bwaaaa
>holy shit this thread has nothing to do with global warming.
Also remember that revolutions need unified groups, not divided ones.
by that logic we should overthrow every government of the past 50 years
Most definitely. I do not live in America, so I do not know the current situation, but from what transpires from the media the country seem to be quite divided. Which is a shame.
Are there any particular issues that are shared by the majority? I know there are issues, but is there one agreed upon by everybody?
That would be true, were it not that we need to think a step ahead and choose what to put next.
Depending on your country there realistically may or not have been a better alternative.
Besides, again depending on your country, simple protests may have been sufficient.
Kek. Global warming. Im gonna leave me V8 commodore running all night just because I can.
That is childish, besides being stupid (even just for money reasons alone).
You are clearly a mature adult.
>mature adult
>Sup Forumsack
Pick one
Some fellas here were alright, you know, discussing in a logical manner, despite the very complex issue.
I don't feel like coming here was a lost cause.
Constructive response.
Thank you for your participation.