Kingdom Come: Deliverance

The only game made in the west without LGBT/Diversity memes.

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Why is Poland so based compared to other european countries?

Poland is the trailer park of Europe. The fact that Sup Forums thinks they're based shows how retarded this site is.

they're super poor and all look like middle age "yes, mylod" peasants, tho.

I'm going to walk to their studiio right now and tell them not to hire BR marketers

your mind is warped by jewish media

This. Poland being a trailer park is a good comparison. It's poor as fuck, dirty, smells weird, and people tend to ignore them because nothing of value is produced there. But from people inside the trailer park, it's all they know and they don't understand why people ignore them.

it seems that outside africa being poor is a synonymous of being free of cultural marxism and free of degeneracy
we need to make europe poor again

Shut the fuck up burger. At least these people have a spine and sense of their nationality.

Of course there wasn't

your country is one of the most marxist infected shitholes in europe after Germany and France.
Your country is literally a Brazil with better economy, less blacks but more traitors.

Have you even been there?

Because they're right next to Germany who controls pretty much all trade in Europe?
No wonder they're seen as insignificant by comparison.



Dont argue with them, It only works for our benefit that people consider as a shithole. First, that means no muslim hordes, second, when degenerate werstern world will finally crumble those weak western pussies wont flood our homeland.

They're not in the west, you dumb fuck.

dude what

What does Poland have to do with Kingdom Come: Deliverance? It is developed by Czech.

> Czech
> west

just a mad brazil.. i dont blame him with all the shit happening there

Based and fucking clever.

Wrong. Already packing my bags Polebro. Cant wait to get me a cute polish waifu and some fine polish beers.

That's right, Poland sucks. No reason for you or Muslims to ever go there. Ever. Don't even think about it. Please.

Did this actually happen? When?

It's a Czech game sillyboy. No reason to drag poland into this

You know what muslims did with the Yazidis (blonde minorities)? they raped girls and boys regardless if they were 6 or 10.
Then they sold them to wealthy muslims so they could rape them for a week before killing them and burning their corpses

That's the ''beautiful'' values of multiculturalism and human progress you guys love so much.
>B-but at least we have a beautiful democratic constitution xD

I doubt they ever been to anywhere farther than their neighboring states, with the exception of muh capital during some school trip.

I feel you Poland bro. I live in Oklahoma, a state known for its trailer parks, and when people talk shit I just let them for the exact reasons you stated.

The Czech govt. recently released a statement in which they refuse accepting any refugees.

>trailer park
you've clearly never even been here, you know nothing about history, you're just talking shit

btw, "trailer park" life is not something most europeans will even know about, it's an american thing, and it only reflects on your "society". but i guess a homey comparisons like that will makes things easier to fit in your little american brain

go ahead and call me "redneck" and "white trash" while you're at it, i bet you see nothing ironic in the fact that your people invented all these terms

>On 22 January 2014, Warhorse Studios launched a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter with the goal of generating GB£300,000, ten percent of the US$5,000,000 budget, in order to prove to an investor, Zdeněk Bakala, that there exists an audience and desire for their game. On 20 February 2014, the fund was completed, raising a total of GB£1,106,371. Even after the end of the Kickstarter campaign, the crowd funding was continued through the studios' website. On 1 October 2014, Daniel Vávra had announced through a YouTube video that the game had raised US$2,002,547 from a total of 38,784 backers.

Donating to a public company with limited liability? This is pure donation territory, they're not offering shares.

How fucken stupid are people these days? You're putting your cash down so someone else can turn a profit on it without having to pay dividends. Bizarre.

hit a nerve did they?

>its an american thing
uh... you mean european thing... because gypsies invented it...

They are still religious

Because the White man seeks value in everything, so if there is no monetary value there can still be moral value.

The hypocrisy of this post

In the meantime your Polish brothers are all over Western Europe. If Poland is such a great country as you try to imply, why do they come here then?

>inb4 only poor people
yeah like every other countries immigrants?

Probably because people like to experience the world, you stupid inbred fuck.

Can I come over if the west falls?
I'd even help recapturing it with your winged hussar dudes.

Carlos is angry oh noes

I love how he is forcing a medieval non-fantasy based in Bohemia's esoteric history on the american game playing populace at large.

This is true diversity.

Poland, unlike many other countries posting itt, doesn't just have a history. It has a future.

>People like to experience the world
>So they all come here live with 20 poles in one house, get up at 5AM and work till 5PM just to get fucked up again and repeat the process

Yeah sure looks like a fun experience

Could be done quick by admitting Poland is a shithole and people come here to make something of their lives.

your country is a marxist infected shit hole, one day, sooner or later the jihadists will enter there. The three largest parties in your country are left/center-left.

why don't you mind your own fucking business cunt

>gypsies are european
you dumb fuck

The game is Czech though.

IIRC Czech Republic just closed it's borders recently.

let in all the arabs man they just wanna experience white culture and wives


no subhumans allowed, fuck off akmed.

Aint no Russian called me aint no Russian called me white trash so fuck your war.

