Could whoever is running the latest Sup Forums unofficial twitter stop? It's not as good as it used to be and it's often preachy/whiny and lately it's just a 'le best of wacky Sup Forums' for normies.
Could whoever is running the latest Sup Forums unofficial twitter stop...
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's not as good as it used to be
It was never fucking good.
Sup Forums does not belong on twitter or anywhere else off-board no matter who is posting it
>Could whoever is running the latest Sup Forums unofficial twitter hang themselves?
Ftfy. Sup Forums should not have a twitter. Sup Forums is not one person and whoever that faggot is doesnt speak for us.
especially discord servers which some new faggoty trend
It's a fucking redditor. He wont stop
isn't that the site run by a gay guy in an interracial relationship with black lives matter founder Deray mckesson?
calm down fellow pede, we're all in this together :)
If you have any cookies from reddit in your browser it should automatically ban you from posting on Sup Forums.
the fact that there is a Sup Forums twitter is cancer in itself
wow really clonks my fucking bonkers
Yes , because anything you fags don't like
shouldn't be allowed.
Here's a wild and crazy thought.
If you don't like it, don't fuckin' read it
ya bunch of whinny homos.
>tfw you don't even get a free (You) but everyone else fucking did
Just because you like that faggoty shit doesn't mean that it's not harmful to the cause.
>twattering Sup Forums threads
don't upset the wizard OP
That's not funny
This is the guy who runs it, just ask him.
I wish nu-Sup Forums faggots would stop sperging out on every other Sup Forums board, you're making the rest of us look terrible.
Levi Smith runs the account
Apparently being a Sup Forumsack is "cool" and "hip" these days.
I will never understand how the fuck that happened.
Yes, good goyim. Don't spread the Sup Forums message anywhere. Keep it contained so that it will never reach the general populace. Don't talk to your friends and family, don't go outside. That's a good little goy.
i knew you guys cared, I KNEW IT
young conservatives adopted the Sup Forums identity but kept a bunch of the mainstream conservative things that Sup Forums used to reject like Fox News and Republicans
Discord as an example is a perfectly fine place to organize specific discussions/groups. There is a difference between r/Sup Forums and 4channers making a channel together.
At least for people like me, that actually cares about the real world, I don't want to limit my discussion to something as unproductive as only shitposting here.
Sup Forumsmemes do not belong anywhere else though.
now this is politics
>yfw ameribor iz outuf yoos
hahahaha, Jews can't help themselves, can they? Not one anti-Israel/anti-Semtic remark on his pages either. Pretty lousy from someone seemingly representing Sup Forums
>/r/the_donald was created and pledditors discovered Sup Forums and thought "WOW so cool it really speaks to my edgy teenaged angst"
Fixed that for you.
True depending on what your definition of sperging out is. It's perfectly fine to speak up against pro-immigration/pro-EU/pro-establishment posts anywhere.
Even if the cucks get offended and say you have to go back to Sup Forums
A free (You) for everyone
that's basically what I said
I'm late to the (You) giveaway. Can I have some please thanks.
>Here's a wild and crazy thought.
>If you don't like it, don't fuckin' read it
>when your thread is so shitty it gets derailed into a (You) orgy
im the guy who made that thread
sorry didnt think some autist would "officialize" it, it was just something dumb i thought off
rules 1 and 2 newfag, what are you even doing following another newfag who thought it would be cool to make a LE WACKY 4CHINS ACCOUNT
Why isn't it called Sup Forums News Service?
P(e)N(i)S is such an obviously better acronym.
Fuck off faggot