How can you get girls to value themselves more and have them become someone in life?
Why are girls whoring themselves?
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Too old.
pro tip:you can't
Why do you need them to, it just helps weed out the undesirable ones.
>Why are girls whoring themselves?
because it works and gets them a very easy and enjoyable life during their 20 and in come cases even 30s
Cuz it's their only weapon ! And a form of control !
Not enough GOAT, you mean.
Genna need some sauce
Also sex feels good
Why are you complaining? Spread your seed far and wide.
Shit goes downhill from mid 30s though
Women need to be under the strict supervision of a man. It is the job of the male to guide the female down the right path.
Watch this video
Gives a very good example of why and explains why the left is a suicidal ideology at the same time.
>Shit goes downhill from mid 30s though
Unless the girl becomes fat or ruined her body with tattoos or piercings some beta orbiter will step up to the used goods and safe her
Memes aside, does anyone else think women are treated far better than men in 1st world countries? Same for boys and girls.
Boys seem to just get told to do whatever and girls get a massive support system.
I remember my sister getting tons n tons of attention and help with everything, meanwhile I was just left to do whatever. I never got any guidance or help from my parents at all, even to this day my sister whose a doctor still gets babied by my parents and yet I'm a NEET and they don't even offer any kind of help besides "man up".
I guess I fell through the cracks or something I dunno. I've just never experienced this whole thing about women having it worse than men. I've had to do everything for myself and my sister has had everything done for her and her life been setup perfectly, meanwhile I'm basically non-existent useless person.
Have them date an older man.
>does anyone else think women are treated far better than men in 1st world countries?
you are a bit late to figure this one out mate
I feel like the people that care about this are lonely. Find someone and get married and this stuff won't irritate you anymore. I see this girl and I think 'idiot'.
gib name
Brilliant picture, chap.
If memes are really put aside, then the truth is that women still manage to get treated better than men even here. They just instinctively know how to game the system, any system, even one specifically designed to put them in their place.
I guess she's been taught that she is socially acceptable. It does sound like she may be an attention seeker whenever she doesn't get it though I think
>be me
>be socially awkward
>women don't impress me
>all my time is spent either shitposting or studying.
I guess being a parent of a girl is hard AF
Youre right women do have it easier. But youre also a useless faggot if youre actually a neet. Go out there and do something dont let the women and minorities get the power.
Don't wish for an easy life, wish to be a stronger man
Not really.
Case in point. After Trump's "grab em by the pussy" news story many libshit parents asked "what do I tell me children?". The answer, as almost always, is the truth. If a woman uses her appearance and body and throws her self at a man she should expect to be used like a cheap you and then when finished thrown in the garbage like used up trash.
Same as with men probably. Family values, and stick with them.
by not being weak and giving them attention when they whore themselves
Come up with more original OPs.
And cover all this?
Just get yourselves a Chineseqt with rich family that hasn't whored herself out like the average white woman.
Is that "by the hour"?
Why does nu-Sup Forums constantly bitch about women being whores, and then claim in the same breath they can't get any sex? Don't they realize those two statements contradict each other? Why are there so many virgins with rage here if all women are sluts and sleep with anyone? Please explain this to me without using the phrases "Chad", "Stacy", "beta", "alpha", or "roastie".
Additionally, don't pretend like you incels are choosing not to sleep with women because they're not virgins. We all know the truth is that you would sleep with anyone because your desperate and sex is on your mind 24/7. You wouldn't turn down sex with anyone, so don't claim otherwise.
jews love the number 18.
666 = 6x3= 18
by putting babies inside them
Very interesting read
Because shaming is seen as worse than whoring
The answer is so obvious and in your face. Its islam. Think of your mother. She needs Islam. You know it to be true in your heart.
This is why we tell men to harden themselves.
It is unfair in every way but at least there is some peace (& personal satisfaction) from knowing that you can conquer adversity in any form (even if it's well disguised).
That's a chicken wing restaurant. A bit like Hooters but girls dress up as, perhaps, whores
You can't, all they aspire to be in life is fuckdolls that'll have everything put at their reach in exchange of laying down and having their hole penetrated, women cant have aspirations or goals naturally, only attachments to men
Youre forgetting that your children will have society, school and theyre friends ruining their minds. Theres a reason most girls become sluts once they leave home and go off to college.
Im a senior in high school and get laid I just know that society is finished at this point. Women are so damaged at this point. All the girls at my school are refugee loving, 72 genders, socialist cunts. This whore live style goes hand in hand with liberal degeneracy. I would give up fucking whores to go back to a traditional life 100 years ago.
I also only get laid because im a sort of chad with a nice face. So yes the chad thing is real too.
Society is done though, enjoy the decline.
the solution to this problem is easy
>find slut pics in social media
>inform parents of her daughter being a slut
problem solved!