>Tfw I actually didn't hear about this at all

what the hell are they going on about in that pic. I get it's about a game, what game?

Down syndrome or FAS?

Kingdom come: deliverance

nu-males complain that it's not (((diverse))) enough.
Keep in mind this video is by (((vice)))

>direct link to VICE
Change domain to hooktube to prevent views

>poles work 12 hour days
sound pretty based desu

>11 November 2015
Old news, I wish it was a recent event

It's a yearly thing. Expect it again this November.

Thanks BurgerBro. Kek @ the like/dislike ratio. VICE must be shilling again, I miss how they were 3-4 years ago.

no, FUCK YOU, you cum-gargling burger cunt

go watch your women get FUCKED by niggers and get charged with sexual assault for telling a girl she's pretty

the fucking peak of civilization right there

Oh fuck I remember hearing about this now. this is game idiots complained about how there are no black people on boats in Czech Ports.

Humanism and progressive values are weapons of physiological warfare

Pollacks realized this before the european union could destroy their country

hi can you do it on the 10th so it's on my birthday? :)

you have to go back

Im gonna go with downs since shes literally eating dirt. Shes a little sweetheart though and is a reminder that all (white) life is precious.

Poland is currently ruled by PiS a conservative party that is turbo anti-EU. The twin brother of the current president died in a plane crash in Russia that he blames on Russia and EU , so he has a personal blood-feud with the liberal political circles of his country. Because of this the intelligence agencies actively forment these kind of demonstrations in Poland and being anti-PC is promoted by the polish media

oh... ok

too much /leftypol/

>let me tell you about your country

you have 0 knowledge of our political system. The lefties here are socialists economics-wise, but mostly conservative when it comes to social freedom.

Do you think you are well educated? honest question.

>3-4 years ago

You mean 13-14 years ago right? Vice hasnt been good since long before even Gavin was ousted.

Better Poles than Mudz.
You guys do honestly need more workers, and Poland is one of the only European countries that can still have a baby boom and bounce back.

This is why your leaders will keep the floodgates open and not tolerate dissent. You guys have a built in depression coming, and they don't want the crash to happen until after they're gone.

that's why our american military cock creampies your country

As opposed to:

they are not turbo anti EU xD
kaczyński even wanted an eu army
you know shit about our situation please gas yourself
we don't have baby boom you fat mongol our country has like 30~ milions people right now
8 milions left and more are redy for leaving because pis and po runied our economy


that never happened. gay pride happened last week and it was the biggest to date.

>gas yourself
i guess we cant have someone else do it for us, comrade.

Thanks for correcting the record

>Poles can't even read
>Attacking the person sticking up for you

On second thought, maybe Dutch bro was right

Warsaw is honestly unironically looking at a brighter future than Vienna, or any other Western metropolis for that matter.

no it's not
also by looking at those soliders you send us i'd say it's a very tiny cook
i think you are not sober enuff to post

>Because of this the intelligence agencies actively forment these kind of demonstrations in Poland and being anti-PC is promoted by the polish media
bullshit, that's just how polish people are, believe me. pc was never a thing here

you're saying all that as if PiS is enforcing all those things on people as a policy. PiS is a reflection of the people who voted for them, not the other way around

poles were exactly the same 10 years ago, you just didn't hear about it, because there was no issue going on to make it relevant. go get a drink with a random pole and bring up refugees, 90% of the time they'll go full 14/88 on you

Dont be a gronk bro.

(((they))) use redneck/white trash to divide and slander pride and nationalism.

I am so happy that I backed this game for 120 bucks.
Still waiting for my T-Shirt though.

Yeah just wait. First EU will sanction this shithole and then they'll send all the niggers here.

Poland is a beautiful country and used to have beautiful cities. Look at a video of warsaw before hitler destroyed it.

you sound like a spook, have some pride you cucklet

>poland adopts facism
>elects a strongman dictator
>invades germany

like poetry

dude you are talking to an ape

You have no idea wtf you are talking about shlomo

not invade, "save" them from the muslim hordes. We will help ofcourse

Just stating the facts. I wish we had uncucked anti-EU goverment, but we don't.

yeah lemmie see that baby boom retarded burger
i home poles will be smart enuff to wait till last kraut will be castrated and made into chicken feed
THEN we can go and claim germany clay because saving savages won't help us or the europe

>builds extermination camps for muslims in germany

slavs aren't ruthless germanics, we's kick them the fuck out, not murder them

t. illiterate fat burger niggers that have never left their cun-try

Instead of extermining the Germans, deprive them of their bulls. Slavic cruelty senpai

>conservative when it comes to social freedom
give me an example of a conservative principle supported by any of the three largest socialist parties in your country

>Hey guys i've never been to Poland but it has a lower gdp so it must be shitty!
I've been to almost every country in Europe multiple times. Outside of Prague, Krakow and Warsaw are my absolute favorite cities. Get off your autism gaming chair and go see it for yourself. Sure their roads may be shit compared to Germany but its a very lovely place to visit.