The rise of the 'pornosexual': How a new orientation describes those who prefer PORN to real sex (and it's most common...

>The rise of the 'pornosexual': How a new orientation describes those who prefer PORN to real sex (and it's most common in men). At least you will not have a false allegation made against you. It is cheaper and you will not be tricked into being a father.

More like sour grapesexual lmao!

Yes goy, don't reproduce! Embrace your pornosexuality!




Well done jews, you've won.

Incase you were in any doubt that porn wasn't leveraged by Jews as a form of control. It's fucking subjugation.

I do not believe that there are men that prefer porn to an actual woman. If you found anybody like that they would have to be virgins. I fundamentally do not believe you OP.
