What is the hardest difficulty level, Sup Forums?

What is the hardest difficulty level, Sup Forums?


SJW communist revolutionary i imagine, you would never acomplish anything except convincing everyone of how utterly stupid you and your ideology is


You have a great chance to get PKed still in womb, and there is not much you can do about it.

African American

Having a conscience. Being rational and sane - and no, I do not mean cancerous frogposters' warped version of """sane""" - is playing life on impossible mode. Your entire species is against you trying desperately to claw for resources and burning the world in their madness and they refuse to listen to reason.

Fucking jews, man. We need to actively encourage all distinctions between them and whites.

probably disabled chinese girl?
good luck getting past level 1

If life was a video game, difficulty would be based on starting location. Not race.
Hardest difficulty white grill in Somalia

have you ever considered that perhaps, greater forces are playing with us?
like maybe we are some kind of bacteria or dog in their eyes
>Alzerra what you wun do toigth?
>Les Wutch the Mon Keys kill each other

Rich Jewish twitter personality, that's the hardest.

Or maybe an 8 year old white girl from Rotherham, sounds tough to me.

Playing as Hitler

What if I lived my life as a white man in Detroit?

The hardest difficulty setting is White male born to a homeless and destitute family.

You have none of the benefits of being white but lefty cucks still blame you for your "privilege" because of the magic of apex fallacy.

To be fair I don't know a single one of us who honestly isn't pushing for that. The fucking kikes need to be recognized for what they are. Don't be a neet about either and hide your power level. Tell your friends and families, at least subtly and do what you can to get as many people as you can to wake the fuck up.

hell, even after the womb minigame you have to deal with childhood stage dodging bullets without a dad perk.

>trust fund kid who thinks every man person with white skin is him

I'll pick:

Being a schizophrenic deaf dumb blind mute quadruple amputee woman with hydrocephalus in Angola would be pretty hard I would think

Why would I want to play life at a hard difficulty?

Arab female
>spend majority of life in trashbag
>only get out to suck on sweaty Arab balls
>forced to pop out tons of kids
>they are all named Mohammad
>get replaced by younger wives when you get old
>ignored/beaten until you die
>get thrown into the dumpster
>the whole trash bag thing finally makes sense
Actually kinda feel bad for them tbqh famalam

>kike's name literally means "beak"
This shit writes itself

Maybe your reasonings aren't good and that's why they refuse to listen?

>have you ever considered that perhaps, greater forces are playing with us?
Literally every day. It is my mission to kill them and break their creation.


Complaining about whites while being Jewish is basically living as a Game Genie. Fucking Khazars.


So is playing as the jew god mode with console commands?

They're flawless. Humans are just narcissist sociopaths. If you honestly think that destroying yourself and your home planet so some dickhead can buy 14 mansions, then you have serious problems that likely can only be cured with fire.

>your entire ancestry does fuck all, invents nothing, just barely survives by making more children than all the plagues combined could kill in time
>somehow you can demand everything that the west has built up for centuries as if you both equally deserve it

Yeah no, how bout fuck off

Hardest setting is:
Fat black woman

Leftists are the biggest white supremacists of all. They literally admit our superiority every single day

genetic malformed chinese girl

its pretty much the equivilent of saying "just re-roll"

The worst spawn has to be Africa, I heard there's a bug on that server where if you're caught stealing from or attacking an NPC you get instabanned

Sounds perfectly reasonable

It means trunk.

Probably nigger in Africa. Live in total shit and squalor, dont have enough intelligence to better your situation, likely have some kind of disease, dealing with an average life expectancy somewhere in the 50s IF you dont get murdered first.

Sorry to Landon Shekel for centuries of my peoples ingenuity and hard work building a better life for future generations of whites though.

trunk is rüssel

god damn, the nose is over 25% of his face surface area

Very easy: Attractive white female in a western country.
Dante must die: Unattractive white male with social issues.

>Got accepted into college on an affirmative action slot
>Got a job at a fortune 500 company on a diversity quota slot

How many fucking levels of mental gymnastics are SJWs on?

ah yes another:

>"white privilege"
whiny sermon

>translation: white superiority

and this:
"try a harder setting"
"activate any handicaps?"

Yeah hurr hurr dumb hippies not wanting to destroy literally everything so a tiny number of people can lord over everyone else. So stupid.

>acknowledging your superiority is considered racism
>acknowledging your superiority and calling it privilege is not racism

I mean, what is white superiority if not a privilege? I check and acknowledge my privilege every day, what the fuck am I supposed to do about it? I can't dumb myself down.

White female is way easier

Somali, you can't even have a dog because you kill him every time he outsmart you.

they're usually short in length, have very little content compared to the "full game" and you're very limited in your choices

So a tutorial level of life would be niggers in africa. Nice racism, really takes the noggins jogging


The easiest is being a jew, and the hardest is being black. As some pointed out, it depends in where you spawn. Well, jews have priority except if they live in some shitcunt islam country. Blacks are just gonna be bullied or be forced into being a nigger. Being a nigger = being uncivilized.

You thinking literally everything will be destroyed is so stupid, yes
Stop being a libertarian fag and accept the laws of nature.


