Care to explain this Sup Forums?
Care to explain this Sup Forums?
that's where you're wrong amigo
Hope this helps
Guess Trump earned all that money from his Daddy (same way Ivanka earns her money from Trump?)
This is pure anti Semitic Sage..
the difference between Monopoly and RL is WORK.
The only way you create work is to CONSUME or to INVEST.
Because most costumers can't handle their money properly we need TO INVEST TO CREATE WORK.
To invest we need INVESTORS.
And the investors need an INTEREST to take the risk to invest which is RENTABILITY.
Money is mostly HEREDITARY. But if you work hard to get it and you're smart enough to make the good choices ; you can earn more.
In a capitalist society, there will always be a huge gap like this. The question is will you accept it and adapt or will you always complain about your miserable existence.
Now OP, stop looking all day at idiot memes, study and work. FUCK OFF.
>Guess Trump earned all that money from his Daddy
No you fucktard, his daddy earned all that money and gave it to him. There is nothing wrong with parents working hard to make sure their children will have a better life than they had.
Its one of the driving factors of society for fucks sake
where did trumps dad get that money?
>b-b-buh muh surplus theft!
What the fuck is Whitechapel Road
>handouts are good
interesting insight, germany