Will pussy pass save her?
Will pussy pass save her?
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well, shes one of those things.
I hope they throw the book at her, 40 years
I wish I was her cell guard desu
she looks like shia laboeuf
>Thinks she is pretty and cute.
Well shit she is in for a hard fall.
I thought this was a tranny the first time they talked about her
Women have the astonishing ability to at the same time hate how they look yet still believe that they are a goddess.
Pol hates natural women but loves mentally ill boys? I just don't get it
> Pretty
> Cute
so what did she do wrong? redpill me
I want the real version, not the (((official))) version
she looks like Amy Schumer so no, shes overestimating her looks.
Severe case of autism.
It's going to be hard when the reality of "privilege" hits her.
She said "FUCK DRUMPF!"
Trump said "DRUMPF FUCK!"
Now her asshole is sore and bleeding.
She looks live some trans dude taking hrt.
She looks like a generic nord Skyrim character.
>the hook
I think the word is 'rope'.
And no.
Where is this photo from? Who is that guy? Would this be legal today?
>lefty doing illegal shit to advance a lefty agenda
>facing any consequences, ever
top lel, bruh
She would be rather pretty with makeup.
why use two words to suggest she is attractive when she is clearly a doughy, sociopathic inbred?
disgusting brown niples
AHAHAHA, You can't use the pussy pass if you tell everyone you want to use it. HAHAHAHA
If I were to guess America in the mid 50s, and yes, it would be legal, Americas constitutionally protected free speech has not changed. You WOULD be targeted by the (((media))) and possibly physically attacked by leftist thugs. You might also get murdered, but what he is doing remains perfectly legal.
it's called doublethink and we were warned about the people who use it
I thought you're a faggot.
But that shit looks like some Chernobyl kind of breast cancer.
A hook(er)
The jewdicial system will give her a slap on the wrist because FUCK LAWZ N SHIIIIITE DUMP TRUMP
brown nipples are disgusting
She's only white though.
Google says thats George Lincoln Rockwell, a name I recognize as being a white nationalist activist, however I don't really keep up with political figures.
Maybe. Although she looks a bit like a pig. Pussy pass works best for good looking women.
shit mislink on the last one.
Dumb bitch... now they have to make an example of her. She might have been right if she kept her cocksucker shut.
Some bull dyke in the pen is going to find her pretty and cute I'll bet.
I don't think she's pretty or cute.
Nice one mate
It's like all these sluts referring to their nasty cumholes as godly temples of femininity or shit like that, complete lack of self-awareness.
these sjw types also always put emphasis on how they're white when they're trying to cash in their 'privilege'
>from the Daily Caller no less
t. homo
she's pretty fuckable
Just imagine dat roastie doe lolololol
I know someone who will think she's Pretty and Cute
She's going to find out rather quickly that white privilege isn't real.
Why did that faggot have to kill him?
She'll be pardoned by the next democrat in office. 100% chance.
found the virgins
why are her nipples so dark? I would expect light brown or something...but thats, crazy dark, nice tits though
Ayyyyy lmaoooo
nope. she'll go to jail and fade away into irrelevancy within a month.
When's her court date?
Pussy Pass even saved picrelated.
so this is what white privilege looks
Nah, buffed women aren't attractive. Did you see her shoulder muscles? She needs some time in prison to reflect on her misdeeds.
statutory maximum is 10 years, and she probably won't get that since it's her first offense.
So you are looking at 5-6 years with parole in 2-3
she's a uggo tho
looks hot
>literally, none of those things.
Can't wait till this kike bitch has to wake up every morning knowing some 250 pound black twat is gonna be plastered to her face all day!!
hahahahaha no it won't she has an sjw view of white privilege soon she's going to find out we are held responsible for our crimes.
She is not white. She is Sarah Weiner the Jew traitor. Pussy pass revoked.
it's Rockwell, American Nazi Party
Give me a single instance of pussy pass not working.
>tfw no qt NSA leaker gf
That's being generous.
NSA does not abide by pussy pass.
She is part of the rebel alliance and a traitor
>pretty, cute