Australia is the last bastion of the Anglosphere. Every other anglo country is irrevocably cucked...

Australia is the last bastion of the Anglosphere. Every other anglo country is irrevocably cucked. USA is less than 50% white, Canada is under the control of Dude McWeedman, UK is about to hand their reins to a guy who Communists think is too extreme and New Zealand is as always completely irrelevant.

Only Australia is uncucked and carries the banner of the anglosphere alone. We will continue to keep the torch of white civilization lit.

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And Australia could be reduced to beggars in the ten minutes it would take to dismantle communications, water, power

What in the fuck are you talking about you colossal retard?

>Listening to the class, sounds like it could be taking place any international school in South Korea, but in fact, this is a kindergarten class in an Australian public school that follows the Australian Syllabus.

>There are 11 kindergarten classes here in Chatswood Public School. One class was run as bilingual class last year and this year two of them operate as English-Korean classes.

>"We teach all subjects in English and Korean and have a weekly special Korean class through the program," kindergarten teacher Susan Kim tells SBS Korean.

>"Like other classes, they learn the same things, following the Australian curriculum - but we teach them in Korean instead of English."

>90% of the students in Chatswood Public School have Asian background and 60% of them have a Chinese background. But, there is a reason why they started an English-Korean bilingual class instead of an English-Chinese class.

Nice demographics you've got there.

No have comprehension skills bro?

The real redpill is realising that even so, as Anglos we are literally human trash and to save worthwhile Europeans we would all be better off dead.

Well for starters dismantling communications, water and power to the entire country would take longer than 10 mins, and secondly if you did that to any country on Earth they'd fall into chaos so I'm not sure what exactly your point is. If something happened that has 0% chance of happening we'd be screwed? Wow, nice insight, moron.


what did you say?

I can't hear you over the sound of my campaign of punishment.

what is your country

Just kidding.

Australia truly is the lucky country. Blessed.

When did I say NZ is a bastion of civilisation?

Ignoring the fact Australia is getting cucked like everywhere else is the worst thing to do. We need to push back, not sit back and fall asleep because the carpet is merely smoldering instead of getting petrol thrown onto it

This. Australia and NZ are relatively uncucked but this doesn't mean we can just sit back and think all is good.

Australia is doomed as well. Greens and Labor are conspiring to immigrate millions of brown and yellow skins per year. Tones was our last hope and his own party knifed him.

We're fucked mate. Totally fucked.

NZ is becoming Chinese. I wish we had based Aus politicians rather than our 'boomers are dying import Chinese' cucks.

sorry, but XID9Vory has a point.
Your comment makes no sense.

>Australia is cucked meme
>East Coast plebs

Australia is the only Anglo country that hasn't succumbed to fag marriage.

The bad thing is that even people on Sup Forums think "these immigrants don't bring crime or terrorism, we're fine".

And the Chinese do bring crime to NZ at least. It's where all this fucking meth is coming from, aside from their tax evading/money laundering bullshit. I assume it's the sane there.

What are your thoughts on the fact that Western Australia held a referendum and voted to leave the rest of Australia with an overwhelming majority, but the rest of Australia was like, yeah, nah, you're staying mates, lol?

Get better internet speeds and we'll talk.

I think we might have been alot better off, provided it didnt create a civil war and assuming that we could defend our borders.

why dont you go marry your father haha

I'd be more comfortable handing you guys that torch if you weren't importing obscene amounts of chinks.

At this rate, the Falklands might be the only ones to carry any kind of Anglo heritage forward into the 22nd century.

Is this the power of Anglo democracy?
They're just doing the same as the British if they do another Brexit referendum

Australia isn't a democracy.

Can smell your fear from here
To dismantle the grid, they wouldn't even need to step foot on the place
Australia couldn't defend itself, not a chance
Yes, the place would fall into chaos ... people would be screeching, couldn't get to the TAB or Centrelink etc
The point is, even reserves in the army are told this place would fold like a soggy banana peel and could be taken out in ten minutes after which the populace would sit there are wait for the lights to come on
Australia is extremely vulnerable which is why it has to fall into the shadow of any/all stronger nations

who cares what WA thinks

I agree, way to many chinks here. Looking at you Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney.

