Well boys, I think I'm fucked

Well boys, I think I'm fucked.

>minding my own business last Sat night with gf
>gf's friend calls, we'll call her Jen
>Jen is at a party with her boyfriend, wants my gf to go pick her up, Jen got into an argument with her bf
>my gf has been drinking, I have not because I'm trying to /sortmyselfout/, this means I would have to drive
>protest because the argument doesn't sound that bad (nothing physical), but end up going because I wanted to get food anyways
>arrive at party, Jen is standing outside with her bf, he's pretty much a giant douchebag deadbeat, he also publicly hates me because I'm conservative (

>not politics related

meant now politics related

If that's what actually happened? You're not fucked at all. You were the sober one. That will mean a lot.

He means as in he's a conservative person rather than part of the political group.

Got any witnesses?

>not carrying
>not shooting him and fucking his GF while he bleeds out in the driveway

but there is no proofs

I think you'll be okay. He doesn't sound that damaged, he sounds like a huge bitch.

just my gf, dunno what his gf is gonna do, I've never really liked her, she's kind of a hippie and knows I voted Trump. She was nice enough to warn my gf about what is going on but... I'm not counting on her for anything.

This isnt your personal blog about how much of a faggot cuck you are.


No proofs on his part either tell him he is a pussy irl and counter sue

Get a lawyer and have your gf testify. You dindu Nuffins wrong.

Not using a headchopper
>Why even Allah Akbar




I did have a gun in the car but shooting some harmless hammered man is bad form.

Pft, you'll be fine. He's a crybaby, the police will understand, especially since you have two witnesses who will back up your story. Also, good man taking him down with your bare hands, that takes skill

This. Being the only sober one of the bunch will surely help as well.

Next time go easy on the white knighting dumb whores though.

dear diary


assistant prosecutor here (smallish town in Kansas) I have seen cases like this. I would not worry about the criminal aspect, but civil suit, yea your fucked. He cucked your wallet. At least on the criminal side you can claim self defense, use any witnesses you can things like that. Also sober vs him not sober, and any history of violence to consider. Odds are he isnt doing shit about any of this as it is a big waste of time and money for you both.

I don't know how to prove I was the only sober one. It's essentially he said she said and that's it.

Fuck that goon. It's fucking heresay. You defended yourself, and he most likely has a record. If push comes to shove, he'll lose. I'd just tell him to fuck off and that he knows he is in the wrong and that you don't care what the fuck he does. But always make sure to have your phone out ready to record him if he is ever in front of you. And if you ever talk on the phone, use a call recorder.

Bullies like that have to be stood up to. Tell him he ain't shit, and he'll bitch out.

Pretty clear case of Self defense, you could possibly make some money in a counter claim for assault.

Also, y u no fuck his GF?

What state your in also MATTERS a lot. You in California or Louisiana?

could you bluff that someone recorded it?

i hate it when people drag you into something stupid of their own will, its like they have this itch to see someone living peacefully and they just have to do anything possible to ruin that.
anyhow all you can do is to give your side of the story if you get called.
had something like that happened to me

y you lie bruh

It's vital that you get Jet to testify for You. Get your gf working.

Kind of like how you dragged us into all the globalism shit...

hippie, piercings, etc.

>how blacked am I?

That boipucci gonna get all the BBC senpai.


>jusr your gf
>she lies and said you attacked guy
>you go to jail
>gf and jen bang hothead

>choking someone out can be attempted murder

Were you high on the devil's lettuce? I must ask because, ya know its CO. Be brutally honest user, we are judging you.


talking like an adult
accepting a request to pickup


recently fought with gf
tackles you first

You'd have to be an idiot to get arrested.

>expected from Sup Forumsacs to be reasonble
had it comming, but i will admit i laughed with how fast you pulled that banter out

I had some decent bruises on my sides, he landed a couple good ones, but they are gone now after almost a week. Didn't think to take pictures.

