Hitler loved animals and children, and didn’t want war, but England did. There’s one big difference between Hitler and every other leader. Most leaders are merely tolerated, or, disliked. But the people of Germany loved Hitler. And he loved them. He literally saved Germany during his first four years in office, and then led the country to economic and social prosperity. Some people blame Hitler for the wartime destruction of Germany, but that blame is misplaced. England declared war. Over Poland? Nope. Poland was just a handy excuse for war. Big Jew wanted Hitler and the German people to be destroyed, so they were.
Hitler loved animals and children, and didn’t want war, but England did...
Other urls found in this thread:
I still wonder why he didn't kill every single Kike his hand could reach, rather he allowed the fuckers to be part of the SS. Also Kikesses in Auschwitz could even give birth with all the medical assistance needed! Their number increased! This is fucking ridiculous!
A well known ZOG technique is to flood unwanted message board and forums with Nazi profiles anв then shut down the site for "extremism". Is it what's happening to pol or has it always been like this?
>every single Kike his hand could reach
He couldnt reach the ones in britain who were pulling Churchills strings, or the ones in the US who were pulling Roosevelts strings.
It's the only thing that'll save the west.
so why did he massacre the population of warsaw and destroyed every building in that beautiful european capital? Bodies were stacked to the fourth floor in some streets. Note, this was after the jews had already been removed and communist were at the gates of the city. He effectively killed any polish resistance against communism.
Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived. No one who is sane refutes this.
This does need addressing.
quads of jewdar going off
haha respect and bow down to the truth in these quads, you racists.
Maybe you were lied to, user.
This, if he had sent into hitmen/hitsquads we could have removed this.
So it's ok to invade countries you don't like? Kek
>>No one who is sane refutes this.
"No one who is sane disputes this", sweety.
>>More evil than Mao or Stalin
Who is Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin?
Dunno m8. What about the important Kikes that lived in Germany and Poland? He let most of them flee, such as Einstein, that filthy Zionist. He could've used them as hostages to blackmail the international Jewry. I'm not trying to say he was a shill all along, but... Poor, poor strategy.
>why did he massacre the population of warsaw
maybe because war was something that happened more often in that time period. Nuclear weapons have made war seem like the end of civilization. I think hitler knew war was a part of realpolitik. He had built a grand army and was willing to show the world its power. He probably also disliked poles for how the ethnic germans were treated.
>Germany teams up with the Soviet Union
>and invades Poland, having already invaded Czechoslovakia
>It was all the UK's fault
Calling the pot black here, burger.
Whole point of ww1 and ww2 was to get rid off warrior males, pacify the remaining of betas and then let the degenerates enter Europe.
> Be Hitler
> Visit Britbong royal family and shill with Rothschilds
> Rile up the masses about subhumans while having half breed Himmler and Goebbels alongside you
> Send perfectly healthy men to war you negotiated with allies
> Kill fellow white men, declare Slavs as subhumans while
>Praising islam
> Segregate jews
> Run away
Really smart.
> Pol will neg this
>Hitler didn't fight in the front lines with his people
making him less of a leader then other murderers like Che
>Hitler did hide in his bunker while his people died.
leader score: average 5.0/10 like all other "leaders" who rule their people behind the lines and supposedly "love them"
>muh for the people excuse like the communists
Enlighten me, then, you woke Romanian pal.
>non-aggression pact is teaming up
>meanwhile allies actually teamed up with Soviet Union to defeat Germany
Depressing, but it makes sense.
>invades Poland
>but didn't want a war
You can sympathize with Hitler, but try not to be a fucking retard apologist about it
>Tfw can't even tell if that's an actual photo or a parody drawing or something
The Treaty of Versailles but huge portions of German territory in Poland where ethnic Germans were being persecuted. The (((allies))) refused to renegotiate the treaty, in reality it was always meant to instigate another war in which they could found the state of Israel. Remember the Jews were crying about 6 million even in WWI and before
thats because hitler was such a great man. his heart was to big. he didnt want to kill if it wasnt necessary.
comparitively president Polk did not want to goto war with Mexico and tried everything in his power to stay the invasion of Mexico before commiting to the war.
all for the rio grande territory which was never US soii unlike Poland in comparison to Germany
Hitler was less evil than Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot
t. person who is sane
His own generals tried to assassintate him for being a failure.
