Men saying “no thanks” to college

>Maxwell is among a generation of young men who increasingly are turning their backs on colleges, universities and the associated degrees — either dropping out of upper-level learning or never considering it a viable option.

>Some of the young men shunning campus say they don’t want to take on massive student-loan debt.

>“If you don’t want to go to college you can go to a trade school and come away with something and not be on the hook for $150,000,” said 28-year-old Adam Stark, who dropped out of college and now is thriving in the music business in Denver.

>Others say the campus environment has become testy, even hostile, toward men. “You definitely get the sense you are the problem,” said Maxwell. “One woman once told me that she could use statistics to determine how many of my friends were rapists.”

>Whatever the reason, enrollment data show men are becoming less of a presence on college campuses both in Colorado and across the United States.

An entire generation of men playing video games, indulging in Internet pornography, and hanging out drinking with their "bros", instead of going to college, climbing the corporate ladder, and securing an income that will allow them to buy a home in order to become "marriage material", attract a wife, and start a family.

Stop neglecting your responsibilities!

is that webm supposed to be sexy?
what the fuck is wrong with you

shut the fuck up you salty dried up cunt you dont matter no matter how many times you attempt to bullshit us on these boards fuck you die

lol, college is a scam. You can just get a job and save money. Getting a student loan is a retarded idea unless you have money.

get raped bitch

>an just get a job and save money.

You can get a minimum wage job, but with the way rents are exploding all across the country while wages remain stagnant, you won't be saving shit!

Stop being fucking sluts, even one partner is too much.

Maxwell is right. There are tons of different ways to get ahead in life and college is not becoming one of them.

I got a trade and now I'm making more than I know what to do with.

>An entire generation of men playing video games, indulging in Internet pornography, and hanging out drinking with their "bros", instead of going to college, climbing the corporate ladder, and securing an income that will allow them to buy a home in order to become "marriage material", attract a wife, and start a family.

Compared to:

>An entire generation of men playing video games, indulging in Internet pornography, and hanging out drinking with their "bros", while going to college; instead of climbing the corporate ladder, and securing an income that will allow them to buy a home in order to become "marriage material", attract a wife, and start a family.