I remembered something, didnt he hit his girl friend right before he came at OP? He sounds like an abusive guy who hits women... just saying. He could have even raped her and she didnt consent.

nope. CDL driver, regular drug testing.


No proofs means you're innocent.

not politics SAGE

Lay low until it blows over. Don't answer your door or phone. Assault charges are low priority and 50% of the cases end with "unable to locate suspect" if they can't find you after one or two attempts. If they corner you in public, don't speak to them except to say "I want a lawyer".

Is that pic related?

>"just calm down, it will be fine in the morning"
Top bantz my man

>How blacked am I?
Get a lawyer. A good one. A better one than he does. Fuck it if you have to pay $300/hr, but it gets it dropped.

nothing will happen, dont worry

t. oracle

Should have told her to take a fucking uber.

You know what, I will be totally honest, the (((reformed jews))) AKA Liberal jews who only identify as jews as more of a label or community rather than actually practice it, they seem like the liberal, always fighting for the underdog, the social justice warriors, all of that shit. I was asking my neighbor who lived there for 6 years, and he converts jews to Christianity, or masonic Judaism, he told me a lot of the reformed jews dont like isreal. It boggles my mind why they are cool with Muslims and globalism, its like the are self haters.

Not politics

You're "friends" are shit. Maybe lawyer up dumbass

You'll have to go to the police station NOW and file charges on him as well. For real, right now. It's going to court where it will probably get thrown out. If you go now.

You'll also probably have an arrest warrant out. Simply tell them you heard that you may, and if so, are turning yourself in. They'll take your picture, fingerprint you and put you on a video chat with a magistrate. Since you turned yourself in they will very very likely release you on an unsecured bond and you'll be free to go.

I'm serious tho. Go right Now.

t. Ben There

cop didn't see it you didn't do it

Def get yourself an attorney. The judicial system is a game of wordplay, not fairness. Sounds like a spoiled fuck, so he'll probably have legal representation. All said, sounds like you've got nothing to worry about tho...

I was thinking about this but since I'm a commercial driver I'm pretty sure my company gets notified if there is a warrant for my arrest.


I hope your gf said she's sorry afterwards.

Lawyerfag here. As we say there's not a problem until there's a problem. He said/she said. I'm assuming you didn't physically damage the guy beyond minor bruising which means simple battery at the most. No physical evidence that you were the aggressor, just witness statements from people who are clearly biased against you. You're fine. If the police contact you state that you acted in self-defense and used the minimum force required to defend yourself. State that you will be happy to relay the entire story after you consult with your attorney. Do not go to the police station if they ask you. Immediately terminate the encounter and lawyer up. Chances are you won't be charged at all.

Is pic related Jen or your gf?

Can they issue a warrant tho based on this complaint? The whole thing lasted maybe 30 seconds, there's no way this guy still had marks on his neck.

Get the phone records between your girlfriend and Jen. Screenshot some texts with Jen bitching about her boyfriend being a dick/drunk and needing to be picked up. Get the google maps records of your trip from your history in your phone. If you're really worried, pay a lawyer a thousand bucks to help put this all together and deliver it to the douchebag, you'll get him to drop it.

Choking someone out of Sprawl uses your forearm. Especially if you're 40 pounds under this guy there's no way you'd leave the flat bruising of a forearm choke except for a guillotine and a rear naked. Both of those mean you were grappling, it's not like you just throttled a drunk guy out with your hands, you used a self defense technique and grappling should demonstrate pressing danger.

Bullshit, this makes you look guilty as fuck. I've been in many bar fights and occasionally the police come to my house and knock afterwards but I never answered. They need more than some dumbfuks word to do a warrant.

probably fucked. does the bf have a record or history of getting piss drunk and violent?

if you have any bruises or damage id record that. maybe press charges against them for assault.

what races are the two of you? have you berated your woman for getting you into that shit?

Regardless of all these claims to lay low, Go turn yourself in now. The cops will be cool especially when you relay that you were sober and picking up a drunk friend at a party. Otherwise they will be at your house shortly and not as cool.

the burden of proof is on the accuser in the US. but your GF will have a phone record of his GF calling her around the time of the incident if it actually came down to an investigation. which it wont.

