If Comey is lying, why doesn't Trump release the conversations he taped?
Trump/Comey tapes
Why would he need to? Comey already made the case.
I am pretty sure everything in the Oval Office is recorded for historical purposes.
Because Drumpf is lying... holy shit. It all makes sense now.
Right now, there is no proof that Trump is recording all of his conversations. If he releases any tapes, then all other tapes will be able to be subpoenaed which isn't ideal.
Also, it is possible that it was Comey who was recording their conversations in an effort to entrap Trump. If those recordings were on Comey's computer, then Trump now has them. There is something on Comey's computer that Trump wanted, which is why he fired Comey while he was across the country.
Comey already admitted to being a leaker, admitted that Obama's AG pressured him to downplay the Hillary email investigation, and lied under oath about his motivations for becoming a leaker since he claims he leaked in response to a tweet that took place after his leaks were already being talked about in the NYT. What's even the point?
What am I missing here?
>Trump tweets about tapes
>Comey says oh shit he may have tapes I better leak my memos
If Comey is telling the truth about his Trump interactions, why would he be worried about tapes of their conversations? What would be the need to leak memos? The tapes won't lie about what was said. I know Comey testified he hopes there are tapes but his actions say he was worried Trump would release tapes and wanted to get his narrative out first.
I seriously no idea what Trump is even doing? Seriously had he not tweeted, stayed on message, didn't attack or insult anyone, didn't fire Comey, he wouldn't have all of this trouble.
The worst self-sabotage I've seen. But Trump keeps doing this nonsense he just doesn't learn. This week he decided to attack that stupid Muslim mayor again.
cause he's a coward
>>>Comey says oh shit he may have tapes I better leak my memos
That's easily shown to be a lie though. The New York Times was already writing about his memo the day before that tweet. The question then is why? He's already admitting to being a leaker. He's already fired. What were his real motivations? Is he being pressured by someone still so he has to make up some lie to cover up the fact that someone is still threatening him?