Proof that voting is a complete joke and the masses of asses cannot be trusted to make the right decisions. I realize that the British "conservatives" are a bunch of useless cucks but even so, it's the thought that counts.
Multiple terror attacks: country swings to the left
...worst attempt to understand the election ever
Dude. With her unveiled social policies, she might have as well just told the working class to fuck off from her voter base. Combine that with ingsoc tier privacy laws and the rest is history.
She was terrible. If she ran on a hard and fast brexit, hardline on stopping immigration, and deportations she would have won a landslide. But those policies are what the people want, not what the jews in charge want.
>revealed a manifesto that pissed off vulnerable old people
>also let's heavily regulate the internet
It's not the voter's fault she lost a 20 point lead in the opinion polls in 2 months
>Terror attacks happen.
>Wooooow, why didn't you vote for mass-immigration party that allowed the terror attacks to happen?
Right so the conservative doesn't give you exactly what you want so you spite them by voting for a literal communist? Is that how it goes?
>details come out how the cons are funding terrorism
>get attacked by said terrorists they were funding
It's not really that hard to figure out
>Terror attacks happen
>Tories want to censure the internet for White people and make you spy on each other for good boy points
Are the socialists less enthusiastic about immigration? They've admitted using immigration as a tool to rustle conservatives and change the character of Britain.
Are euro conservitives just neo liberals? Like a far right in europe would be a democrat in the US.
Don't really know if it's a case of left and right. A whole bunch of people got slaughtered and she comes out and blames the internet.
lol i'd never vote for someone promoting censorship, no thanks may is literally worse than a communist.
All May had to do to win was walk out of 10 downing street once a day and say Brexit means Brexit then walk back in.
But no the moron in a feat of pure unadulterated genius that we mortals can not even conceive of went on to attack the old, children, the internet and small animals. all in one go 10/10 snatching a pyrrhic victory from the jaws of a landslide.
all she had to do was not be a Huge CUNT. XD
But for all that as long as we do not have to go back to the polls this is the best the election could have gone. Corbyn is not in power. May has no mandate for her bat shit crazy shit. and the SNP is disintegrating.
What did the"right" do about terror for people not to swich sides?
>H-hey Theresa, ummm is there anything I can do to help?
>voted for a communist
>got the Northern Irish NSDAP instead
Fucking this.
She called the election to weaken her party and thus Brexit.
They're Jewish funded neo-cons. Look at FN. The with Le Penn took back their party's "anti-Semitic" statements of the past.
Perhaps the masses enjoy terrorist attacks? Stop being so judgmental.
>t.degenerate porn addict
the EU globalist machine likely tried to steal this one for labour and came up short.
>so let's vote for a party that literally candidate terrorists
Murder all normies. Last fucking straw. No hope otherwise.
Labour will unleash the flood gate of Muslims and work diligently to fight UK sovereignty by rejoining German and Brussels rule.
People (brown) want this.
Terrorists that aren't a threat to us, and all he did with the IRA was try to negotiate peace with sinn fein. And who the fuck cares about Hamas and Hezbollah, they're a thorn in the side of the kikes.
Without referring to muslims she said she was gonna crack down on extremists on the internet. Combine that with some people alrdy getting arrested for muh hate speech and the British government constantly harassing ppl like Tommy Robinson and its pretty obvious that they'll use the censorship apparatus to target right-wing nationalists.
Europeans are just really obsessed with being more left than the US and not being like us dumb rightwing brutes.
>can do nothing and ride a landslide
>alienate young/old/working voters by revealing shit policies
May should have lost for that shit but Jerry "North Korea" is still the worse option.
>right-wing nationalists
They are about 0.001% of the vote so I don't think that had any influence. Democracy reduces issues to the lowest common denominator which is gibs for parasites.
We've got some Irish Protestant hard right wingers with their foot in the door now so maybe some shit can actually get done
For the undecided retards that absolutely is how it goes. The Conservatives blew this 100%.
Let's not clamp down on immigration!
>literally the single biggest issue that won the Brexit campaign
>base = alienated
Let's censor the internet!
>possibly the only stance that could convince the apathetic millennial retards to get off their couches so enthusiastically to vote AGAINST the Cons
>youth = alienated
Let's promote fox hunting!
>gained the votes of the 50 people who fox hunt, lost the votes of thousands of people who forgot that was a real thing until they mentioned it and were disgusted
>women and animal lovers = alienated
Nobody swinged to the left. The point was that May is a retarded cunt who don't know how to respond to terrorism, wants to censor the internet. The UK just though it would be fun to fuck her and the jews, and voted Corbyn for the lulz
stop being a coward
FUnny thing is that yes, in fact the country has voted more for the leftist labor, the conservitaves are still the easy winners. The country doesnt in reality swing left, since the cons will need the help of the conservative DUP to hold up the government.
Not just cucks, zionist pro-immigration tax-dodging uber-cucks.
You didn't already know democracy is a farce? How old are you?
