Has anyone actually tried the self authoring program? My life has gone to shit, and what Jordan Peterson talks about sounds like what's happening with me. I just want to know if it helped anyone, or should I just eat a bullet? Will describe my story if you want to make fun of me or whateveryoutube.com
Has anyone actually tried the self authoring program? My life has gone to shit...
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I finally started watching this guy last night and he spoke a lot of (hurtful) truths that made me a bit more introspective for the better. I'd recommend it
got it when it was free, future authoring anyway. Would do again, really focuses on trying to make you sort out what you want to be and what you don't want to be. Even if you think you know you don't really accept it until you write down these thoughts. It just makes everything more real and the guiding questions really help get what you're really thinking in writing. Don't enter it thinking it'll change your life but just with an open mind
Those are going to be some fucked up kids.
>unironically falling for a new age self help guru
Sad for your life
Let's hear your story OP
I'm an electrician and I've always hated it. I've been one for 10 years.
I like the work and all, but I've just had horrible experiences with old asshole coworkers. From when I was a first year apprentice, I always tried to do a great job, but I was slow to catch on. So pretty much I was screamed at and degraded for being to slow and not good at my job. I developed work anxiety.
I know what I'm doing alot more now, but I still have problems. I can't deal with confrontation still.. I will overthink simple things and still fuck up. It's like I become a character at work and I automatically become an actor in a role, if that makes sense.
I'm probably of normal intelligence, and never have these problems outside of work.
I just quit my job and haven't been able to get off the couch for the last 2 days.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you think it can help, please let me know.
You need to go deeper.
What was your dad like, was your Mom hot?
I don't have these anxiety problems if I do work for myself or my friends.
>new age self help guru
Not even close
Sort yourself out