Honor is loved by people who make medals and people who dig 6 foot holes. Iron is not beholden to honor, thats why you pack a big iron.

>Keep the cell phone call where she asked to be picked up.
>She called you into a situation where you had to defend yourself.
>Did he go to police while still drunk? If so, subpoena cop who took his statement.
>Tell them you feared for your safety

This kind of shit happened to me in the Navy. I got in a bar fight and accidentally out a guy's eye out with a salt shaker. He attacked me because he didn't know I was his girlfriend's ex-brother-in-law. I was charged with "malicious wounding" and got a general discharge rather than an honorable. No tuition assistance. Faggots who start fights should be executed.

>last saturday
youll be fine

No law says you have to answer your door. They will eventually leave.

If he officially filed charges there is a warrant for your arrest. Best him to the punch by turning yourself in. Best thing I ever done.

You're not. Lawyer up if they do press charges (they won't)

Why did you get out of the car? Why not just text her you were there and have her hop in?

1) It's the statements of a bunch if drunk idiots vs you a sober man.

2) you have proof that he was already agitated if not violent since you had to pick up his gf

3) you lacked intent to kill anybody, you did what you had to do to stop a larger, drunk, violent person.

Either a) have your story straight b) (((lawyer))) up or c) If interviewed, politely decline to comment, and request they do their investigation.

>it's not politics related
The only relevant line in your god awful post.

Because he's fucking civilized and didn't count on a douchebag getting physical.

You're not fucked at all. The fact they were drinking means they are legally fucked.

You're fine.

You're a fuckin retard dude. You might go to jail or at the very least have to show up for court for a bitch you're not fucking or related to. Retarded.

You're wrong. Nobody ever pressed charges on you if that's the case. They were just investigating an incident. If charges have been filed there is an arrest warrant.

No there isn't. "filing charges" is making an informational report to the police, a warrant is after the police investigate and convince a judge they have enough evidence to make a case.

not gonna lie, this guy has made comments at me in public before and I kinda wanted to rub it in his face that I was picking his gf up.

>It's a Sup Forums gives legal advice with no basis in law episode
everybody was drunk but him, including the gf's. OP is fucked.

Yeah hiding from police makes you look super guilty. He did nothing wrong. He WILL be booked. Best to do it on his terms.

>helping people

He knew they were all drunk and the guy hated him.

What was there by way of witnesses? Will this dumb bitch Jen be willing to testify on your behalf or will she back up Chad's story?

>no proofs

innocent cawk cawk cawk

No shit, because it takes more than some drunk guy to say hurr durr I got beat up. Don't talk to police and they won't have anything to investigate so they won't get warrant.

This is the worst advice in the thread.

weren't you driving?

>How blacked am I
You're pretty fucked unless you get a good lawyer.
If you take a plea bargain, good luck ever getting a white collar job.
If you fight it and lose, good luck in jail, then good luck in ever getting a job outside of McDonalds or pounding nails.

I stated earlier, Jen was nice enough to let us know but I'm not counting on her for anything. Outside of that it's me, my gf, and this dude and perhaps 2 other people on his side.

you'll be fine

isn't there somewhere else you can post this anyway faggot?

You were fucked from the beginning. Getting involved into someone else's business and relationship like a retarded white knight and on top of that you didn't even protect yourself by video recording or bringing a witness. For a conservative you're a fucking idiot. I think you should stop telling people you're conservative and tell them you're a Hillary/Obama supporter.

yes, that in no way proves that I was sober tho.

I just had my gf screenshot and send me the messages, it says they are at a party and had a disagreement but nothing about him being drunk.

>have your gf testify
The other girl's testimony is more important

Nobody cares, kys

OP read "you have the right to remain innocent" you can torrent the ebook, it's written by a lawyer and is better than the bad advice here.

Why do you type like a child.
Sort yourself out.