what are some horrifying facts about the holocaust?
What are some horrifying facts about the holocaust?
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It didn't happen
some people believe it happened, spooky
ummm sweetie, these paintings say otherwise
They used prisoners in experiments to find out about frostbite.
It gets worse every time they change the story
Read an article the other day claiming it wasn't 6 gorillion but more in the 20 to 50 gorillion range.
They didn't finish the job.
It was never finished.
Hitler didn't know about holocaust.
The german commander of Ausschwitz said in his Testimony that he gassed 25 Million people there
I'd go to jail for questioning the death toll
communists can't into art
Even if you present factual information. You still get charged for questioning. Fucking hell. Gott erhalte Deutschland bitte.
i thought he said 60 million. are you denying the official numbers of the holocaust
25 million? That's an insult to the 600 million. We must never forget the 6 billion.
thanks for the shit painting rabbi
What Is History?
The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry
Josef Mengele - Innocent At Auschwitz
David Cole and Mark Weber - What is holocaust revisionism?
Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial
Ursula Haverbeck - `Auschwitz expertin`
Forum search
Bing bing bong bing bing. Correct.
Jews have such a morbid imagination
half of it is blocked in my country.
really makes my dingleberries jingle
Literally tens of thousands of witnesses INCLUDING NAZIS and American/Soviet soldiers have testified. Millions of documents, hundreds of thousands of photographs (many taken by the nazis themselves), mass graves still being unearthed at/near cap sites.
But Sup Forums scholars have amassed all this circumstantial evidence (maybe 100 jpegs hamfistedly drawing conclusions of conspiracy) so it couldn't possibly have happened cuz de jewz.
(((They))) made it up to give themselves an eternal victim card while it is themselves who are at the root of every problem
They changed the plaques at Auschwitz by subtracting 2.5 million casualties, without reducing the overall number, which is illegal to question in Canada. Thankfully I understand that 6 mil - 2.5 mil=6 mil.
Not even mad.
where is all this evidence you speak of schlomo?
>Nazi calling any of the people they killed human beings
you have alot to research my friend.
trying to reduce the numbers of dead jews is not trying to exterminate them...we should've have, but we didnt.
your point regarding the translation?
I guess if I cant post all of it here then it must not exist. 10/10 proved me wrong. Feel free to name a single actual Nazi that denied the holocaust.
Dont you have homework to be doing, Adolf?
That it didn't happen
turns out jews couldnt work very hard
Source: Your ass
That 6 million Jews didn't actually die
The most horrifying fact is that it ended.
The first atrocity of the 20th century was the allied blockade of Germany that led to millions of starvation civilian deaths in an act considered even then to be a war crime. Horrifying that jews laugh and jewish media blacks out all mention. io9.gizmodo.com
>"everytime they change the story"
>Collection of eyewitness accounts
>The first atrocity of the 20th century
What is the Congo Free State?
One only needs to look at the census record of Europe to see the horrors. 8.5 million Jews, gone in just a few years.
the point is that this document was used in the nürnberg trials and clearly states that we tried to keep the death rates low and the jews alive, yet as we all know, the "millions of documents" (not a single one states we gassed or exterminated jews) made it very clear that we are hellspawns that killed jews on industrial scale.
that every german accused was tortured thoroughly beforehand surely doesnt mean anything aswell, it was well know that torture doesnt work at that point, to get the truth out of people, unless you want them to testify anything that you wish for.
In reality.
When I mention that christian children are being crucified I have had jews literally laugh out loud.
I heard a German user in another thread saying he hopes he doesn't get 'visited'. Could you explain what that means?
>You made that up!
He admitted saying it several times during his trial. Though he initially tried to pussyfoot around it but eventually admitted he was talking about the jews he helped exterminate.
Archive the clickbaiters
>every single post he does is a logical fallacy
oh my, what an effective shill
It didn't happen. Scary, huh?
Superior version
the holocoaster story is one of the more obvious ones, some others are equally as ridiculous
Hitler did nothing wrong
Anybody have the screenshot about the masturbation machines?
Congo Free State was 19th century. Death to Israel.
I personally ejaculated in 1 million Jewish assholes
>people can't lie as long as the lie is really, really emotional
wouldn't expect better from a britcuck.
Oh, by the way mate, my whole family was a trillion billion genocided with poison! by your mum! She kept bringing them back to life and then killing them again a hundred bagooglion times! she made tennis rackets out of their teeth! Time to pay me reparations. I'll be taking half your salary. Can't lie if the lie is really emotional, right?
Reminder that a logical fallacy is not inherently incorrect, and calling out a logical fallacy as an argument is itself a logical fallacy
>I'm a regular German citizen, and all I want is to provide for my family. Boy, the last few decades were rough, after the wars and all. So glad to be thriving again! My people are so great, we can come back from anything! ALSO I WANT TO MAKE LAMPSHADES FROM HUMAN SKIN BECAUSE I HATE THE JEWS FOR NO REASON.
Now that the dust has settled, which on them was right?
the fallacy fallacy is also a fallacy. a sound argument doesn't make for truth.
like the fact that the Germans would actually spend resources to keep the prisoners just malnourished enough so that 10 prisoners can do the labor of 1 normal person? Or like when the Germans also rounded up a bunch of Soviet troops and starved them to death, then proceeded to continue wasting resources feeding, housing, delousing, tattooing, and finally gassing jews?
Oh shit you're right. Shit guess this means the holocaust didnt happen you guise.
>like pottery
i expected you to go that way, because you got no proof or arguments, as they do not exist, evidence that it didnt happen on the other hand, does exist and many of the stories about the holocaust got debunked already and are still to this day.
