Sexual Revolution

Why is it that you guys on Sup Forums don't think women should have sex and judge them when you do? Aren't guys who have multiple partners lauded for the notches on the bedpost. In order for these guys to have those achievements, you need women. Unless you're banging gays or traps.

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Free pussy devalues the value of pussy. Feminists would never allow it.

Because female sexual liberation leads to the decay of society.

Women's rights were a mistake.

No one said it was free.

So does men's sexuality. Which requires lewd women... see the cycle here?

Why do women think men have as much sex as they do? Do they seriously think every single man has a Chad tier sex life? Do they not understand that most women want to be sluts only with the top 20% of men? Why is it virgins get simultaneously shamed for not ever having sex, yet also accused of being hypocritical for not accepting a slut for a spouse?

>more than one sexual partner in your life
But that's a mortal sin. Pornography is also a mortal sin.

Why the fuck do people keep posting this comic on Sup Forums? Is this the new Moon Over June?

Women shouldn't have sex before marriage.
Unless it's with me.

A man is supposed to have one wife at home and only fuck exotic foreign girls on punitive expeditions in the orient.

Because the whorism that is rising due to the unrestricted will of woman is literally putting the population down the shitter.
Look at the numbers and rising percentage (of a rising population count) of children born to unwed mothers.
The child-like mentality that is apparent in all women is such a sad fact of life.

If it doesn't matter, then why has every single woman I've dated asked me how many sexual partners I've had?

Indeed, but women are the ones that hold the keys of sexual behavior for men.
The degeneracy of men starts when women become loose and degenerate.

We have reached a point in our civilization where collapse is inevitable and it is largely due to sexual revolution. Islam will conquer the west as painful it is for me to say that, and that is simply because unlike the degenerate westerners, mudslime scum control their base urges and use the energy to aggressively claim more territory for themselves.

Science and most informed individuals of both sexes know that it's women who should have harems because one man is unable to satisfy women who are highly complex and require more than one partner for sex plus several more for intellectual stimulation, to provide security should the woman wish to breed and several more men just for general fun and social activity
Men are inadequate and are unable to satisfy women's needs

The fuck is that comic trying to say?


>posting the censored versions


>Aren't guys who have multiple partners lauded for the notches on the bedpost.
lol not on here

>Not when she's a slut.

It's a condition and it's called nymphomania you mongoloid. It's not a normal, natural behavior.

Uncensored costs mad cash, dawg

Your daily reminder: Previous partner count is predictive of likelihood to cheat and divorce. Oxford-educated anthropologist, J.D. Unwin, noted that all sexually liberated societies experience civilizational strife and/or collapse. The sexual revolution was one of the worst mistakes made by the modern west. There's literally no reason to marry a non-virgin woman. etc.

To laugh at you

I don't think women should exist, so I guess that includes women not having sex. We're pretty close to the point where we can create children solely from male DNA artificially so soon there will no longer be any valid reason for letting women be born. A world completely devoid of sex is better than one that has even a single woman alive in it.

sounds fair

So you won't marry at all, then?

"Sex and Culture is a work of the highest importance," Aldous Huxley wrote:

Unwin's conclusions, which are based upon an enormous wealth of carefully sifted evidence, may be summed up as follows. All human societies are in one or another of six cultural conditions: zoistic, manistic, deistic, rationalistic, expansive, productive. Of these societies the zoistic displays the least amount of mental and social energy, the productive the most. Investigation shows that the societies exhibiting the least amount of energy are those where pre-nuptial continence is not imposed and where the opportunities for sexual indulgence after marriage are greatest. The cultural condition of a society rises in exact proportion as it imposes pre-nuptial and post-nuptial restraints upon sexual opportunity.[2]

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses its cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The effect, says the author, is irrevocable:

The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs.[3]

Thanks for pointing me to Unwin

The funniest thing in my sexual history was getting turned down because my dick was too big.

I live in a State with fairly lax AoC laws. I'm still college-aged, and I look young. I'm trying, but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

Unwin should be essential Sup Forums reading at this point. I managed to find most of his stuff split between Google Scholar, and JSTOR/various online database spinoffs (Not sure what the equivalent would be over there). I'd recommend searching around for his writings, though, they're fantastic. Granted, he was fortunate enough to have been alive before anthropology was reduced to intellectually dishonest leftist propaganda.