His drug use had gotten so bad he was barely sane in the end.
Attempting to re-write history on the internet is lame and stupid.
Correct. And Hitler took the initiative of reunifying Danzig with the rest of Germany using the military, i.e. he objectively wanted war woth Poland.
If Hitler loved Germany so much he would have left troops behind to defend it instead of old men and young boys. His refusal to accept defeat after the failure of Operation Barbarossa and his stubborn efforts to turn the tide of the war with doomed offensives ensured the death or subjugation of his people by the USSR.
How could he expect a different outcome, then?
Why did Hitler invade Poland? He wanted Eurasia from Russia. And it wasn't Germany in Poland. It was the Russians. So it's German's fault.
>non-aggression pact is teaming up
and it was just a complete coincidence that the USSR attacked Poland in the east when Germany attacked in the west.
Hitler's father was a kike. His last name was Sheckelgruber or something like that.
People don't find with swords and shit anymore, you do know that right? You can't just put your leader on a barded warhorse, cover him in 3 inch steel, surround him by other men in similar fashion and then cheer as he goes careening through the enemy lines before returning to sit in the wartent for the rest of the battle.
Real life isn't like your video games, just because he's a "leader" it doesn't mean he has like 10 million health or some shit. A leader can die as easily as anyone else, so why would you have them leading battles for? Are you legitimately retarded?
slavshits killed and raped tons of germans.
hitler said : give danzig or kill
slavshits said : come at me bro
slaveshits got kill and lost 12% of their population. and their whole country instead of just danzig.
I don't get what you're trying to demonstrate. Beans were btfo, we wanted their land and, as Mexicans tend to be, they were too incompetent to hold onto it so it became ours. Which is specifically why we don't need Mexicans in the southwest attempting to reconquer the territory they lost.
It's okay to acknowledge that forces you sympathize with can be aggressive, perhaps "unfairly" so. You don't need to spread taqqiya about how peaceful they are when it clearly isn't the case, no one will take you seriously
The only person who can enlighten you is yourself. All I can do is offer some links to arouse your curiosity in the hope you will research it yourself.
PS: the establishment lies about everything, why would they tell the truth about hitler, their foe?
The Soviet Story (2008)
Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full)
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
Adolf Hitler-The Greatest Story Never Told (Full 6 hours)
12 Things You Were Not Told About Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany
Hitler’s bodyguard dies at 96 ‘proud of it all’
Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?
Adolf Hitler - The European Crusade
which is a german word.
same goes for goldstein , rosenthal and goldstein.
all pure, old german names.
in old germania your last name was given to your profession or accomplishment.
if you were a baker, your last name would be Becker.
same goes for Müller and so on.
people think these are jewish names but they are really not.
I've watched almost all of them already. Thanks for the effort, though.
If Hitler had won WW2 , he would be considered as God here in Germany.
Most of the powerful Jews left before the Nazis had consolidated power. Contrary to popular history narratives Hitler did not have total power even after the Enabling Act. He still had to trade favors and convince parts of the old establishment to go along with things. He wasn't really an all powerful dictator until 39, and not to the extent portrayed even then.
It's true, most of the worst of those in Germany left and kept up their kikery elsewhere.
Then you only need this:
>Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?
I usually post the whole (((package))) just in case.
Thats why hes an avrage leader, didn't you read the whole comment? Everyone does this.
There is nothing special in leaders "loving their people" either
All in all, he is less impressive then many communist leaders like Tito or Che
And all of them are even less impressive then gandhi ect.
As one can be a front figure yet lead a country
Kek! I'll check it later. Thanks.
Lmao, you must be new friend. This is the lightest this place has ever been.
Pfff, the last big leader who went to the frontlines was Gustav Adolf and his death was a huge blow for Sweden.
>There is nothing special in leaders "loving their people" either
It is today, when all the leaders are shit only interested in their well-being and furthering of their personal agenda.
