Why do millennials not buy vegetables at the grocery store?
Why do millennials not buy vegetables at the grocery store?
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because most of them dont know how to cook in the first place
Most people between 20 and 30 can't even cook chicken breast in a pan
Because one can of Chef Boyardee contains a full serving of vegetables. Why should I bother with uncooked roots and twigs like some kind of primitive?
We only cherry pick in the store.
>chef boyardee
so this is the power of america
truly the new rome
I don't know if I count as a millennial
But I buy vegetables and fruits so there's at least one who does it.
Because we eat out mostly and hate grocery stores. Why would I force myself to eat my own shitty cooking?
How much are avocados in the states?
Why are your sailors so puny looking.
pan frying chicken breast is a crime
should always be oven baked or grilled