I tried counting all the hypocrisy that regressive left displays when its followers talk and without writing it down i simply lose count.
At this point when i look at it all, im 99% sure that every single one of their talking points is a hypocritical one, cognitive dissonance should be the name of their movement.
You need to save up great amounts of money, start a company and employ only women and blacks and lgbtqddklofapwfcdaflpapwofk+ people AND NOT PAY THEM 0.77 FOR 1 DOLLAR CIS SCUM

Poor and stupid

niggers are ez mode kid you dont have to do anything except crime and drugs

whites have to succeed, blacks are up there with jews and women in terms of ez living

Being a white women in a Western country is easier than being a Jew there.

that isnt though because most of them are self-entitled fucks who have never had to go through anything hard and still live at home?

If you are in a civilised country the hardest mode is being a white male thats lacking something, whether it be discipline or intelligence or money or social capability, you might as well kill yourself depending on the combination of your disabilities.

Niggers and women affirmative action left and right. Women everyone helps you cause they wanna fuck you. Niggers / sand niggers everyone wants to help you cause they dont want to be racist.
I know sweeden is an extreme but : Rape a woman, its cool part of the diversity ! Chances are she wont even report you.

hard mode?
being a white male in an SJW/liberal/black community

also being redpilled among retards

And remember, this is supposed to be the gold standard for nigger nations right now. The place that disproves niggers being primitives..

seriously wish hitler exterminated these filthy jew dogs.


honestly, right now, being a straight white male.

every chick, minority, and youth, goes off about how "oh another fuccking white male", and gets to pride it up in a parade, and celebrate at the bar, and shout about how evil the white male is. if i open my mouth and try to express to them how fucked up theyre becoming, i get shouted down and told that im exxagerating, that its actually so easy for me, and that im finally getting a taste of my own medicine.

meanwhile more and more attention is paid to how gay, brown, and vocal you are, while on a near daily basis im ignored by society.

a job means nothing. it especially means nothing when nobody will take your complaints seriously.

each and every day i get more and more depressed, and not a soul cares.

at least people fought for theblacks.
at least gays can go to their bars, and march in parades.

everywhere i go, someone is berating a white male, for being straight, for being white, for being male.

and yet they continue to ignore the fact that white males are the most suicidal.


i do not like this modern age desu senpai


African midget muslim woman.

Penalties on strength, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.

Depends where you're from. Hardest ever is some kind of African orphan in some shit hole in central Africa. However, in our countries? White male clearly, the other gender/any other race/ethnic group is under protection except that one.

I throw *albino in there as well.

Now you also get stalked by cannibals because there are rumours your flash cures aids.

Ugly, poor white male.

Despite getting precisely none of the supposed benefits everyone would still accuse you of receiving them.

The Schnabel is the nose of an elephant, aka the trunk. you cant make this up.

There isn't a difficulty setting faggots

If you choose to roll with the wrong race and class it's your damn own fault, reroll

It's their whole political platform

> Niggers are too dumb to take care of themselves. They need our superior leadership

it translates to "beak" in German

Being a white guy is harder these days, so that guy's an idiot. Being a white woman is the actual easy mode.

Oh look, another kike lecturing his "fellow whites" about our privilege.

nigger is actually the easiest difficulty, followed close up by sandnigger. You cant do no wrong these days as any of these shitty characters. You can gun down 130 frogs in a concert hall and white people will still side with you only because you are a silly nigger.

Most people don't survive it.


>I do not mean cancerous frogposters' warped version of """sane"""
what the fuck was this for you stupid cuck kys

Globally speaking, disabled lesbian.

Every. Fucking. Time.

African lesbian albino disabled muslim midget.

Every nigger gets pussy though. In africa I mean

I'll play the tutorial again thanks.

I don't want to be a nigger.

I choose INSANITY: a zygote in a womb of CalArts roastie

Heard it's literally impossible to finish the prologue

Honest questions: do jews, especially jews like that in OPs picture, think that they aren't white?

Does the fat faggot Seth Rogan really think he isn't white?

Yeah but 50/50 that pussy has HIV.

Ah, so i'ts another case of languages making no sense. Snabel, which I assume is derived from the German Schnabel, means trunk in Norwegian. Beak is nebb.

congratulations on your successful release of "life"

At least he's not hungry anymore.

I'd love to see his dead body on the floor.

Ahmed the dead terrorist struggling with his new life in Dresden

>You chose the class: white male
>Class challenge - literally every other class, and some factions of your own class want to genocide you

He's absolutely right Sup Forums, he just didn't mention he was talking about the tutorial for Demon's Souls where you fight Vanguard at the end.
Trying a harder setting is playing the rest of the game, then coming back and kicking Vanguard's shit in.

Why are these faggots always such manchildren?



What did Jews mean by this?

i dont know about that pic op
my height 6'1
my dick 8.75"
my iq at 15 >130
my genes (celtic with hazel eyes)
my inheritance (would be worth €1M now thanks to real estate bubble)
what else?
my nice disposition
my healer gift
oh right i was forgetting my looks, lol
i really dont know, how am i privileged?
thx for giving me the opportunity to brag
bring back white aristocracy

Mmm Sweetie... the answer is:

>Rural and suburban retard

IQ is one of the best predictors of life outcomes IIRC, so just play as a poor dimwit of whatever race/gender you please and you should have a really bad time.

This x1000

The ugly white hardhat is the new eunuch.

I don't want to unnerve you, but it seems like you're suffering massive brain damage.

Manlet dicklet ugly lazy autistic mentally ill (sissy) loner spic with a congenital disease.