At least they don't blow shit up or stab cunts. They usually just stay in their room playing Dota or doing math homework.

The second Australia gets some gook tentacle pantie vending maching It's "cya later zipper heads".

Tin foil hat dickheads. The same could be said about any country.
Stop bad mouthing Australia you fucking traitor.

You're most likely a gimme-gibs migrant to begin with
Facing facts doesn't make anyone a traitor
Chinks have million year lease on Darwin port now don't they
They own unimaginable amounts of land here already
They're going to use chink labour and ship produce back to China, not a dollar in it for Oz
Saudis same or didn't you notice them buying up everything in sight while Aussies were crying about State of Origin
Anyone, literally any nation could take over Australia and who'd do bugger all about it? The US? They'd most likely be behind it
UK? In your dreams
Who would go out of their way to interfere if someone took it into their heads to militarily invade Oz? Anyway, Oz has already been taken over and not a shot fired
Stop cringing and accept you live on borrowed time

Some of it is already lost. Im visiting Albury/Wodonga at the moment and it is beautiful compared to where I live. I can walk down the street and actually feel like I'm in Australia instead of Baghdad.

any country or force in our vicinity and the unlikelihood of an aggressive military build up in the modern age can be forecast and literally seen and dealt with a long time time before anything serious happens.

you're an idiot

>run by ultra liberals
Choose only one

We aren't uncucked. We have Chinese communists flooding in daily under the guise of international students, Safe schools bullshit actually got passed and the focus on "green" energy combined with the rapid expansion due to immigration has put a massive strain on our infrastructure leading to blackout becoming more and more common.

Half the cunts I know are stinging to make bulk dollars from gook money from property.

Australians are faggots and stand for nothing.

It's just so unforgivable. The future of Australia is half gook half white. Poo brothers.

>Uses an elite private school as an example

Stop badmouthing Australia or stop telling you something you don't want to hear? The fact is if someone took the grid out in 10 minutes we'd be screwed. A major city only as enough food to support its population for three days. That's not just in Australia, but is also in Australia. Many things would go wrong if the grid was taken out in such a short time, there's no denying it.

Put the fucking glass barbie down for 2 seconds and read what you just typed you silly cunt.

>You're most likely a gimme-gibs migrant to begin with

Couldn't be more wrong.

>Facing facts doesn't make anyone a traitor

Talking shit about your country saying "hurr anyone could take over us" makes you a traitor.

>Chinks have million year lease on Darwin port now don't they They own unimaginable amounts of land here already

Yeah i know. They're not allowed to buy a fuckload of land anymore

>They're going to use chink labour and ship produce back to China, not a dollar in it for Oz
That's what chinks do

>Saudis same or didn't you notice them buying up everything in sight while Aussies were crying about State of Origin

Queenslander detected. No one gives 2 shits abut state of origin outside of QLD and half of NSW. This is just more tin foil hat bullshit "Hurr Saudis buy everything on state of origin" LMAO

>Anyone, literally any nation could take over Australia and who'd do bugger all about it? The US? They'd most likely be behind it
UK? In your dreams

Yeah they can't even help their own country.
Remember cronulla riots? Remember what happened the last time some FOB tried claiming Australia as his own.

>Who would go out of their way to interfere if someone took it into their heads to militarily invade Oz? Anyway, Oz has already been taken over and not a shot fired
Stop cringing and accept you live on borrowed time

More tin foil hat bullshit "Hurr fuckin jews owning Australia" Lay of the fucking crack pipe skin picker. I can't believe you actually said all that autistic shit.

Who would want to invade Australia? The Chinese? Lol. Either way we'd have aircraft carriers in your ports like it or not.

So your elites are now 90% Chinese. The same elites who can easily influence politics once they get entrenched.