>Like a far right in europe would be a democrat in the US
you nailed it
>The UK just though it would be fun to fuck her and the jews, and voted Corbyn for the lulz
>Tfw the goyim hate you so much they elect a terror-support Sharia socialist
>have commanding lead in seats
>oh shit Brexit negotiations are going to be hard
>call snap election
>still have lead in seats
>oh shit Brexit negotiations are now harder
y u do this?
Maybe if Tories had balls they wouldn't be there.
Had May said - deportations and lynches are the answer, and she'd have 70% of parliament.
She said - internet censorship and surveillance state are an answer though.
The path forward for British Nationalists after National Action's ban by Theresa May is to infiltrate and subvert Labour.
NazBol isn't ideal, but it's a start. Corbyn is all but confirmed an anti-Semite compared to May. It won't take much to edge the working class in the right direction.
Yeah I know its a farce. I haven't voted since the late 90s. I voted for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party once and the next time I voted I just drew a big cartoon penis on the ballot paper. After that I gave it up.
Just training drills, to terrorize the masses. It's going to get much worse. If we don't stand up to the Mason psychopaths and their lies, they will start slaughtering people for real.
What a balls up May has made of this. Even now she cant pull up here knicker and salvage anything from this. If you look at when the polls turned against her its was around May 22; the Manchester attack even now as she fucks around consulting her line managers the press have already cast this as a Brexit protest where the its clear that terrorism and her clueless and cowardly response to it was her downfall.
The desperation of the British people has been so severe that in droves they voted for Corbyn- an act of mass self mutilation designed to presage the re-entry of Boris.
Notice how Qatar has gone quiet for a day or so, everyone is waiting for Boris to enter No10, May dragged out on a gurney and finally WW3 can start properly.
Nice b8 m8 Ir8 8/8
I'm of the belief that terms like "Right" and "Left" are a bit useless at the moment. We are undergoing a sort of revolution taking us from neo-liberalism to ???.
Until that new form of societal organization is complete, there will be a lot of political chaos, strange coalitions and, of course, more kebab terror.
>lol i'd never vote for someone promoting censorship
Instead you'd vote for someone who promises a bunch of free shit that is impossible to deliver and wins your heart with double think propaganda and then imposes censorship anyway.
The new government controlled internet will put a stop to all terrorist and pedo activities in the country. STRONG AND STABLE. FORWARD TOGETHER. GET TO WORK.
>I'm of the belief that terms like "Right" and "Left" are a bit useless at the moment.
They are in the UK because we don't have any right wing parties but people still believe we do anyway.
There were literally two proposals put forward by both main party leaders as an attempt to prevent further terror attacks:
1. censor the internet
2. fund police and stop funding Saudi head choppers who fund radicalised mosques
Which do you think was better?
fucking kill them all
OP you can take my word for it that I'm the most fascist anti-immigrant you can find and I really don't know who the fuck is the right choice for UK at the moment.
They all seem to be so equally shit that they made the terrorist attack irrelevant. Maybe that was the goal.
Well there is a false dichotomy: Left = anti-Zionist pro-Muslim Right = Pro-Zionist ant-Muslim.
The truth is they are both anti-British and that's all that matters.
Theresa May is a right wing PM. Jeremy Corbyn is a commie left wing cuck. The right won today, the left lost again.
I am sick and fucking tired of you brainless sub 60 IQ foreigners weighing in on foreign elections, the Tories are not even remotely 'right-wing' they're literally the greediest, most Jewish party in our country and in favour of importing as many Muslims as Labour was.
Fucking kill yourself you dumb fucking cunt.
What makes her right-wing again? You're mistaking being rich for being right-wing, she'll believe what ever her Jewish handlers tell her to.
Voting is retarded anyway. Just do it like China.
One party.
She is taking a hardline stance against terrorism and degeneracy.
>three terrorist attacks in three months
>theresa may: "enough is enough"
>good maybe britbongs will finally do something about the muslims
>"we must censor the internet"
Well Islamic countries have different definition of human rights so May is right to want to leave ECHR. I'm serious, muslim countries have their of human rights adhering to sharia law.
So your comment adds evidence to OPs claim you daft cunt.
The UK is truly lost.
You know how some countries have a semi-acceptable party to vote for?
Like the AfD in Germanistan, Front National in Frogland, FPÖ here and so on
None of these are great, far from what we really need to be in charge to fix everything, but they're better than what's in charge currently in each of these countries
The UK has no such party, the best thing they have is UKIP, which wants to trade poles for pajeets
Read my entire post dumbass, I know the conservatives are shit, my point is that in the minds of the general public the conservatives are the more 'pro-British' of the two and yet in the midst of terrorist attacks they decided to go for an out and proud communist. Thus proving democracy is a total farce.
Everyone knows its really degenerate hip hop music thats at fault
Tessie May can't blame anyone but herself. id she wanted to win then maybe, just MAYBE, she shouldn't have proposed all that totalitarian nonsense about the internet
You are exactly right burger what insightful political commentary. Pic related are exactly like the fucking Democratic Party. In fact that is almost what they call themselves!
