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>corbyn turns a landslide conservative victory into a conservative coalition in just one month
Stay mad mummy may, miss your majority already?
Doesn't matter, labour won
In a weird and shocking anime twist the DUP are now a part of government.
Which means there are actual Conservatives leading the country.
I'm not going to claim it's a victory for the Tories but this is not what anyone on the left could have foreseen or desired.
How did they win? They used to have majority and now they (still) don't. They're losers. Hahaha.
I read just teh headlines, baiscally "CONSERVATIVES BTFO" because they merely won the elections, but like, in a very bad way ?
While the progressive did an excellent performance by not being in power, is that about it ?
They won the young voter, the future is labour
Cringe and shameless to try and stay on as PM lol
Seems like the commies got btfo. Good on you, britbongs.
they won the "dude weed lmao, fuck trump" voters
When are taigs out?
>not the biggest party
>not part of the government
you what m8?
clearly the tories can hardly claim a victory either, but labour won shit all
>lose seats
>opposition gains seats
"Yeah, the public definitely wanted this, so let's continue!"
>British "democracy"
so its like winning the presidency but congress evens out a lot in seats in American terms?
Still better than a Commie PM
IE, the future. Meanwhile torie voters are just getting older and older
So what does this mean to first world countries?
I hope sinn fein's ready, becuase they're about to get SMASHED
Last year, corbyn lost a vote of no confidence in his party. When Theresa May declared a snap election a month ago, Conservatives had like 10-20 point lead in all polls. Theresa May fucked her campaign and felt the red dick in her arse. She was supposed to win a landslide victory, but instead she has to make a coalition, which shows that although she's still PM, she still did terribly
I don't understand either.
lel if her ass isn't on the street by the end of the day
Everyone knew they would win
the surprise is that the left made the conservatives walk away from he election with a bloody asshole requiring help form other parties to get the government.
I think TM is on suicide watch as her party lost a considerable amount of party and gave the EU the upper hand in Brexit talks.
but if you want to pretend this was anything but a victory for the Labour party go for it, we all have coping mechanisms.
Wrong may crashed her party Corbyn still a new nonce and so are you
by all means go full Labour and see the country die in your lifetime, in fact I might just support that for accelerations sake.
Not sure, but if you're wondering what it means for first world countries then I wouldn't worry about if I were you
Well this election didn't need to happen to begin with, it was a power play by May at a time when Labour looked incredibly weak.
So in that sense it's been a disaster, and considering that Jeremy Corbyn will stay on as Labour leader he will likely be there at the next election, after having years to improve his stance against the now incredibly weakened Tories. So both sides can claim victory to some extent, but really the victory for the Tories is incredibly incredibly hollow.
I would not be surprised if Labour win the next election after this coalition honestly. Especially since Brexit will be over with by then so a Blairite/remainer cucking on the deal will be a non-issue.
so the results are out?
Labour made it's biggest gains since 1997 and the Tories squandered a ridiculous lead (on track for an 80+ seat majority) to end up on less seats than they started.
They fucked it. Ran an awful campaign.
>says the country with two scoops drumpf
So they buttfucked the Labour, but with lubricant, so MAY BTFO.
Thanks, that's pretty clear.
I wonder if the American Left will switch from mega-saltiness to mouth-breathing rationalization in 2020.
nice argument, doesn't get over the fact that Comrade corbyn destroyed the conservatives
>two scoops
missed this frosty meme
Trump is fine, your country is getting close to going full commie as it has ever been but by all means, pretend you're better off than us.
FACT: More people voted for a Conservative government than for a Labour government.
The people paying 90% of the taxes dont want socialism, when the berniebro population grows up they'll vote conservative just like the previous generation
If May is smart (lel) she'll keep the DUP on a tight leash and make clear boundaries regarding what they can and can't do.
I wonder how NI is reacting to the news that they've actually made it into government?
she should resign
Gonna need a quick rundown on this situation
>Labour gained over 30 seats in 2 years
Rip labour! i guess #I'mWithHer
Pic is what is going to happen.
Let me give you the scoop
There was some article saying that at some dinner, Trump was given two scoops of ice cream while everyone else got one. Sup Forums applied it to Colbert since his show is about making fun of Trump basically and have photoshopped images of an angry Colbert looking even angrier and raging about how Trump gets more ice cream.
The DUP is said to be demanding soft brexit reee
thanks, senpai
Literally nothing, POTUS received two scoops while other people got only one scoop, the entire world loses their shit.
These times be rough.
>implying voting patterns are stagnate
Only for NI right?
Ok ok it's retarded I get it but who do I want to win if I'm a nazi?
they havent made it into government , may isnt doing a coalition
You tears are giving me one of the HARDEST ERECTIONS I've ever had. Yesterday was one of the GREATEST days in recent history. Libtards BTFOd hard and left with blank stares on their faces after Comey and now a bunch of crying bong children crying over a huge loss for them. You will never get the chance to change anything you crying manchild. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Entertain me more faggot.
Was looking after sick mum last night, quick rundown on what happened?
Corbyn didn't do shit, may just completely fucked everything up
They didn't win, they lost their majority and now have to lead a minority government. Which means they'll have to ask other parties for support whenever they want to try and pass legislation.
there's no way she wont resign soon, I cant imagine her own party would be a fan of her after she made them lost majority. Lol.