>Aren't guys who have multiple partners lauded for the notches on the bedpost
Nice dude bro level of thinking.

Outside of the dude bro sphere no one behaves or thinks like this.

Also nice comic, meanwhile in reality things like STDs exist and whoring around whatever gender you are makes it pretty certain that you get some fucked up life long crap.

Yet women are natural followers. They will always follow the lead of strong willed men. Strong willed men don't cave in to their degenerate impulses, which in turn never rewards whorish behavior on women.
The will of a man with a strong spirit doesn't bend to the whims of pussy whipping. Or anything else for that matter.
Western men NEED to nurture their spirituality again. Otherwise they become perpetual hedonist cowards. Doomed to extinction.

In the comic those are two of her 6+ male and female partners. Everyone is clean and they love/live together.

The last time I met people in a polyamorous relationship, I got really crazy vibes from them. One of them had the other two as "pets", from what I understand.

>In the comic
Yet reality is not a comic.

Equally well you can make a comic where everyone smokes and never gets cancer.

More partners increases the possibility of STD in reality.

Although, I guess it doesn't help that one of them was coming onto me pretty hard.

"Don't stick your dick in crazy" is as common a saying as it is for a VERY good reason.

>Granted, he was fortunate enough to have been alive before anthropology was reduced to intellectually dishonest leftist propaganda.
Seconded. The anthropologists I've met in real life were obsessed with 'egalitarian, peaceful' noble savage fantasies and fucking each other like rabbits.

>Father studied anthropology
>Went back to school to study comp. sci. because anthropologists don't earn dick
>One of his main interests is (pre)historical weapons

Ever made an atlatl? Shit is FUN.

Yet, it is easy to have your partners check. Especially if you're living together and the pink haired girl is a trillionaire.

Would you seriously not bone her if you had a big enough dick?

Why are most anthropologists so obsessed with chimps?
>they are not so different from us!!
This sums up their desperate agenda. It's as if they ignore the greatest difference between us and other animals, like the power of will and creation.

Can you post more?



Width is the problem, not length.

I think it's just the majority of Sup Forums are frustrated virgins tbqh.

I see...


Did you jump out of a fictional world or something?
You behave like some fictional TV horny dude in some advertisement.

He took out the joke about the girl getting creampied.

Tell us about your sexual adventures.

I didn't choose to be a limping joke of a human being, you asshole.

Know how it is to have constant physical pain and women despise you?

Give me your address and we can fight this out with our fists you dirty anglo!

>mudslime scum control their base urges

pic related

read houellebecq

Does she summon a demon with that? If yes how? I can't believe it can fit anywhere

>Would you seriously not bone her if you had a big enough dick?
You seriously have sex with this?

>The degeneracy of men starts when women become loose and degenerate.
>Something something about prostitution been legal in the "nondegenerate men" 19th century and illegal in the "degenerate men" 21th century

>Strong willed men don't cave in to their degenerate impulses
Pls. Soldiers always raped women through history. Only in the like latest 50-70 (((degenerate))) years this practices is suppressed in civilized world. Maeks you sing.

OK you stupid NEETS this is mandatory reading for you:

Scientific paper on tribal sexuality
Scientists go:
>We scientists we do research
>Ask tribes about sex
>Tribes have no idea what gay, lesbian or the wild sexual revolution is and are confused
>Sex only to have kids
>How can we scientists not know about this?!?!?!
So scientists are told lies and fairy tails, everything you know about sex is a made up shit from TV commercials.
Facts prove it!

PS: This is a scientific paper.

user was right and wrong. Islam does control it's base urges, those urges of the women in Islam. Those are the most destructive urges within a society.
I'll bet, if asked, OP would stand by the claim that the majority of societies are destroyed first from rot then from an outside force aided by the rot.
If you can maintain a cohesive, unified society it can withstand all manner of external assaults. For evidence of this you need look no further than the jews.

Are you part of the scientific community? Because asking random tribespeople how they fuck doesn't really tell you anything about how we fuck and are supposed to fuck given that we are not of the tribe in question.

