Why western alt-rights are think that Putin is Russian nationalist?Srsly?Cause he annexed Crimea and abandoned russians in eastern Ukraine?Cause russian children in national republics in Russia must learn language of aborigens?Cause in caucasian republics of russia all terrorists who killed our soldiers and civilians in 90s are amnestied,and one of them is president of Chechnya?Cause non russian immigrants can easier get citizenship than ethnical russians?Cause nationalists are repressing in our country,cause in media you can not speak nationality of terrorist or criminal,cause 70% of crimes committed by ethnical gangs,cause we have de-facto shariat in caucasian republics, cause caucasians can kill or rape russians and give bribe to police and nothing happens,etc.Fuck this!Sry 4 mistakes
Why western alt-rights are think that Putin is Russian nationalist?Srsly...
if it pisses you off that much do something about it and stop whining
we dont give a fuck, we're neck deep in liberal and shitskin crap ourselfes
Germany is dead,sry.Russia still had a chance
I see him as a pragmatic imperialist who loves to make deals with mudslimes when it suits him.
Never thought he was a nationalist.
>complains about non-whites
>talks like mongoloid
Well, slavs are non-white :^)
Ofc,but most of guys from west are faping on Putin and call him last hope of europe and other shit
Well said, Ahmed.
Yeah,Sweden is bastion of white race
>Why western alt-rights are think that Putin is Russian nationalist?
because the russian orthodox church are paid to spam this board with shills that push that meme
this board is nothing but a propaganda outlet now for every side
>In this information war, key roles are assigned to the Russian diaspora and the Russian Orthodox Church, the latter focused on spreading so-called traditional values and attacking universal human rights and Western democracy in international fora.
Maybe they desperately want there to be a last hope, only to realise that there isn't any.
Just like with Trump.
Alexey Navalny(joke)
Ofc muslims better than slavs
typical russian shill response except for the "whatabout" part where you bring up something unrelated to deflect
Chechnya was almost 50% Russian at one point. Now it's less than 2%, Moscow has the biggest mosque in Europe and an increasing amount of shitskin immigrants.
Плaн Пyтинa paбoтaeт!
Where should westerners get their information on Putin from? I don't trust anything. I just assume the more CNN dislikes Putin the better he must be.
Can you refer me to the least biased news source in Russia? Also tell me the most right wing and most left wing sources so I can balance them out.
He literally outsmarted the entire USA / Saudi Arabia / Israel coalition with a GDP the size of Italy.
No doubt he is the most talented leader of our modern era.
And he literally outsmarted russians
>I just assume the more CNN dislikes Putin the better he must be.
you really think a failed communist state is looking out for america's best interests?
>No doubt he is the most talented leader of our modern era.
the dick sucking isn't even subtle anymore
>you really think a failed communist state is looking out for america's best interests?
Not at all. I expect people to look after their own best interest and it doesn't always contradict America's interest. When CNN says he's a murderous tyrant embezzling 90 billion dollars from his own country I wonder how much is true.
But if you think "failed communist state" necessarily means "current US enemy, vote for Hillary" then we have to part ways buddy.
>vote for Hillary
the fact that you believe you are for either one or the other shows your thinking is already fucked up
Archive the shills
Have you ever heard of Panama offshore?