Chinese students just finished their highschool final exam.
Got to let off some steam
Chinese students just finished their highschool final exam.
Got to let off some steam
Kinda alpha to me
yes totally not gay
How does one even find this?
gay? my man fucked a bitch in the middle of the school
>everyday behaviour in American highschools
That's not a grill, user.
Because of the 1-child agenda and the asian tradition of aborting girls, there are not enough women for the young generation of chinese men. No wonder they are turning gay to get sexual satisfaction.
i wonder how small their benis is
>turning gay to get sexual satisfaction
just like the penguins.
what the fuck is going on there?
Kinda hot post more
that's a dude but totally not gay
And the frogs. The actual amphibious frogs. Not surrender niggers or Sup Forums frogs, although with some of these posts, it realy makes me wonder sometimes.
Same as anzu looks like
That's another level of weaking, just punch the faggot right in the balls if you can't fight for shit.
looks like there are other friends of his there for back up. Which is also hella gay
As long as their dicks don't touch it isn't gay. R-right guys?
maybe now he will cut his faggy long hair.
OP is a faggot, that's a girl, and no I don't have the uncensored version
i can understand the 'suck my cock kenshi'
but is the 1st pic a kiss? and why the weird frolicking of the victims flaccid gook cock?
plus old cuck mate filming whilst having a faggot fap
boys will be boys, they'll grow out of it
I don't think this falls under "average" behaviour, goddamn inhibitions anyone ?
you never raped a faggot before? It's like a right of passage
where? in neverland ?
you would probably do the same if every escalator visist could be your last and you are basically as high in life as you will ever get since next week you start assembling iPhones 22 hours a day
Alpha as fuck and totally not gay.
Anyone who says otherwise is LITERALLY a beta cuck. A mouth is a mouth.
" i will save both of us"
someone knows this sentence?
What the fuck is the story behind that?
Ssssshhh nobody tell him.
>le narwhal bacons at le midnight
Is that Anzu?
Fuck he looks like a cancer patient
How do you know that its a guy?
statistical likelihood ?
Look at the top third picture, see the tied long hair?
I see no proof that it is actually a man unless he is LARPing as a woman.
you'd think this person would dress as a girl....
Why do you assume that?
because if you didn't assume most of the stuff in your daily life, you would be scared shittles due to uncertainty. it's an illusion but it keeps the fear at bay
You are retarded
She looks like a girl so I assume its a girl
I can't tell if that's a grill or trap. Either way points to the chink for having balls.
>try to rape a "man" from front
>you can see she has tits from the t-shirt she was wearing
>long hair
>its a man XDDDD
t.fags with zero proof
At the very bottom the small picture seems to indicate a cock (and a normally sized one at that). It appears to be originating from the alleged girl, but it's hard to tell.
Oh wait no that's an arm. He's grabbing her by the pussy it looks like.
Doesnit matter? They all look like girls
Yes and again, you don't rape ass from the front
you can
Also I only see mouth rape happening
the same size as a turkroach's tiny dick.
i'll lay a mile of pipe on your wife while you watch, bitch.
it's only gay if you're the one smokin the pole. the guy facefucking the beta is alpha as fuck.
Usually happens from the back...
Like I said
It's possible