I mean i support Sup Forums and all.. But don't you at all get a little annoyed at your fellow user? Don't you sometimes wish Hillary won the election just to humble these basement dwellers?
I mean i'm glad Trump won and all, i just want to see what Sup Forums is like when Butthurt/Salty.
Blake Hill
Zachary Morales
>shills don't know what to say anymore
You have never been of any influence, faggot.
Jeremiah Clark
>want to see what Sup Forums is like when Butthurt/Salty. Just go back to the O'bummer era to see that.
Brody Allen
No, even if Trump is impeached, the memes were worth it.
Tyler Perry
No. i unironically believe that Donald trump being president is the best thing to happen to this country in my lifetime
Levi Green
>i just want to see what Sup Forums is like when Butthurt/Salty. All in due time. Eventually mental gymnastics become to complex that sticking the landing is impossible.
As do I, user. No other candidate could have made his party look so foolish.
Isaiah Gomez
I sort of wanted Hillary to win so women would get a taste of the so called poor rapefugees. Moon man
Dominic Thomas
Jose Wood
>all slur >no substance Mmm, that good shill posting!
But seriously, if you want to know why I think that or have an actual reason why you disagree I'm right here listening, but until then, it's posts like these that show you shills have nothing but the erroneous assumption that trump is the devil You are incapable of intricate thought and your post reflects it