If you could snap your fingers, and every single CNN employee immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
If you could snap your fingers, and every single CNN employee immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
*furiously snaps fingers*
I would threaten to snap them until they became an objective news organization.
That butt doesn't look normal. Is it butt implants or something? It's not attractive at all.
Fuck that I want to see Anderson Cooper's corpse (he's a CIA agent if you guys have forgotten).
andy "stick it in my pooper" cooper has probably access to the cia heart attack pistol and would use it on you before you could snap
Why? never seen a good ass sven.....dealing with too many pancake beckys
I'd rather snap my fingers so that every single dual citizen kyke in the US congress died of a slow heart attack
Do I get a choice or more snaps, because I could go further
fap snap fap snap fap snap fap snap
I hope the CNN infiltrators are reading this
>tfw can't snap fingers
You are really a useless piece of shit
You guys all know that the Washington Post is owned by the CIA as well, right?
Why should our counter-intelligence agency own media? Isn't that a little weird?
i would. I'm getting so tired of this drioumphe narrative bullshit. Do they not see they are basically casuing some sort of fascist coup? If they think trump is bad wait a few more years of this nonsense and see what the end result is.
Too much booty! That bitch is at least 15% booty. That booty has more mass than her head. I like booty as much as the next guy, but there comes a point at which it's just off-putting.
>tfw can't whistle
6 billion times, yes
>If you could snap your fingers, and every single CNN employee immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
>If you could snap your fingers, and every single muslim immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
>If you could snap your fingers, and every single globalist immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
>If you could snap your fingers, and every single feminist immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
>If you could snap your fingers, and every single marxist immediately died of a heart attack.... would you do it?
its 6 gorillion
No because that's just too fucking obvious even for my Japanese animes. Sage.
oh snap
And end their suffering? Hell no.
That skeleton is not hot
I will even play some mariachi tune while doing it.
Definitely. Anyone who still supports democrats are feral beasts, they all need to be out down for their own good
I'm not evil.
It is fake ass. Just as her boobs.
inb4 she workout
gluteus isolation is impossible, you develope your hamstrings too while you do it so your leg gets thicc. She has toothpick legs, obviously fake boobs, and a natural ass like that? If someone belives that, just kys.
I can't snap. Can I whistle instead?
Think she has ass implants?
Nope, that's too good for them.
No i would blackmail them with it tho, we da jooz now
looks like a muslim
Her beautiness is partly from plastic surgery, cosmetics, and finding THAT picture.
Not to take away that she is hot, but you have to be aware of theese things.
Would fugg tho any time. 1x beacuse she is hot, 1x beacuse she is polish
You look gay
perhaps but at least I'm not a swedish cakeboi
I'm snapping right now. Don't have tv. Is it working guys?
Yes. Obviously. I didn't see anyone in here stating "wow, that's the perfect creature".
It's just quite cringeworthy when people say "Hehe, she's not hot, let me point a few things out here".
No one here is gonna marry her or whatever anyway, so people can stop being ridiculous.
My fingers are too short and fat to snap. Its like slapping viena sausages.
any sauce on that?
Sorry polfu *snaps fingers*
The internet is a wonderful place.
But i'd like to see that chick when she wakes up #nomakeup #messyhair #drooling
And i hate that she states that she has a natural ass (any bodypart).
>1x beacuse she is polish
She looks Hispanic to be honest. Is she actually ethnically polish?
>tfw can snap fingers, can whistle and can move my ears
>fake tits
>fake ass
>shit colored skin
Just because shes not a lard ass doesn't mean shes hot.
Denmark... Im ashamed
t. Fat roastie
She is.
The girl says that she started to eat clean and workout. I mean just look at this video. Anyone who spent a week with lifting knows, that she has literally no idea wtf is she doing.
>yeah goyim make this excercise and you will have an ass like i have
Why bother? CNN is descending down a vortex of psychosis; all I need to do is allow it to happen.
When an enemy is self-harming and ruining themselves, it's best to do nothing apart from containment.
I can't snap my fingers :^(
yes but first tell the "who is this Sup Forums" hottie to resign
oh you didn't know? most people on Sup Forums can move their ears, we're all part of the ear moving group
Yes.....I WOULD do it!
That power would set me up above the gods!
Why stop there. I don't want anyone to suffer, but if it was instant and painless I'd gladly take the world population under a million.
her body looks hilarious
what the fuck.
like somebody slapped fake tits and ass on a starving African and called it done.
blitz or cooper-pooper. they are equally obnoxious.
Obviously since we need to locate bullshit
i wish i had this kind of power, everytime i would snap fingers some girl would get blacked. wait i dont need powers for that, its happening in huge numbers anyway
You get either 2 snaps or 2 scoops for life.
Im snapping them right now just based on the impossible idea that it could happen.
>I want to see Anderson Cooper's corpse (he's a CIA agent if you guys have forgotten).
he is a raging homo. CIA would not hire him due to they are so easy to blackmail.
Snapping those fingers like Ray Charles
lmao her ass looks fucking retarded
I don't know how to snap my fingers.
I guess CNN lives to fight another day.
Then I shall snap as one of them!
No because then nobody would shut the fuck up about it for months
Of course but if it were google or facebook it would be much more redemptive
*snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*
Gotta make sure no kike survives
But that would be anti-Semitic, Goyim.
>Move my ears back when I need to REALLY convince someone that I find what they said funny/awesome.
>People find this as irrefutable proof that it is a genuine reaction that it always work.
Its great when you need to make girls believe you give a shit about what they say.
*snapping intensifies
No. That's a bit harsh. I'd accept fired.
Would hate fuck/10
I can't properly snap my fingers
If you can pick pockets you can snap your fingers.
>fired of a heart attack
i noticed you left jews off that list.
any reason why?
also *snap*
we like HI TEST T H I I C C girls on Sup Forums
cuckold. she has ass and tit implants, so she is obviously a jewry victim
No, because CNN don't exist in Argentina so I don't give a fuck about them
dude that lifting is.... just weird. you are right, she clearly has no idea wtf she is doing
Absolutely not. I want to torture them, and watch them suffer before they die.
That no-homo policy is from the 1950s. At least 20% of the CIA are faggots now.
Speak for yourself, basement dweller!
The only cuck is you bro
You might fool some fellow internet fags but not a big dicked warrior like myself
kind of reminds me of a book by Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby.
so to answer your question OP, yes. many times over and over.
Oh yeah, Daddy-O.
I tasked my wife to snap her fingers non-stop until Kek's will is done.
don't give a shit about that but fuck, that girls body is perfect, too bad niggers have such ugly faces. I'd take a less perfect body and not have to look into that monkey face every morning.
I'd bleach the hell out of her for a night though
I'd break my fingers if it is cnn in spanish
...she's a slav
Nigger genes can produce very disproportionate asses, but I believe you are right. She is way too skinny for that ass.