>multiple terror attacks
>government reacts by threatening native rights
>threatens to make itself a muslim vassal
>threatens anyone who speaks out with prison time
>claims terrorism is normal and you should just accept it so people will despair
>country swings away from the ruling party
Sponsored the terrorists with weapons and training, sent them to Libya and Syria, cut police numbers by 20,000 in a few years, invited even more terrorists to come and live with us, sold £billions of arms to the terrorists' sponsors in Saudi and the Gulf. And when it blew up in their faces they announced they were going to build a North Korea-style special British internet.
Where did they go wrong?
I still can't believe that the UK government willfully allows isis fighters to return to the UK after fighting in Syria/Iraq.
Absolutely pathetic and borderline treasonous. How many hundreds or thousands have returned home after fighting for isis.
Get a fucking grip UK.
Doesn't our government do the exact same thing?
I just want frauke back
Did the right offer any practical solutions to terror prevention, other than internet control?
The most recent attacks have all been carried out by some of the c. 400 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group that were allowed to return to the UK in Feb. We armed them, trained them and sent them to Libya in the first place too. All while May was Home Secretary.
More "British" Muslims have fought for ISIS than are in the British Army. Granted hardly any of them join the Army but I think estimates are c. 1,000 British jihadis in Syria and Iraq.
All our governments do the exact same thing.
Am I missing some stupid way the British politics work that make corbyn suddenly win when he stil doesn't have the majority of even possible people to make an alliance with?
And this is without pointing out that I fucking told you people would vote for whoever didn't threaten their pensions and Internet. I don't even understand why Theresa May thought those might even be slightly popular.
AFP and asio allow a small number back and then monitor them like a hawk with help from NSA/CIA tech.
Allows our asio guys to find the already established extremist networks in the country. It's also why our agencies have been absolutely based at intercepting attack plans on our soil.
It's a calculated risk, but it has paid off.
this is how i understand it as well, though a bong could likely clue me in more.
op is trolling, ignoring posts that refute his argument while cherrypicking idiots to respond to to get more (you)s
Labour won the elections as they made the biggest gains while Tories lost hard. Tories don't even have majority and have to go for desperate coalition with North-Irish fascists.
That's part and parcel of life in London.
Economy is literally less important.
Why would anyone want to censor the internet? Literally all I care about isna free and open internet and it isnt like May would have reduced immigration regardless. So what's the appeal of conservatives considering Labour will fund social programs and tax the rich?
Why would anyone vote con?
Theresa May thinks Britain could benefit greatly from sharia law.
Neither of the parties would have seriously reduced immigration
Yet Jeremy Corbyn promised to increase funding for the police and intelligence services, and to stop supporting Saudi Arabia.
Theresa May offered no solutions, on the other hand, except internet censorship.
It's not surprising that many people thought Corbyn was better on this issue then, than May.
>Right wing
>Aussie flag
Checks out
>Why would anyone want to censor the internet?
It's a breeding ground for white nationalist terrorists and pedophiles. I trust her judgement.
Democracy is retarded.
National Socialism is the only way.
>Labour won the elections
>Nowhere near being able to form a government
Tell me what does 'win' mean in Finngolia?
>Muslim terrorists make multiple attacks
>You respond by trying to rip the NATIVE population of their rights, in the meanwhile continuing to embrace diversity
>Get BTFO by the voters
Our politics are 90+% degenerated into:
The internet is already censored. How many of you would dare to speak your mind about politics on Facebook?
everyones losing thier shit but in the long term this is good - Corbyns party has become close to being openly anti-jew. They ll double down on that, and the Conservatives are now in a coalition with an actual right wing unionist party whos pro Christian
Ukip has a chance to reform without muppets like Nuttall and the support for Ann Marie Walters - Anti Islam, is high to become the new leader if Farage doesn't come back into it and shes very much riding Tommy Robinson gaining popularity.
you'll probably abstain or vote for a fringe RW party that wont make the cut.... hence higher percentage for labor
>fuck over the OAPs, dementia tax
>base = fucked over
She won, you lost. Get over it.
May was a smug hack who literally thought nobody would vote for Labour while at the same time believing that banning the internet, taxing dementia, trying to lower the amount of police at a time when 2 terror attacks have taken place recently, would NOT piss off everyone and their dog.
The communist was just as bad but unlike May wasn't trying to piss off every demographic ever, rather he was trying to suck their dicks which was a lot retarded and more just condescending and gay.
it's this.
if they had just about anyone but Corbyn, labour could have swept it. Labour just had to stay relatively quiet and let the tories blabber on. the more they talk the more they lose votes.
May should have probably not ever opened her mouth again, there is something in the water over there. She's completely fucking insane.
>May was a smug hack who literally thought nobody would vote for Labour while at the same time believing that banning the internet, taxing dementia, trying to lower the amount of police at a time when 2 terror attacks have taken place recently, would NOT piss off everyone and their dog.
>le nobody wanted to vote for May meme