Che lead a handful of skirmishes while he was a common guerrilla fighter. He never so much as even touched a gun well before he was leading a country.
Who in their right mind would think this is a good idea? So if you were leading a revolution or a party, you'd be fighting on the front lines? What happens when you inevitably die? What happens when the other ministers in your cabinet die because they are all doing the same thing?
What if, the plan has always been for 3 World Wars?
Word War I killed millions of the best and brightest in the White race, gave more power to Central Banks, put most Nations under massive debt.
World War II Killed millions of Whites again, increased Global Debt, created UN, NATO, and drove Millions of Jews out of Europe, to create Israel.
Word War III West vs Islam. Destroys both, drives all Jews to Israel, they finalize the Yinon Plan for Greater Israel, rebuild the Temple, and prepare for the Anti-Christ.
Just a thought on the trends of massive unprecedented immigration, and growing global Fascism.
>Go to war over Germany violating Poland's sovereignty
>Hey goy nevermind Russia did as well and stole the other half
>The entire war started over Poland
>After the war when Germany is defeated Soviet Russia takes and violates ALL of Poland's sovereignty
>Russia massacres tens of millions more adding onto the tens of millions they massacred before WWII
>Don't forget Russia massacred more than 3x as many people as Hitler supposedly did
>They then massacre 10x as many people by the time Stalin is done with them
>Started the war over Poland's sovereignty but ended the war with Poland's sovereignty even more violated than when it started
>Britain and USA: I'm """"""""""""""""""Helping"""""""""""""""""""""
Go back antifa. Your Jews need you.
You're embarrassing yourself even more than you already have.
Quads don't say shit.
Gets only count if it's a meme but in a serious argument it doesn't count.
Your first sentence is incorrect.
When you die, you get branded a hero and are replaced by someone else. It is a boost to the morale of the men, also. In the old days it was common and expected in some circles for leaders to involve themselves in battle. That's how you get distinguished and get actual experience instead of claiming you give a shit about the trials of death your men face, yet you are too afraid to die with them and put yourself in these same trials.
And not all ministers would be doing the same thing, that's retarded. It depends on what kind of leader you are. Most leaders do not care for their people, so why should their people care for them? If you profess war and are willing to send young men to possibly die for you and your country on the frontlines, you better be brave enough to go with them. If not, you are a hypocrite. Much like someone sitting behind a computer screen with a big mouth, not afraid to say anything, but when confronted in person, fear suddenly enters through the pineal gland and you become a shell of a man.
every leader claims it, its meaningless
actions speak louder then words, and gandhi did lead his people in the front lines, by taking the blows as well as his people
so he wasn't a murderer? Wtf i love che now that hes more similar to gandhi
It all depends on what you look for in a leader, if he is supposed to be behind the lines and do his job, he might aswell be angela merkel, do stuff without taking the consiquences
while i disagree, a good leader is pic related.
"loving their people" is just a silly story we tell ouerselves if we don't let actions speak louder then words
says the american
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
>Bodies were stacked to the fourth floor in some streets.
sure dude, Santa himself put them there
>But that same day, Hitler clung to hope given by what turned out to be a false report that the Western Allies had called upon Germany to hold Berlin for two more weeks against the Soviets so that they could battle communism together.
>“He still believed in a union between West and East,” Misch said. “Hitler liked England — except for (then-Prime Minister Winston) Churchill — and didn’t think that a people like the English would bind themselves with the communists to crush Germany.”
Yes, his actions speak louder than the history books.
And you think that Hitler couldn't have sell out, join the club and play as (((they))) sing, just like Trump did?
But he chose to fight instead, to the last. He chose to sacrifice his own people in order to save europe from bolshevism. Berlin was our century Thermopylae.
And not that it matters to me, but he was on the front lines in WWI.
Hitler idiotically invaded Russia. Germans were the greatest victims of his malignant narcissism. I do still see the sweet and abused boy in him, though. Everybody is complex, multifaceted, governed by their past.
And now look what the Germans did to the Poles.
Hitler saved Europe from Stalinism. Stalin was plotting, its all documented. Without Germany Europe would be a communist shithole up to this day.