Good luck with that. Americans and their 90% Jewish elite is working out great.

Well considering you cunts did it to remain part of the crown in case we became a republic, and now your the staunchest republican state in the country. I think your all a bunch of weak minded cucks. WA is a boom and bust state, without the rest of the country WA would literally be fucked during times of bust which are always longer than booms. West Auckland is mostly irrelevant and the only part of the state that is relevant is the Pilbara.

>last bastion
>Only Australia is uncucked

Go to sleep you paranoid flog, stop listening to the shadow people.

Speak for yourself coward.

I swear half of you Aussie posters are just Brits, Seppos or Swedes using a proxy.


You do realise that's only for one state don't you burger user.



>implying irrelevancy is bad

It's comfy asf you cucks

Reminder that based, muscular and ELITE Bill Shorten is going to win the next federal election in a landslide.

Only applies to Stanley Knifes (Box Cutter) and to any kid you wouldn't wanna sell a knife to.

Kinder surprise eggs are banned in USA

Already doomed themselves to lose the 2nd emu war, I see.


you are right about one thing: australia is 90% white, and it is a pretty safe place to live although with the upcoming refugee importations who knows


goodnight faggots

Can't imagine you plebs know what pic related is used for.

You guys need all the guns you can get, your countries are weak. A coward with a gun is still a coward.

Sure you would, US
You'd clear the field to make it easier for the chinks to take over Oz
In fact, you're doing it now

This is just sad. I don't get how people could just melt beautifully machined and designed things like that. Not to mention there will be antiques in there.

It's like the spray paint age restrictions. If some little asshole comes in with a big hoodie or looking like he's going to huff, they'll refuse sale. I bought "18+" paint to use around the house as a kid and they didn't care because I didn't look like a criminal.

yes cant imagine at all

You are the biggest pussy i have ever come across. Even on a online anonymous message board you don't even have the balls to stand up for yourself or country. Have fun being worm food the rest of your life you self loathing cunt.

Chain of command
Kykes pass it down to the US which passes it down to the clowns known as Aussie politicians

Who else /Jewish Australian/ master race here?


I really hope you guys aren't cucked
What are your racial demographics atm?


50% white
40% Asian students
10% Asians

I don't know if you're just fucking with me, If you're mentally disabled or just on the pipe.

Are you reading what you're typing? You're an idiot.

Pic related is who I'm talking to.


Looks like the animals escaped from the zoo. That's pretty much just a watered down terrorist attack. They did nothing but destroy their own community.

Pic Related is a real riot.


You do realize the Australian army/Defense force has guns don't you?

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

You have no guns.....pretty cucked.

u think u could survive an hour on this street white boi?

Be a man and just say what your point is instead of posting passive-aggressive pictures of POW without guns.

Not that guy, but if your citizenry isn't allowed to own guns, that's pretty fucking cucked senpai

australian mentality everyone

I can not wait for the race war...niggers start starving and come into the woods. Half of them die from the elements the rest get shot and robbed in the night.....oh the irony hahahaha

HAHAHAHAHAHA OK man I will have a gun and then you can come at me with out one hahahahahah

Who are these weak pussies who refuse to accept that Australia only exists because it's allowed to
Are you chinks?
or little kids thinking they're edgy because they found Sup Forums
Anyway dumdum, in case you haven't noticed, Australia is a massive chunk of rock with almost inestimable thousands of miles of unsecured coastline. Anyone, anytime, could invade unnoticed
But they don't need to physically invade. They have dozens of options at their disposal if they want to end this country
Less than 25 million people. Mongolia most probably has more people per square kilometer
Worse .. three quarters of so called Aussies are migrants or descended from same and their loyalties lie firmly in their homelands
To top it off, Aussies have been herded into a mere handful of coastal cities, packed in like rats and easy to dispose of
This country could be blasted to hell and taken over in a night
No, you're not safe in Oz. It's not secure. It's isolated. It's always been the same. If you live in Oz and don't know these things, you're an idiot
If you do know these things and remain here, you have spine
Now quit your juvenile denials. I'm tired of you

Are you denying that if the grid was taken down in 10 minutes we'd be in trouble?

