>Sweden Democrats overtake moderates as Sweden's second-largest party
>Sweden Democrats, according to (((Wikipedia))), has been described as "far right," right wing populist, national conservative, anti-immigration
>Also according to (((Wikipedia))), the party had roots in Swedish Fascism and was part of the late '80s white supremacy movement (telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/10823028/EU-elections-2014-I-can-hear-the-boots-of-the-1930s-marching-through-Europe.html)
>Founding party officials "were several people that had formerly expressed strong support for the ideology of Nazism" (expressen.se/kvallsposten/har-bildar-nazisterna-partiet-sd--i-malmo/, svd.se/nazist-arbetade-for-ss--var-med-och-grundade-sd)
>The (((other parties) have refused to cooperate with them in the past (sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=5965660)
ARTICLE: thelocal.se/20170601/anti-immigration-sweden-democrats-overtake-moderates-as-swedens-second-largest-party-poll
So, guys, could Swedes be... awakening? Discuss.
"Muh far right" narratives about SD:
Always archive shills
>theguardian com/world/2014/dec/14/sweden-democrats-flex-muscles-anti-immigrant-kristianstad
>Tfw Sweden is the only European country decucking itself
Sweden has bigger chance then your country, but alot of countries have though.
(((Sverige Demokraterna)))
When will democracycucks learn
Jimmie Åkesson is Europes best politician
Är din syster en ras skämdare?