>tfw Theresa May will now be forced to take part in Orange Order marches in order to get anything through parliament
>10-20 point lead in all polls
That would be true if the bernie bro generation was all whites but instead its mostly Muslims who will always want gibs
how did our local seats do lads?
5/6 constituencies around me were CON HOLD
god bless
This is good. Catholics and Leftists are both BTFO.
I didn't know it was possible to do both, but this is excellent
>if you defeat your enemies, they win, Corbyn has done it!
t. Peaches Howard-Taylor
Quick rundown for an Americlap?
Underrated, when we lose we win boys
Labour did surprisingly well, the election was called when Con was up 20pts, but the Tories bungled it completley and ended up turning their healthy absolute majority into a coalition, or vote by vote agreement, whatever the actual formalism will be. That said Corbyn is being really fucking ridiculous when he's saying May should resign in favour of a more "represnetative" government, aka, him. When he did get fewer votes than May. The good news for the tories though, is that no matter how god-awful their campaign and manifesto, and we're talking "starve poor children" "take everything anyone with dementia owns away" tier awful (which was the public perception of the policies even if it wasn't actually accurate), is during a general election, they will never get less than 42.4% of the vote share whilst Comrade Corbyn is in.
Can someone dumb-down to me what happened? Which party was I supposed to be rooting for as a far-right wing Trump supporter?
Why do female politicians make the election about themselves rather than the country? I've noticed this as a growing trend
All they're doing is demanding the Irish border remains open.
Still lost, still not in power
Government is forced to rely on theocratic paleocons for power.
She wanted to win over northern Brexiters by putting herself up as the ensurer of Brexit and she couldn't do that by saying vote Tory, she had to say 'vote for me'.
That fucking means soft brexit...
You can t have hard brexit and open borders
>the level od damage control itt
just own up to it lads, May fucked up BIGLY
Neat. Does that mean all the tanned Englishman get the noose?
From what ive read the May party sabotaged the election in order for there not to be a brexit afterall
Think of it like the GOP establishment trying to fuck Trump here, but actually winning
This is the limey equivalent of "well actshuly hunt Hillary won the popular vote"
DUP going to turn Tories from Neo-Cons to full blown right wing.
It's that border in particular. Which everyone in the hard or soft brexit camp, wanted to be an exception. Same stroy with Gibraltar.
what a stupid cunt
MPs are greedy, they aren't going to lose their jobs just stop brexit
laughable conspiracy, article 50 is already activated, it's now law we will leave
>When your enemies win they lose
>means soft brexit
No it doesn't
The border agreement between Ireland and the UK has nothing to do with the EU, and even includes territories that aren't apart of the EU such as the channel islands.
We have a tory govt. propped up by far right DUP for now, things are looking /comfy/
DUP are the reason there's no gay marriage in northern ireland
It's rough. One side wants all Muslims to come over and to continue paying for the entirety of the EU to function.
The other side wants out of that shit but also literally wants to take away the Internet from citizens.
It's all fucked, my nigger. We all got problems.
Wait, I thought Tories wouldn't form a coalition with Labor or Lib-Dems, they're going to form a majority with the DUP? Seriously?
I'm not an expert on British politics but I find that shocking.
We must annex the false Republic of Ireland and reclaim rightful clay from the half Irish/ Half indian homosexual.
By not winning?
He's not a leaf you know
Does anyone know if May is actually forming a coalition with the DUP? Or is she just forming an autistic non-majority government?
let me break it down in a way you can understand Mohammad
>be 18
>live with mummy, she buys me all the tendies I need
>one day be 25
>have a real job, have to buy my own tendies
>realize the government is taking 40% of my money
>can't afford as many tendies
>start voting for the people who won't take my tendy money
Perhaps. Republicans and gays are gonna get it for sure.
May is the reason for the Tories losing the majority. Corbyn is the reason for labour not winning the majority. Stop reading /leftypol/.
Yet the tories squeeze the professional middle class and give tax cuts to their millionaire mates.
>Really made me think.
May pushed early election as it was last try by the elite to stop full Brexit
They want an excuse to keep full immigration going
>implying this will last for more than 6 months
Have you people not understood the conservatives are progressives? Can you honestly see someone like BoJo or Amber Rudd introducing the death penalty, criminalizing abortion or banning non-protestant religious schools? Or maybe you're hoping the DUP won't ask for anything in return for their votes in Parliament? And let's not forget a lot of Conservative seats are now in Scotland right now, and north of the border they're led by a leftwing bulldyke freak.
Face it, this won't last very long. DUP is so right wing I don't think even UKIP would be able to work with them without antagonizing their members.
The only good thing I can see coming out of this is the chaos and lack of a proper agreement between the parties will make a mess out of the Brexit negotiations to the point where we will probably crash out of it by 2019 with no deal in place. Brace for double digit inflation.
no, the tories squeeze the ultra poor by cutting their gibmedats. people who don't work don't deserve any government services.
The only people beyond the age of 30 that vote Labour are basically as follows:
>Third World Filth (Overlaps heavily with "Dole-scum")
>Literal Marxists
>People who work in the Public Sector and want an unreasonably high pay for their job.
technically, nobody had a seat once parliament was dissolved, so nobody lost a seat, they just didn't win seats again. they won fewer seats than last time, but still enough to win overall.
This would be my analysis as well.
Can someone explain why Tories allied with DUP and not UKIP? Genuinely cornfused.