Why do all leftist/socialist men look like this?
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They're cucks
Survival of the fittest no longer applies. Betas and Omegas can breed
we need to start a campaign to mail razors to people like this
They bought into the notion that the European man owes the world to everyone.
they don't shave
The Velcro beard is to hide their weak jawline
Beards hide their weak facial features and are a last desperate attempt to claim their masculinity in the face of their own overwhelming cuckholdry.
>When your chin is so weak not even facial hair can hide it.
Holy shit fucking betas are deceptive faggots.
>"""""socialists""""""" are giving these guys 60k a month for a podcast
Guarantee the same people complain about college debt
Those three nu-males make $60,000+ every month on Patreon with their shitty cuck-leftists podcast.
THIS. Start shaving !
Traditional shaving with safety razor is best
Physiognomy is real
A shaved face is the mark of a slave
I'm glad some leftists don't shave it probably irritates their feminazi compatriots. Plenty of right wing people don't shave either
Of course some people can't grow beards like many asians and people who have literally devoted their lives to serving and dying for the jew (((us military)))
They fell for the "beards are so manly and hot!!!" meme. Beards are for animals
low test
shaving is a must if you have a good jaw or cant grow a good beard
facial hair to hide their weak jaws and chins
Wastes of skin
Shave your face goyim , the Talmud commands it and while your at it enlist in the US military or NATO . The highest achievement you can attain in this life is dying for Greater Israel . Assad did 9/11 , Iran. Putin . Axis of Evil Goy! 6 million! The US was founded for the creation of Israel. Pay your interest on time goy.
mfw they use them to slit their wrists instead.
All goyim should have smooth cheeks like a female. It marks them as chattel who will be ground up in the unstoppable hamburger machine of the Greater Israel Project, their flesh will fertilize the soil on the banks of the Golan
In America this is it ..
Self-loathing, likely had abusive fathers so they hate le evil oppressive white man, an therefore themselves. Its very sad when you think about it
This. They also like to LARP about bacon and whiskey and other art of manliness tier shit.
They're using the signals of manliness to make up for their actual lack of manliness.
Cause is genetic expession of small amygdala. Note the souless eyes,common in all
>They also like to LARP about bacon and whiskey and other art of manliness tier shit.
Don't forget muh craft beer!
Betas who are appealing to women to try to get laid. Their ilk let the women wear the pants.
here's a handy infographic
>>Don't forget muh craft beer!
otherwise known as "any old overpriced garbage with way too much hops in it"
>tfw hard right but look close to carl the cuck
Low testo and sex drive.
It's the "I can't handle actually working for a living" look.
two on the left look find
why are most right-wingers obese redditors?
>Why do all leftist/socialist
They are not. Stop spewing words without thinking.
There is a clear description of what socialism is on Wikipedia. Read it before shaming yourself.
>Christianity started the enlightenment
wew lad
>tfw 6'4" right wing jawchad
>women give me a second look everywhere I go
>attitude is if women don't like me, it's their fucking loss
I used to be beta as fuck until I was like 17 until I took the chadpill
>20-30 years old
In my experience the worst numales are in their 30s.
Why do people have cuck beards? You're not Muslim, you look even more weird with them
wow user you're so cool
A beard won't make you look manly and badass. You have to be manly and badass first, the beard is just the cherry on the fuckin top. Cuckbeards just make you look like a tryhard phaggot
At least Muslims get a pass because we all know they're fucced in the membrane, but YOU have no excuse. You look WORSE than a Muslim, bucko
>tfw can't grow a beard
>tfw excellent jawline
sure bro sure
every cunt on here says the same
Those three on OP's pic are socialists and know what socialism is. Look up Chapo Trap House.
I like not being carded
Jewish genes
Tell me more about the chadpill
Weak genes
It's like weak ideologies attract weak men or something.
Why do all righties look like this?
>the donald
>alt right
choose one
I don't like the popularisation of the beta male beard.
Men should either be shaved in the Roman fashion, or have a glorious manly mustache. Beards are ok, but only if you are 60+ age.
Don't forget sleeve tattoos to compensate for lack of arm hair.
But Sup Forums is not alt kike it is a national socialist board
they hide their weak cuck chins
I'm sure it's all just a (((coincidence))).
where are you seeing anything about "alt right"??
Hey bud, you're not a Chad if you feel the need to brag to mouth breathing frog worshippers on a Cambodian water skiing forum
You leave good beer out of this. Hipsters and liberals can fuck off but I like their beer. Although I rarely drink nowadays anyway.
Cuckface. The more extreme the case the further left the male will be.
A collage of cuckface.
Choose only one
And what do YOU look like?
Me too ;-)]
I have a beard but also a strong jaw. Right wing as fuck
Autism is genetically inherited.
His poo is on the strap-on. I must see his "girl friend."
>tfw 6'4"
Yeah that is lankey height and creeps out most women.
Same. Shame that it goes over my whole face down to my collarbone though, that's poor genetic lottery right there.
I have this luck unfortunately I am very lazy and I almost always dress like shit and don't do my hair. Whenever I wear good clothes and groom I get chatted up by thots everywhere I go, especially when I have my kid with me
I'm married so good thing I like being comfy more than I like chasing thots
sheep look like one another.
why do right wingers look like this?
>being lanky
>right wingers
>the donald supporters
nice try sven
The Jews are weakening and subverting they're greatest enemy. A white male who is politically active. By feminizing them and poisoning them to make them sterile bald and retarded they hope the true left will never come back. Being a leftist used to be a good thing and brought about healthy changes we enjoy in our society today.
>cucked by an angel
Becazse they are fat lazy fucks who are too lazy to shave.
I think that was his point.
I hate that they are bearded. Dont take that from me you fucks.
Also eye sight got worse and need big glasses because I hate seeing the rim (even if rimless). But I fear being associated with thesecucks
>if women don't like me it's their fucking loss
yeah you're not a Chad big guy
cause being a numale gets you laid more often
>Why do all leftist/socialist men look like this?
This is what cervical cancer does. I feel bad for them more than anything.
They are weak and frail. Cowards. They realize they are dependent people in need of support. So feminized men vote left for the same reasons women do.
Yep. A buzzcut paired with a clean-shaven appearance is the way to go.
Lol at the ironycel just lol
Felix would Dom everyone in this thread
how are you supposed to look
The beard has unfortunately become a tell tale sign of a man's beta cuck status. Combine it with tattoos, thick rim glasses, and a smug sense of moral superiority and you have the total neo-marxist package.
Shave your face, Sunshine.
not like that
leaf got it right
Yea, shave real good so the real men know that you understand your place as a horny girl with a leaky boiclit
Why is Sup Forums acting like they themselves are manly looking? ahahahaha!
Low testosterone, too much masturbation and lack of discipline in teenage years. Set up a pattern of poor decision making that shapes their life