Your welcome.
The things Germans tell themselves in 2017 to be able to sleep well at night,
When you guys realize that the Brits sold out the White Race and the Aryan brotherhood ? When you guys realize that colonization of the third world was just the first phase of globalization ?
he didn't he surrounded the city and told them to surrender. after some starvation they finally gave up. the people of Warsaw died because of the govt of Poland.
>"England wanted war."
Um, no sweetie.
>The Earls Court Peace Rally was the largest indoor political meeting in the history of the world.
>It was held in London on Sunday 16 July 1939 – less than 7 weeks before Britain declared war on Germany and the start of an armed conflict that cost the lives of 60-million people.
>The sole speaker to the audience of over 30,000 people was Oswald Mosley, the charismatic Leader of the British Blackshirt movement. He was preceded into the Hall by the British Union London Drum Corps, 60 Honour Standard bearers, the Women's Drum Corps and the massed standards of the Movement's industrial groups and local branches.
>For over an hour, Mosley spoke without notes, hesitation or hostile interruption to make a last-minute appeal for 'Peace with Honour, Empire Intact and British People Safe'.
>The transcript of that speech demonstrates his supreme ability as an orator – unequalled in the 20th century or beyond. The audience responded with tumultuous and prolonged applause.
>Few who heard his speech believed war could ever follow after that. Many who heard it would never survive to see its end.
>"We are going if it lies within us, and it lies within us because within us is the Spirit of the English, to say that our generation shall not die like rats in Polish holes.
>"They shall not die but they shall live to see above their heads the English sky, to feel beneath their feet the English soil and to enjoy the fair English countryside.
>"This heritage, by our struggle and our sacrifice, we shall give back to these our children and tell them that they come from that ancient stock of men that went forth from these small islands, across storm-tossed seas in frail craft, to take within their strong hands the greatest Empire the world has ever seen, in which tomorrow we will build the greatest civilisation yet!"
The peace movement only lost traction because they started locking up people who wanted peace.
>Hitler and Nazis dindu nuffin, it was dem anglos who wanted the war.
>We wuz just minding our own business killing civilians and invading our neighbors.
>We wuz Master Race
Nazis are the niggers of politics. They had their chance, fucked up everything within a few years, and now that they're marginalized they can't stop whining about how oppressed they are and talking about their glory days.
Poles killed Germans in Königsberg and blocked Hitlers diplomatic aproaches. Poles were abolutely autistic cock suckers who thought they can act as they want since Brits would save their sorry asses.
Well, they learned their lesson.
EVERY single German war is reasonable. Germans have ancient war morals and a long tradition of warfare; Germans dont go into war for nothing but imperialism. We go into war with countries that activily trying to fuck us, or better: we went to war, since Americans installed their puppets who shill for pacifism and multiculturalism.
Its a plain truth that Germans are the top tier people of Europe; thats why Britcunts and their french dogs had to work together to bring them down. It all makes sense after all. Only little faggots, niggers and gypsies blame Germany for both world wars.
If you want someone to blame, go blame Rusmongolia and Jewmerica for being imperialist nigger countries.
well personal integrity is what matters to me
so we have to agree to disagree
Ahh smart Hindu.
you fell for the nationalist pride meme, best of luck
Go prep the bull nazhmed.
it is Ramavan.
He wouldn't have had to. Uncovered record revealed that King George and several military leaders were planning a coup to oust Churchill.
>EVERY single German war is reasonable.
You have a lot of bravery to equate Germans to nazis.
CLAIM 6: "Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories." WRONG! The event alleged in TGSNT as "the Danzig massacre" is a hoax; what Dennis Wise is most likely referring to is rather an event known as "Bloody Sunday" which took place in Bromberg (today the city of Bydgoszcz) and firstly happened three days AFTER the German invasion of Poland and secondly many of the involved Volksdeutsche were in reality part of a poorly trained Pro-Nazi paramilitary force called the Selbstschutz who attacked the organized Polish Army during the German invasion and got the shit wrecked out of them as a result. When the Wehrmacht came across this, they reported their deaths back to Nazi leadership in Germany who used it for propaganda purposes ("muh innnocent defenseless German civilians hacked to death by Polish barbarians") to justify their invasion of Poland that had already begun via false flag (Gleiwitz incident[10]) and subsequent reprisals against the Polish populace once the nation was erased from the world map for the next 6 years and turned into a new entity known as the Generalgouvernement. Also, Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent, Hitler invaded.
