Iberians are NOT white
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Looks like sandniggers
Not like you Canadians then?
That guy is East Indian he's an immigrant.
Fuck off pablo
Canadians are NOT white as well.
No, he's not. en.m.wikipedia.org
Does that means Brazil is not only non-white but also a mix of two different non-whites races?
He's Indian. Me mother is from Torino and most family members on that side are ginger or blonder. Stop spreading jew lies
His father was half poo in loo
Beware the rake sad little leaf
I'm sorry what?
>His father was of Goan, Portuguese and French descent.
Who said they were?
Oldest ally
W-w-we wuz Visigothz
How the fuck is he so dark? Intermixing with Europeans has done absolutely nothing to change his skin color.
Ah ha ha ha, Poortugal has a poo in loo as PM!
A leaf whitout history had nothing to do against us.
At least he ain't gay.