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When will it end?

good. keep to a single space or kys out of public transport

Guess public transport isn't getting my funding then. Oy vey to the buss jew.

only faggots ride the bus

By each day that passes my home feels like the most fantastic place to be

Good thing I can manspread inside my fucking car all I want. THANK YOU CAPITALISM.

How would you even enforce that ban? Are bus drivers going to have tape measures on hand to measure the distance between your knees to see if you exceed your maximum alloted space? How ridiculous.

That said, fuck people that spread their legs like retards. Keep the fuck outta my space, faget.

Using the metro is faster than using my car, though.

Abuelo, explain yourself

Wait you can't sit like that? How is a guy supposed to sit then

With your legs closed and your nuts sad...

Ride never ends

I guess after solving youth unemployment, a banking crisis that is destined to emerge from the novel plan of having sounder banks gobble up the toxic debts of dying banks (I'm looking at you, Santander and Popular), a secessionist movement poised to hold a referendum on leaving Spain October 1, and a useless government that doesn't even blush at receiving sobres of euros, manspreading was the most important problem remaining on the agenda.

>When you're so tall you cant not "Manspread"


It's getting way too close though.

How is manspreading defined in this law?

>folding up your pants

Casa é casa though. That's what walls are for.

Spain why?

Anything that losers consider offensive according to their personal view

>mfw I man spread in my american flag colored ranger panties so everyone can see my balls

Like this.

Dude in the screen cap is just sitting normally. Jesus Christ, they outlawed sitting normally. Being morbidly obese and womanspreading still 100% legal though, I'm sure.


Europe was a mistake

stop fat spreading america

The 1x bi-annual bus ride I take is usually half full so I can sit however I want.

It is nice living in a place where you can buy a running, operable, beater for as little as a few hundred dollars.

Being 6'4 and having huge nuts, tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do, force my nuts into my bhole?


Is pic related considered manspreading? He isn't taking up more space than necessary.

Nothing, if you're ever in Spain and some bitch tells you to crush your nuts just pretend you can't understand her.



When i'm on a bus I have to spread my knees as far as possible to not get my legs stuck in the seat upfront.

When the last on is dead

driver needs dyed hair

Has Infowars covered this yet? I want to hear Alex Jones talk about this.



god damn it fuck commie podemos they are turning this city into an even more degenerate shithole

Your dad Spain has been a cuck since he got raided by mudslimes.

Why would anyone sit on the train in the first place? I always stand. I don't want to get my clothes dirty with all sorts of germs.

someone arrest this outlaw RIGHT NOW

Seriously the world is going to shit, everytime I think we've hit rock bottom it keeps getting worse.

This law is infringment on the personal freedom and gives state control of your personal life.

All males no matter the race/religion are being discriminated against by their goverments, goverment of any sense should not decide how an individual should sit based on vile premises of offense voiced by schzicophrenic minority.

If gay marriages are legalised on basis that goverment should not controls individuals life, then this law is without any reasonable doubt hipocritical.

By all right humans have given to them through evolution or God We must openly condemn this action of Spanish goverment and call it infringment of freedom and Human rights.

what about "don't-put-your-fucking-bags-and-purses-on-the-seats"-spreading

I sure will, but I guarantee this shit is coming to the States soon.

>be madrid
>elect a feminist commie hag
what do you expect?

Depends if you're talking about male bags/purses or female bags/purses.

Female ones are fine. You can't exactly NOT carry your bags, right? You kinda need them.

Unlike your balls/dick sitting between your legs. Just leave them at home.

Nobody asked you, Luigi

Fucking stop exporting your shit ideologies already.

well, will the law be enforced? or is it more of a polite suggestion? seems to me they're talking about enforcing it like no smoking and so on.

Maybe in the liberal retarded states, but not as a whole.

It's surely coming to Canada tho, fuck me. But I never take public transportation so wtv.

spain is so left that im wondering why they havent cut their right hands yet

Oh fug, the diversity police is onto me.
This kind of news from the west shocked me a couple years back, now it's just another day on Sup Forums. Be strong, westrbros.

This man has no balls. Seriously, where are they? How can you sit like that without slowly crushing your balls?

Next, mandatory castration for all white males.

Sadly, anything short of that and people won't fight back. Just whine about it a bit, then it's old news.

>this is how chad sits
>this isn't the 'virgin sit'

Can we use this logic for niggers and homeless that occupy places with no regard for others?

My second triple 6 in two days, what does it mean??

bump for answer, don't understand either
One could think that the son of Castro would have more between the legs

Yes. Yes we can.

I guess we can't really argue for Topfreedom anymore. At least not on the grounds that existing law is sexed or inconveniences women.

He is such a faggot

Is anyone really surprised? Most of the women in Spain don't even shave their arms and armpits!

>Europe yes
>Implying there is "Europe"

burgers intellectuals

Bitches we got balls, we need that space.

Didn't this already happen in New York?


Is it allowed if you identify as an attack helicopter?

bye bye Europe

what about fatspreading? is fat banned too? or B.o. spreading ? or anything else that requires me to move more than 1 personal space away.

The level of shame that Spain will accept is literally limitless.

i was under the impression that Spain had much bigger problems than the occasional dude taking up some space on a bus sometimes
clearly these dudes with the balls are the bane of society