It's the end of the semester, and our professor is making us watch the movie Denial. Thoughts?
Ethan Turner
Justin Bailey
What course are you doing?
Jesus, US universities seem like liberal indoctrination grounds
Josiah Richardson
holy shit OP what course are you taking?
Anthony Nguyen
English. It's not for a project or anything, we're doing it for "enjoyment".
Owen Diaz
Well, hope you enjoy it
I certainly did.
Chase King
lol judging by the trailer movie is more redpilling than not. Also not avialable for free which means its not really a propoganda material. What are you concerned about?
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Jesus Christ.
Thomas Perry
So then leave.
Jayden Allen
The greatest trick that the new ever pulled was finding a way to charge us yo corrupt ourselves.
Isaac Lopez