Democratic Unionist Party is pretty good right?

pro Brexit
climate change deniers
don't believe in LGBT rights

I like that, is it good that may is getting dup involved?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is the DUP /ourparty/?

OG pro hard brexit party
anti immigration
anti abortion
anti gay marriage
anti catholic
anti foreigner
anti climate change

D... D... DUP

As long as Brexit happens and the EU falls then everything will be good. Total control of Europe keeps slipping out of the hands of the Germans. Next time they should team up with Russia for real if they want to win.

Well, May had no choice but to get the DUP involved, they are pretty much the only other party in the House of Commons who could have formed a coalition. Any of the other parties would have refused because all the other parties are too radically different in terms of May's brexit stance. No-one really expected it to turn out this way but it has.
The DUP are mostly /ourguys/ for the reasons you stated, however there are two significant downsides to this coalition insofar as I see it.
1) DUP don't seem particularly willing to go all out hard brexit, even if push came to shove.
2) Its still a pretty underwhelming majority. The coalition majority is barely scraping, and when you push legislation through parliament, there are going to be party members who rebel. So if the opposition parties all try to block brexit legislation, we will have the same problem we had before where May struggles to get any serious legislation through the commons.

Excerpts from the DUP manifesto:
The DUP pledged:

>To reduce the rate of Corporation Tax to at least 12.5%;
>To freeze then cut or abolish the TV licence and reform the BBC;
>To cut the VAT rate for tourism businesses;
>To introduce a Trade Accelerator Plan including an enhanced range of initiatives to help support both new and existing exporters to explore new markets;
>To abolish Air Passenger Duty;
>To establish low tax, deregulated Freeports in economically underdeveloped parts of the UK
>To reduce the number of Government Departments and reduce the number of Special Advisors;
>To introduce a Civil Service Voluntary Exit Scheme yielding annual savings of approximately £100 million;
>To create new trade, investment and innovation hubs in key global markets;
>To introduce alternative models of public sector service delivery such as increasing the use of social enterprises.

Jeez, like they are actually conservative or something... Had May had this instead of her dystopian nightmare, she would be 400 MPs richer.

Thank you for some clarity about what this means.

Brit-bro, I wish the cradle homeland wasn't sooooo invaded by shitskins and traitors.

Stay safe and strong.

They're our chaps all right.