Sup Forums ylyl
Sup Forums ylyl
Q. Why Pole died in Indoa?
A. There was no job for him.
requesting someone with skill to add Poland on Brutal difficulty
You forget the part where America was supplying the gardening tools
fucking glorious
that's a funny way to spell out
it's in human nature to have internal bleeding when you are thrown out of a helicopter
Apparently a smiths hammer is s gardening tool
>that look when you realize your wife and Harambe were cousins
Checked and keked
I would if I recognized the font
and it works each time. ahahahahahaha
This threads are the most reddit shirt ever and not politics related at all take it down to /bant/ redditor
A faggot with an axe
>Sweden isn't listed as a tutorial
wew lad
Requesting more "too smart to-" and other news related ones.