Jews require another thorough delousing.
wow, thanks shlomo, i believe in the holocaust now!
Greater israel WHEN?
>what are some horrifying facts about the holocaust?
that it never happened
Yeah you're right. Because I haven't posted any evidence myself, there must be none! When I google "holocaust evidence", google must say "zero results found". I'm surprised you can hear any of this with those fingers so deep in your ears.
>which is illegal to question in Canada.
According to which law, precisely ?
Some Jews survived.
>holocoaster story is one of the more obvious ones, some others are equally as ridiculous
post them one more time
The Jews still exist.
Notice how there's never a muslim country flag involved in Holocaust Revisionism threads.
Holocaust Revisionism is extremely intellectually demanding, or you will get your ass kicked by holocaust believers.
Non-white Muslims can't take part in it even if they would want to.
>trusting the same search engine that says we got over 50+ different genders
that is where your problem is, you forgot to be critical and think for yourself and to research on your own. most of the stuff that google gives you, is already debunked, if you would spend 1 hour more to read beyond the first page, but we both know, that you didnt bother to go that deep.
you see pictures of dead skinny people and cry out holocaust, did it ever cross your midn that germans looked like that aswell in some places? because, you know, allied bombing 24/7 on supply lines and stuff, most of germany was starving for months. it was a massacre of german people at that point, not a war, no need to mention the actual death camps for germans after the war was over, i guess.
Don't forget the masturbation machines.
This is a falsified quote. It's not even anything he actually said, but rather a false witness at Nuremberg made this anecdote up. Höttl I think. By the way, the reason Eichmann became known of as some sort of Holocaust top guy is because everyone thought he was dead when Nuremberg happened, so everyone piled up blame on him and made up quotes. Which fucked him over when they found him in the 60s.
Because of it, countless Jewish qts will never be mine's to fuck.
>ywn kiss her growing belly, marveling at her carrying the fruit of your love under her heart
>ywn playfully have a written argument with her over baby names to kill time during the day, passing each other scraps of paper with a name written on one side and your/her rebuttal on the other
>ywn make love passionately at night
>ywn feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but have the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negate any discomfort
>ywn bust your extra thick load into your beautiful, nearly ready to burst Anne, filling your sweet love oven with your seed
>ywn look on smugly as she reaches over to grab a rag she uses to clean up your oozing jizz
>ywn notice her father looking at you approvingly, knowing that you are treating his daughter to the very best of the situation
>ywn be smuggled out of the Annex you have been trapped in for two years with Anne as her due date nears, being given the task of watching after her by her father, gifting you his bayonet, a prized leftover memento from the first war, to use to protect his daughter if all else fails
>ywn help Anne give birth in a Dutch farm turned safehouse deep in the countryside, forever sealing your bond with her
>ywn watch Anne hold the baby in hers arms for the first time, never wanting to let go
>ywn watch Anne breastfeed your child and her embarrassed, yet dotting expression at such intimacy
>ywn quietly watch Anne and the newborn sleep
>ywn all sneak outside one misty morning to stumble upon a lone Allied sharpshooter trundling down the road, acting as a skirmisher for the rest of the Army, and greet him with the sight of a smiling baby, as you have no other gift to offer him. But it nonetheless instantly puts him back in good spirits, knowing that despite a world consumed by slaughter, there is in fact still some humanity left in it.
Pic related is one of the Sonderkommando photos, secretly taken by one of the inmates. It shows some inmates burning bodies.
Holocaust deniers will try to tell you that all the bodies were supposed to be burned in ovens (impossible, too few ovens).
Digits never lie...
the funny part is, that this picture was acutally form a train crash in texas, if i remember correctly, already got debunked long ago, sadly i didnt save it at the time. if anyone would be so kind?
Check this out.
Find me a single citation of a mass-scale operation involving gas chambers and prove to me gas chambers were used with direct physical evidence of the deceased as opposed to post hoc arguments.
Jews don't have green eyes.
that it didnt happen. unfortunate.
The most horrifying fact about the holocaust is that entire generations of people were gullible enough to believe it happened in the first place.
>what are some horrifying facts about the holocaust?
It was funny as hell?
We don't know that the holocaust didn't happen because of a syllogism. We know it didn't happen because of the absolute lack of evidence that it happened. The central issue -- that 6 million Jews were gassed and burned -- has no physical evidence that's ever been discovered. All they have are heart-wrenching stories. Something about Jews and making up stories... Ever been to Hollywood?
>what are some horrifying facts about the holocaust?
The Holocaust was fake news!!!
You don't cremate bodies after a train wreck you stupid Kraut.
t. have actually been in one
The most horrifying fact is that for some reason, which I still don't understand today, the
Germans were allowed to continue living and today we are suffering because
of it with their Muslim dick sucking...Arguably one of the worst decisions in history...
should have given them all showers to celebrate the end of the war...
I'm unsurprised yet proud.
you must be a funny one, the bodies werent in the actual pic and it is heavily edited ofc..
only the guys that walk around are real, guess if idn it myself then
He was captured and coerced. Testimony is not fact.
Something about these threads. Holohoax believers can't seem to grasp the idea that PEOPLE CAN LIE. Evidence doesn't lie. Bloody knife in the victim's back? DNA of the suspect on the handle? How'd the DNA get there? That's evidence.
>"muh sad stories in emotion court waaahhh"
not evidence
Huns ruin literally everything
I guess you are referring to this
It seems pretty crappily written and way too long. And here is the answer: