You have a flight and you see this before boarding the plane. What would you do?

You have a flight and you see this before boarding the plane. What would you do?

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be perfectly chill because any sane person would know they went through the same training as a man did to get to that seat.

>Now I know where all the white wimmen be at. This must be my lucky day.

Yeah female pilots can follow their training just like men.But if shit hits the fan, you're dead.

Do the same thing if my pilot is under 40 years old, not board it

Only a man can pilot planes.

>This is control, respond. What's the problem?
>There's something wrong with the flying trajectory
>I told you it's nothing

I would hope I get the chance to fuck at least one of them in the airplane lavatories.

I haven't yet met with a woman that can keep her cool when SHTF

>mfw training includes all sub 700 pages of S.O.P's that detail how to deal with emergencies

>I told you it's nothing
Hahah, based Spain strikes again

flying a plane is comically simple, worry more about the maintenance crew

source: got pilots license at 16

Take my seat. Pilots only do like 5% of the flying, and if a plane is going down, we are probably all dead anyway.

on one of my tours in afghanistan, i flew into kandahar on a c130 with an all female crew.
pilot, co-pilot, navigator, crew. its funny because a c130 doesn't have a toilet but you can piss in a urinal type thing on the wall. chicks in flight suits standing to piss.

Are female pilots common?

>implying women have the ability to think critically and clearly in critical situations

Immediately inform the stewardess that there are gremlins on the plane.

Literally not even care.

oh did you now
considering in the USA you need to be 17 to get your PPL you are full of shit and at best solo'd once
flying cessnas is nothing like flying airliners, procedurally speaking
t. actual pilot

You are incorrect. There are many people that solo on their 16th birthday.

Fly Emirates instead where women aren't allowed as pilots

>implying they would be hired if they could not

How does it feel that you will NEVER be as cool as Sabrina?
Fucking faggot

So she moved her hand back a tiny bit and let the mutli million dollar computer land the plane?

>implying you could do this
>implying you could even fit in the seat

>french guys phones in and calls her a retard


>implying seats are non adjustable
>implying 100 dollars and a trip to PMDG's website later you cant learn it

>implying it would be the first time that a woman lacking skills gets hired to fill a % quota

>finnish man implying anything
get out of here with your non existent country


Pilots need to be cool under life and death pressure. Good luck with that. These days the planes pretty much fly themselves. The pilots are there in case there is an emergency.

NOT to mention the pilot and first officer appear to be either trannies and or vampires.

It's an unmanned aircraft.

>t. actual pilot
yeah im sure you are

>fly themselves
thanks for the reminder of the sad state of aviation. although they also need to land and takeoff with the fucker manually.

You're full of shit ,leaf. The commercial airliners are the most automated of all aircraft. Also, A + P here. Pilots account for more accidents than bad maintenance.

so you would turn around to leave and then change your mind and come back to the plane, or....?

>board a plane piloted by a delusional freak who believes killing your kafir ass would bring him 72 virgins in afterlife
Well thought out, Sven

they are probably just tranny vampies

No muslim-pilot. I feel save.

Thai Airways employing ladyboy pilots, its the best of both worlds, you get the nurturing caring female pilot and the take charge come hell or high water male pilot! Also I would bottom the hell out of them at cruising altitude. its not gay if they have boobs!
pic related, yah you dirty dogs!

Last time it was a kraut that dived into ground with a passenger plane

I would take out my giant dick.

what, a tranny pilot and co-pilot?

How does it feel knowing that our non existent country's flight company beats almost ALL of yours in quality?


You need to discipline little-Turkey, roachbro.

This, one time I was at a restaurant and some woman started choking, all her friends looked around completely clueless and did nothing. This was a big redpill for me on women.
And before you ask, no, I didn't try to save her.
She was fat.

Airline pilot checking in

Not entirely true.

Though the profession is far safer now than it was in the 1970s

Women can't drive but that doesn't mean that they cannot fly. Fucking turkroach and your turkroachology
>pic related
It's you last saturday night getting bukaked

I expect a sandwich when I board that plane


Wonder why I'm boarding the plane through the cockpit windows.

