I'm literally shaking I thought daddy Corbyn was gonna be the new prime minister what happened
Omg the UK us about to elect literal TERRORISTS to parliament
>"guys Corbyn supports terrorism"
>forms coalition with literal terrorists
best troll ever is what it is
Can i get a quick rundown? Are DUP /ourlads/?
> This morning is the first time I've learned about the DUP
What is DUP? Islamists?
Or is this just the left tarding out over some right-wing party?
Theyre ourguys.
This is the best possible timeline.
UK nationalists from Northern Ireland. Very conservative and very Christian. If they were slightly more economically right then they'd be 100% perfect.
>Vote for an IRA sympathiser who calls the likes of Hamas his friends
>Complain about terrorists
Labour voters should be culled
Left tarding out over right-wing party.
Anti-abortion, protestant, no fags, no feinans. They have "cut ties" now to UDA/UVF supporters, which were paramilitaries during the Troubles in NI.
Noice. Some good news out of the UK for a change then.
Unionist party in Northern Ireland, they want to stay in the United Kingdom. They're endorsed by loyalist militia groups, think Anti-IRA, they're willing to shoot Catholics and Republicans to keep Northern Ireland Protestant and out of the Republic of Ireland.
>Leftists vote for IRA supporter.
>Tories get supported by party of ex-UDA supporters.
If may steps down this was probably the best outcome in a shocking twist.
not really.
If only they wanted a hard brexit
This will kill the Tories long term. May really should quit.
>best outcome desu.
>muh coalition of chaos.
Anyone becoming pm jow would crash and burn. Glad it's not Corbyn.
>Northern Ireland saves Britain
>actual Ireland elects a coalburning homosexual who wants to import 5 million muslims
No wonder IRA wanted that land back, that's where all the intelligent people live
>they're like ukip
Wow a young woman who has absolutely no idea what she's talking about, i'm shocked.
Audiable kek
Some triggered lefty actually edited DUP's wiki, or is it really run by Uncle Adolf?
It was run by Thatcher just before
>The DUP is a right-wing populist[5] party. It is characterized by its Ulster loyalist position, which it has staunchly held since its inception. Ulster loyalism, with its aim for continued inclusion of Northern Ireland in the UK, has been identified as a type of ethnic nationalism[40], it is historically linked with paramilitarism.
lol so wanting to stay in the UK is right-wing populism, ethnic nationalism and linked to terrorism. I love how nationalist with left-wing jargon like the the Irish do gets a free pass from these scholars.
Relax, they're not gonna push for reunification with Ireland under the union jack
>deputy leader / Westminster leader = Nigel Farage
Just wanted to congratulate Hungary on having double our population yet half our GDP. Good job
>The DUP is a right-wing populist[5] party
>Ulster loyalism, with its aim for continued inclusion of Northern Ireland in the UK, has been identified as a type of ethnic nationalism[40], it is historically linked with paramilitarism.
>They have called for the return of the death penalty and have claimed that children raised by homosexual parents are " far more likely to be abused or neglected …"
>They believe that dinosaurs never existed and they their bones were placed there by pre-historic homosexuals with nationalist agendas to fool 'right thinking and good presdetarian people'.
You clearly don't actually know anything about the subject at hand you fucking cretin. The DUP never shyed away from their links to loyalist "paramiltiaries".
But don't let that spoil your bullshit narrative you fucking cretin.
>the dinosaur bit
Actually keked IRL on that one
Obviously dinosaurs roamed the earth before being hidden away in the hollows beneath us
they're pro-life fundies so ofc the gays and women will be pissed
>Loyalists to Britain
All these people need to fuck off.
That explains it.
At least I'm white
Where does it say the bit about dinosaurs? Crtl f didnt get any results.
I mean, they are literally the political wing of the the UVF.
Sound blokes tho
DUP is supported by Saudi Arabia
I'd like to see Sup Forums use their mental gymnastics to get out of this one.
How isn't it good? Based Irishmen are rebuilding the empire, you should be proud of you kinsmen.
'(total White: 92.4%'
Ye, there's so few white people in their country. How will they cope with under 8 percent being shared across ALL minorities.
>Never heard of the DUP before
>Throwing a fit of the DUP but not Sinn Fein
>Probably doesn't even know what The Troubles were.
Democracy was a mistake.
>mfw thanks to Labour gains we're finally getting our Right Wing Death Squads
Thanks Corbyn!
On the Wikipedia page, under policies
Retard lmao
A lot of the NI population descends from protestant English who settled the area a few centuries ago.