>literally farmers
outspoken against communism


its funny cos its true


>ywn be forever young in pre cucked Australia

We are allowed to own guns. Sure we can't just go to a gun show and pick up a assault rifle like in USA but we are still allowed to own guns.

Just like with the '18+ to buy a knife' law it's to stop people with bad intentions getting guns like Muslims and the other sub humans.

There's guns in Australia.
You can buy a knife and spray paint as a minor as long as your not a shady cunt.

I wouldn't go near that street in the first place. Also lol at the "rioting" (READ: Terrorist attack). Chimps always destroy their own shit out of anger.

What are you even on about seppo?


About 80-85% white. Bonus though is that we have almost no niggers

Those are some sharp looking uniforms.

Even the chinks are overtaking Tasmania, it fucking sucks.

HAHAHA STRAYA BTFO! Fucking rekt me, give me a minute to recover.

>Australia is a massive chunk of rock
Well colour me shocked, who would of guessed. Next you will tell me we are all living on one giant rock.
Again, read what you just typed.

>First half of what ever the fuck you just typed doesn't make sense, again more tin foil crack head shit.

>Anyone, anytime, could invade unnoticed
But they don't need to physically invade. They have dozens of options at their disposal if they want to end this country

Are you talking about the shadow people you see after a meth binge? or is it (((them)))?
Like a child you're scared of imaginary monsters.

>Less than 25 million people. Mongolia most probably has more people per square kilometer

Another good argument here.

>To top it off, Aussies have been herded into a mere handful of coastal cities, packed in like rats and easy to dispose of
This country could be blasted to hell and taken over in a night

There's nothing inland of Australia worth seeing. You wouldn't move from Coast to Inland. Everyone is "packed like rats" Google India or any other country.

>If you do know these things and remain here, you have spine

Was that supposed to be an insult? You really are nothing more than a bottom feeding cuck.

>Now quit your juvenile denials. I'm tired of you
You're tired from having to think up a sentence consisting of more than 20 letters. Did your wife's son help you write all that?

Alright i think I've recovered from this. My argument is still valid, A coward with a gun is still a coward or Canadian, no difference.

Feel free to just say what your point is instead of hiding behind a few cherry picked pictures.

Yeah I agree with you - the thing is that when we did have an ethnostate until the 70s there was literally no reason to fear the gov. We had a political, academic and media elite that obsessed about making Australia 'the working white man's paradise' I kid you not - that is what they talked and obsessed about. We are still riding off those guys foresight. Then after timee we slowly got (((cucked))). Now We have an elite that we cannot trust - like the rest of the west - the social contract has been broken. So you are right, we need our guns back. You burgers will not understand why we originally gave our guns up because you always had a shit relationship with your gov while ours really did care for us for a bit. When I was younger I had no idea why you guys obsessed about guns. Now I know things about the world: niggers, parasitic elite etc - and I give full respect to burgers for keeping 2nd amendment.

Dude, how is Australia not cucked? Have you been to a city?

Ah yes, the Cronulla riots :)

Corbyn isn't left enough you class cuck

>Muh gunz cucks

Epic shartpost good sir, a resident of Cuckold: The Nation calling someone else a cuck is always good for a laugh.

>Australia is uncucked

Communist China donates to BOTH major parties.
190k immigrants a year, vast majority are not white.
550k non-whites on student visa last year and they don't go back
Feminist as fuck media, laws, policies and politicians
EVERY party except One Nation supports "Big Australia", to double our population by 2050.
Australia will be 50% white then, probably less.

If things don't change within the next 10 years, big time, the white race is doomed to be second class citizens in their own lands and will require wars to change things.

That's really fucking sad (Unironically, ignore the pic)

Is there any hope to turn things around down there?

>Is there any hope to turn things around down there?
Sort yourself out. You'll be Mexican by then.