Is Sweden completely lost?

Is Sweden completely lost?


Honestly though. Why don't Swedes get tired of multiculturalism yet?


Please stop picking on my dear friend Sven burgerbuddy.


Yes. Have you met a Swedish male under 30? The memes don't get close to the reality.



They are on track to becoming as bad as you stinky burger retards are, with your spics and niggers, still a while to go before they reach 58% though. Maybe you can give them som pointers on how to become completely cucked. Maybe they should go die in wars for israel, maybe get their entire government to get dual citizenships there as well. Then MAYBE theyre on track to becoming as big of a poopdickslobberers as you mongrels are (:

Only large cities like Stockholm and Malmö, the countryside is still godtier


This is the dumbest shit so far. The song obviously had nothing to do with isis. Is everyone ordering one beer at the pub also an isis sympathizer now or what? This is also more common in Sweden because a beer costs more than a monthly salary.

stop it rajid

>only the large cities
The 90s called. They want their demographic statistics back.

>Jared Taylor
at least our niggers are mostly Christian. They either calm down or go to prison. The group of niggers you are importing believes in converting you all to Islam.

When your economy is based round tranny juice it means you are already done and dusted.

yeah, how about that percentage of murders and rapes committed by blacks? What about the LA riots and ferguson? Your blacks burn cities and engage in looting, you are worse than sweden

I see not a single source you bigot

they like it in the ass

Talk about being this selective lol, shitty one wants to go to Poland....Danish hates poles alot in denmark...most see you as worthless...and you look deformed.

you want sources? i got great sources, the best ones, and my prices are even better...

That depends on how much your municipality cucked for the Immigration Agency.