Democracy and women in politics was a mistake
The page was recently edited, and there's no footnote or source for that note, so I think it was the liberal who edited it in
saudi is based tho
>ruled by a manlet
>sharia law is misogynist
>They believe that dinosaurs never existed and they their bones were placed there by pre-historic homosexuals with nationalist agendas to fool 'right thinking and good presdetarian people'.
I don't support this though
>muh GDP
Kek. You can still move before the border goes back down.
Get out of here, with your facts and narrative they're Irish.
Good, because it's fake
They elect them to parliament every election, what's the big deal
t. pre-historic homosexual
The problem is they hold the "power".
worrying about someone lame duck party called DUP with some power. meanwhile Muslims are getting stronger by the day, and once they come to power homosexuals will literally be killed by being thrown off Big Ben or the London Bridge (which isn't that bad) women rights will be revoked (which is also not bad) but the DUP, think of the children.
nice sauce you got there
No one replies kek.
>Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser!
>Allies with terrorists.
It's almost like May WANTS to destroy her own party.
>dat ignorant.
Mostly of Irish amd scottish descent.
>before being hidden away in the hollows beneath us
this desu
>No one replies
Your source was a screenshot that could have come from anywhere. Find legit source archive post link faggit.
Yep that's the kind of response I'd expect from some uncultured hooligan who still pledges allegiance to the queen
>It's almost like May WANTS to destroy her own party.
The modern englishman has been conditioned to oppose all that the DUP stands for. He can't even post common DUP opinions on his twitter without being arrested.
This is not good for the conservatives. This is not good for the DUP, they benefited from not having the light shone on them.
English and Scottish, actually. Mostly English, as being the country with historically the greatest population.
Why shouldn't we pledge allegiance to the queen?
Better question is why don't you?
Dude, our GDP is like 5 times yours.
Just fill your country with chinks and poo's. It's not an achievement.
The two towers.
First Saruman
Then Sauron
At least theyre not brown
It's a silver lining to a shit election to be honest.
All of a sudden lefties give a fuck about terrorists....
Hey lefties, how about we kill em with "love" and "unity" like you always suggest we do with the brown ones.
Lmaoooo liberals are already salty
>"these people are vil medieval cunts and have no place in the 21st century"
>supports mass immigration from muslim countries
You couldnt make it up.
my kikebook right now is fucking glorious
anyone want screens?
yes lad
Gimme some!!
He got doubles, come on show us!!
1 of ?
do it niggah
2 of ?
Calm your tits, OP!
DUP are /ourguys/!
In fact, this is so fucking beautiful, I've got a semi!
>Scenario:: Next GE we vote in hoarded for UKIP whilst DUP gains serious ground.. Hung parliament and a DUP-UKIP COALITION
If only Farage got a seat, we'd have a well hung parliament
Congrats millenials, you voted for a progressive pro-IRA marxist so you get irish unionist Christian hard right rolling back your lgbt and abortion rights in exchange for hard brexit
>Only care about terrorism if the terrorists are white and right wing. Loves muslims.
>Only care about homophobia when its white people being homophobic. Loves muslims.
Being a lefty is just one lifelong virtue signal.
with farage, that would be a bit too well hung
It might just tip over from the sheer bulk of his hung
Pretty ballsy move if happens.
>>They believe that dinosaurs never existed and they their bones were placed there by pre-historic homosexuals with nationalist agendas to fool 'right thinking and good presdetarian people'.
My favourite was from last night;
"I predict a hung parliament, Labour working with the SNP now wouldn't that be coooool?!?!?!"
>Be leftist
>enable muzrat terrorism
>suddenly NOW care about terrorism because the media told you to
These idiots gobble up media bullshit harder than a femboy gobbles cock. Seriously why can't we go take over the MSM? If we did we could have a whole army of mindless drones at our disposal
So could we see the troubles part 2: empire strikes back?
It's fake calm down, liberals are spamming changes to the wiki and fucking it up
>Abbreviated: JEW
>Leader: Adolf Hitler
It'd be better than the load of bollocks you got to vote for and the sheer madness that resulted
"The DUP is a right-wing populist party. It is characterized by its Ulster loyalist position, which it has staunchly held since its inception. Ulster loyalism, with its aim for continued inclusion of Northern Ireland in the UK, has been identified as a type of ethnic nationalism"
Absolutely Glorious
They're spamming changes to it all day, some valid paragraphs in it got removed even.
>tfw I'm an Irish nationalist and the DUP would gladly execute me if they could get away it
>tfw I'm laughing by fucking bollocks off at the prospect of DUP having more power because of all these twats on twitter
What a time to be alive, though for how much longer I'm not sure.