Dat body, tho

Curves for days

>asks a question you already know the answer to
>very snarky

Oh sweetie

>For adults 18–45 years of age, the average frequency of sex per night was about
three times among the Aka and two times among the Ngandu. Age had no impact on the
frequency of sex per night. Aka averaged two days and Ngandu averaged three days betweendays with sexual activity. Aka and Ngandu cultural models or reasons for having frequent sex emphasized their desire for children rather than pleasure.
>were fuck like rabbits not because penis feels good in vagina but because of the muh culture. i-i swear!
Seriously how retarded needs to be someone to believe in this crap?

>Scientific papers are not science
>I will imply you are wrong with no real basis
But hurt Hanz that you super gay poly amorous relationship is a cultural fiction created by propaganda?

its a fucking cartoon, it can literally look anyway you want it too

thats not special, its not even a unique or interesting design

Compare her to something simple like Hotaru



Perfectly sums up 90% of Sup Forums and /r9k/s mentality towards women.

You don't know what science m8. To prove their thesis they need control group that doesn't reach orgasm during intercourse and compare their frequency of sexual acts with average group.

BTW paper literally describes act of child molestation. These pedos needs to be jailed.

>everything that confirms the puritan sexual standards is automatically wrong and everything that confirms the sexual revolution standards is automatically correct
Nice methodology for finding out truth you have there.


>don't think women should have sex

They should have lots of sex, be fruitful and multiply.

With one partner. Or realistically fewer than the norm.

> Aren't guys who have multiple partners lauded for the notches on the bedpost

Hedonism is a dead end value. It doesn't matter if it's a guy who does it, it's still retarded. And statistically it doesn't matter. Men are also less likely to find a stable relationship the more they fuck around.

>In order for these guys to have those achievements

You've been lied to and you've accepted a false premise.

"Muh sexual male idol" is just a wedge issue to justify slutty behavior in women.

>These pedos needs to be jailed.
Thats pedophobia you RACIS!
Kill yourself you NAZI!
What a ignorant pedophobe he is!
Like get with the times we don't live in the dark ages of 2016!

>sex doesn't feel good
Ehhh, no.


Tell us of your sexual adventures.
No plz com on tell us.


The current state of gender relations is unnatural and artificial, created by globalist Jews with the express purpose of destroying white civilization. If you are a whore or a manwhore you are participating in the self-destruction of your people and should be gassed.

r vs k
.eg men are worthless

Someone post Moon over June comics

>If you are a whore
Funny thing that supposedly greatest time of Western civilization was during period when whoring was legal and very common profession and business. There is some serous contradiction here with your post.

Sluing around is a made up fad of propaganda.

Leftist dogma:
>All sexual preferences are culturally created
So you hyper sexuality is only a construct of society? Gays are made bay by cultural signals and not born this way?
>No its not!
So are straights cultural creations?
>Yes straight is a cultural creation!
Why not gay?
>You are HOMOPHOBIC!!!

Debating leftists.

Why wont women have sex with me?


Funny that you:
1) ignored my request about telling about your sexual conquests
2) Literally ignore reality with STDs and how propinquity increases the spread of STDs


You repeated your statement i repeated my answer. You do 3rd time, i could do it again and again.

Women don't think of all men. They literally only think, dream and want Chad. So the other guys are Moot, invisible, forgotten. Chad's have lots of sex, only Chad matters to women, therefore women think all guys have tons of sex.

>aren't guys who have multiple partners lauded for the notches on the bedpost
No, I hate Chad.

If a guy wants to hsve sex, he can find a willing girl with little difficulty.

Dude there is no answer you did not provide a actual story of your sexual interactions with other humans.


I would beg to differ, fat women aren't people.

Are you literally retarded?
All you keep linking to is
>sex feels good
Now Putin write down your adventures in putting penis into pussy.

Another proof that normies shouldn't be allowed close to anime

Fembots are gonna be real soon enough, for those of you not capable of fucking a bitch of flesh and blood. But rather enjoy some cold hard steel unable to speak,bleed,ask for money,be illogical,caters to feelings or cry...

....yknow what? Sign me up for a s3xbot

>ill have one of pic included

Put up or shut up.

Privately owned sexbots are several decades away, and even then they will be outlawed if feminists get their way.

You should come with different arguments that actually refute the point

Where's the Brazzers logo?