Gotta die sometime

My issue isn't the gender, but that I prefer the main pilot to be old enough to have a decade or more of flying.

>assuming you didn't want to kill yourself

>Alright N3847 we have you cleared in to runway 37-L
>don't you dare mansplain to me, I am a pilot and I will be respected, are we clear?! I'm coming in on runway 22-R

>But if shit hits the fan, you're dead.
It's OK, since I can take over if need be.
I played a lot of MFS back in my day.

>chicks in flight suits standing to piss.

Ask why all the stewards and stewardesses are in the cockpit

Did they have one those plastic this to help them pee standing up. the female crew I flew on did.

Why the fuck do the pilots look like aliens?

this they are not human


I'm just fine as long as it's a Boeing product.

wonder why i'm in the plane's nose?

What about if you have to poo poo

Pilot here also. Disagree.

Yes it's not quite what people think it is, but I'd never call it 'comically simple'. And airliners are mostly automated, yes, but you still have to manage those systems and deal with emergencies.

Good luck with two women in the cockpit.

Been flying since I'm 20, and I'm 39 now.

Agree that maintenance is where most problems can happen though.

I don't fly anymore. The whole airport procedure is tiresome. The seating on planes is too cramped. Flying internationally irritates my bowels. And also my batshit crazy tranny older brother is allowed to have a pilot's license and work as a flight instructor so i don't trust their screening on pilots.

I'm surprised no one said this.
You disappoint me, Sup Forums.

Thank Allah that he made my mission easier.

Nope the fuck out.

Now for the real question, Sup Forums:

>board plane
>cockpit is open
>look inside
>see this

wat do?


There are countless examples of the bar being lowered to accommodate women in the workforce. Female astronauts have even lost tools and space. So nope.

now where it so simple earthling?
On your planet you need only worry about 3 dimensions. Come speak to me when you can pilot an interdenominational warp drive through a 5D manifold
t. Intergalactic Star Federation pilot

We wuz pilots n sheeit

hope that you get dragged off, like that asian fucktard 3months ago.

Haha women flying planes? Now I've seen everything! Great post OP.

how the fuck do you lose space?


Jump out, its safer

Take a double dose of super male vitality

a medical emergency so I am on the next flight.

Meh. Modern planes fly themselves.
I would have to double check my ticket though, American flight crews are usually much much much frumpyier than that.

You've obviously never been outside the US. Most Emirates pilots (along with Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific and the other top tier Asian airlines) are British, Australian or American.

then you sue the airline and is set for life

LOL if this woman can do it ,it only goes to show how easy it is faggot. Landing is automated . She isn't landing a fucking FA18 on a carrier at night.

Take of instructions as follows:

Complete takeoff checklist
Flaps to T/O
Throttles forward
Pull back on yoke
Gear up

You are flying

Do women pilots get booster seats?

Go elect a faggot Ireland


is the DFBW also a female?

Not in aviation. Women are subject to the same same policies as I am.

I would be ok if it wasn't for the fact that female firefighters are being allowed to join despite failing the physical exam
probably made a wrong turn and went to the aquatics simulation center or w/e it's called

Crash this sjw plane with no survivors.

tell her the lighting is bad in the cockpit

Men in general instinctively act in an emergency, not all obviously, but most will do something to try and fix the situation. Women lack this instinct, it can be trained in, but in general women have a tendency to freeze up or do whatever the other women are doing in a bad situation. Mothers protecting children is the one exception to this, but even at this, men are usually far better at dealing with threats.

>don't mansplain to me

To be fair, the pilot would be 100% correct because there is no runway "37L" anywhere in the entire world.

>Female astronauts have even lost tools and space
Kek...I remember that, it was a whole bag full of specialized space tools, they said it was worth something like $140,000.

>in general women have a tendency to freeze up
can confirm. when my ex lid my flat on fire she was just standing by freezed and not doing shit.


>image is real

jesus christ ugly as a sin

I truly apologize that my off-the-cuff joke was not technically correct. In the future I will diligently research the non-essential elements of my jokes so they appeal to autisms as well.