I dont fall for memes. And I am not a proud, but realistic person. Its proven by history that Germany was a leading country in nearly everything before WW1; Brits totally chimped out over the fact that one single middle european country could beat their shitty nigger empire. So they plotted with yanks and frogs in order to drag the mental emperor Wilhelm into a senseless war. Even worse, they needed the whole world to do so, since we were also better in fighting and planning strategies and building guns. Strange, isnt it?
But he didn't fight in the war and got rewarded for his bravery, that separates him. doing stupid shit like fighting in the front line as a leader isn't a good thing,
>If you want someone to blame, go blame Rusmongolia
>If you want someone to blame, go blame Naz-Hunmany
CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused." The world had learned Hitler's "peace offers" werent worth the paper they were written on after what happened with his Munich Agreement[11]. In any case the peace plan was shitty because it effectively gave Germany control over all areas it had conquered.
Is that Goebbels killing his children in that pic?
Cringe. Spam nigger.
CLAIM 4: "Jews made up 2% of Germany's population but made up 50% of media, 70% of judges, and nearly 100% of the banking system." An unsourced claim therefore, as the Hitchens Razor goes: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
CLAIM 5: "Hitler was compassionate toward Jews by letting them emigrate to Palestine." It wasn't Hitler who collaborated with Jewish groups, rather the other way round: Jewish groups tried to broker a deal with the early National Socialist leadership in helping them with their goal of getting Jews out of Germany via the Haa'vara Agreement.[8] This only saved the lives of 60,000 Jews. They saved their asses via a shitty deal rather than remaining in the Reich until things worsened to the point of ghettos and forced deportation to concentration and extermination camps. The strawman here, is that Dennis Wise is being deliberately quiet about the Functionalist (rather than Intentionalist) view historians have about the holocaust, and builds the strawman that if Hitler physically exterminated the Jews, he would have done so in the very beginning itself and since he didn't in good ol' 1933, he clearly had no intention to do it 1940-45. I wouldn't claim the NSDAP allowing emigration to Palestine an act of compassion either, because one of Hitler's pals was Haj Amin al-Husseini[9], who was trying to work out a genocidal plan with Hitler in dealing with Jews pouring into the Palestine region.
>Poles killed Germans in Königsberg
No they did not you moron. Poles had no authority over East Prussia you retard.
That child has huge hands.
>the Danzig massacre" is a hoax
you sound like my jewish history teacher
>be me, genius tactician
>head filled with knowledge of war
>die in the first 30 secomds of battle from artillery
Quit being an idiot. You cant lead if youre dead, and since we arnet fighting witg spears anymore that becomes extremely likely for those on the front lines
>letting the state define bravery instead of yourself
that is what separates you from me, and the authoritarians from freedom fighters
watched it all, didn't see any bodies 'stacked to the fourth floor'
You are right and that's why I like him
evil = cool
Hitler had already taken back so much territory. Now it wanted to take away a major part of Poland's sea port ability. Hitler didn't know when to stop.
Kim loved animals and children, and didn’t want war, but USA did. There’s one big difference between Kim and every other leader. Most leaders are merely tolerated, or, disliked. But the people of North Korea loved Kim. And he loved them. He literally saved North Korea during his first four years in office, and then led the country to economic and social prosperity. Some people blame Kim for the wartime destruction of North Korea, but that blame is misplaced. USA declared war. Over South Korea? Nope. South Korea was just a handy excuse for war. Big Jew wanted Kim and the North Korean people to be destroyed, so they were.
Like fucking magic, fresh anti-everything Sup Forums likes threads just materialize each morning.
>the Danzig massacre" is a hoax;
No it's not. :P
Exactly Germ.