I think this is socially constructed though. The feeling of "freedom" and peer-pressure leads to very bad decisions during college.
Because its fun to be noticed
Traditionalism is dead pal. Invention and cheapening of contraceptives were a mistake.
can confirm
Now that you mention that, the Catholic church now seem fine with contraceptives and all that shit. In the past, that was a big NO, but now they "allow it". The pope is a bad guy
Yeah, what's the psychology behind this?
Check out this post ->
Perhaps some ass whopping from her actual dad would work? kek
But muh western civ
They're subsidized to act like whores i'm sure if we remove their subsidies they'll stop.
Women are at a all time low when it comes to Sexual Marketplace Value.
Men don't want kids.
Men know she'll make a shity house wife.
Men know there is more where that came from.
Women don't know how to act, other than in accordance with what society is telling them.
Women make horrible parents.
Women make horrible life mates i.e. divorce / alimony theft
Women make horrible workers
Women make horrible home makers.
Women are shit these days, the only value they have is their sexuality, and even then their sexuality is so devaluated by the flood of product trying to not be a single waitress at 40.
CIA forced meme. Sage and move on
dam boi who dat
The refugee and gender stuff is IMHO mostly virtue-signalling and conformism. Women don't have their own ideas. They have a deep urge to be liked by society/tribe and they have a deep biological fear of being kicked out of the tribe. Most of women will conform with their thinking to whatever society or their husbands tell them to do (because a marriage is a micro-tribe).
If you/we get to the the levers of social power, women will follow. Unfortunately the TV kikes have this power right now.
They know they're sex objects. They compete with each other on who can get the most guys. If one of them gets cum, they all need to get cum.
rare get braaap
A girl named Monica
Pic related. Threads are contradictory.
Sure, pure scarcity principle in Economics.
We sure are flooded with them
I predict she will become an emo or some dark shit like that with tattoos all over her body
These photos are several years old I think she's living a normal life now.
Different definitions of value. This threat is about real value in terms of knowledge, career success, etc.
The other threat is only about monetary value and the other OP is talking about scarcity principle
Escuela Secundaria Tecnica or some shit?
She's cute though
>But youre also a useless faggot if youre actually a neet.
Yeah my town shut down the local mill for asbestos and refused to rebuild it.
We got two gas stations and a subway though.
Loling at this fag.
A good start would probably to tell them that they are not princesses and that they can't have it all.
If they realize that their looks and putting out are pretty much the only two things they have to offer to most men, they might be a bit more careful with it.
You beat the shit out of them
Fuck off, Slovenia.
name please?
They are the vaginal jews.
fucking kek
Destroy Jewish globalism and wrest control of the state from multinational race-destroying elites and their degenerate anti-white culture
Some random bitch I found. She doesn't even put her name. Probably because she doesn't want her parents known she is a little whore
Underrated post overlooked by ol degenerates
can you link the account desu?
They know. You don't.
found sauce thx user!
That's because not even Saudiya implements Sharia 100%
nvm found it
34 here. You should see the absolute state of the girls I went to school with now. Even the really hot ones look like wrinkled dog shit. Too much whoring and tanning will do that to a woman.
Meanwhile, I'm in shape, get mistaken for being mid-20s and currently banging a 22 year old with a pussy like an insert coin slot.
Dating a 30+ woman. Not even once.
>Please explain this to me without using the simple words we have all agreed to use to describe this subject
Youre right and part of this is that women arent marrying anymore. Theyre partying with their other whore friends until theyre 30. All the while voting and giving power to degenerate policies.
living the dream
Fucking kek
Welcome newfriend. Enjoy your stay, it's forever.
Because of the girl is black, she doesn't know her father.
And if the girl is white, her father treats her like a "princess", so she thinks her looks are the way through life. And her body usually follows close behind.
Today's woman are trying to enjoy hookers dream. Party and spending money. +30 they start looking for something for long term relation.
Yes. There is no need for social pressure to engage in hedonism. But it helps to have social support/acceptance to engage in it.
I mean, nobody does drugs, because they have been forced by their peers to do it and want to conform. People do drugs, because drugs are pleasant and people want to feel good. But to avoid their own conscience, people want find social acceptance for what they already wanted to do.
So, women kind of still need a "party culture" to do the partying. They find extremely distressing, if somebody shames them for it.
There is a term among Polish sociologists/politologists: "distribution of social respect". Who has the tools to distribute it, has the power to massively change the behavior of the masses. It's about being able to authoritatively define: "this is bad and this is good". Strangely, Sup Forums has some of this power, as the individuals labeled as "cucks" had to discover.
That's also why women fight the "slut" label. Society is the natural environment for women, they need the social respect like fish need water.
I couldn't. Where?