What does society offer young men?

I want to know.

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The sweet release of death



Enjoy. Also


Oh yes and Molymeme has tons on this, not too hard to find just use your brain and various keywords or just scour his videos from

Enough resources to physically survive, despite the giant holes in their heart.

Rape accusations

>White privilege
>The patriarchy
2 made up things that makes everyone feel better about the skyrocketing young white male suicide statistics


Jews are the lowest form of life.


Nothing anymore.
Even less than nothing if you are a straight European Christian male.

We had our last chance over 70 years ago when the greatest of European men saw everything that was coming and tried to halt it but our grandparents and great grandparents(for the underage faggots on this board) under the control of (((them))) fucked it all up.


Our grandparents are retarded let's just admit it.

Ironically it's the last religion in the world to still resist (((them))) aswell as degeneracy which has consumed the once great west. Even with 300 years of Europeans trying to reform them they resist.

Society isn't obligated to offer anyone anything.

The problem is that society used to reward young men for good deeds but no longer does so.

>Society isn't obligated to offer anyone anything.

So why would I bother giving back?

Free drugs via Rx prescriptions to not be men.
A life of escapism and depression.
A massive debt from their greedy elders.
The privilege to be blamed for everyone else's mistakes and short comings.

My grandfather was an RAF bomber pilot and died with regret in his heart in. Regret at fighting for the wrong side and seeing the nation,people and Empire that he once cherished more than life itself fade into darkness.

That is what led me on the path to Nationalism.

This. Feels bad man.

Western Countries except for parts of the US don't care about its young white males, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay seem more welcoming at this point since they are whiter than this fucking country at this point and can probably succeed if they were to to get their shit together
>tl;dr US and Western Europe are dying, might as well go to South America

The chance to wage a glorious race war, crusade, and ww3 at the same time. To lead the world and be immortalized as the ones who saved the West from destruction. To form the aryan ethnostate and colonize space with a the surge of new technology.

Or you can just sit on your ass, watch cuck porn, play vidya and be worse than the boomers.

>and be worse than the boomers.


Video Games aren't bad for you user, I play them but I prioritize work first hence why I haven't played in almost a week

>what does society offer young men?
>here's a long list of tasks for you to do, if you don't do them I'll scowl at you
post tits pls, I can tell you're a bitch.

Nothing, because young men are supposed to RUN society, which has never been a problem before (((society))) decided to hate on young men for no reason.


>Nothing, because young men are supposed to RUN society
So back then young men ran it FOR FREE?

Damn, I guess the real problem is young men wizened up.

i'll take the latter please

No, they ran it in exchange for positive feedback.

I like (((judo))) and cycling.