When did it all went so wrong?


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when u elected macron faggot!

only 30s kids will remember dis

Worst drivers ever

She'd be as glued to her phone if she knew how to work it

>greatest generation
>too frail to hold up a ten ounce phone

True words spoken

>Greatest Generation
>fought against and utterly destroyed the concept of Nationalism in Westerm Europe for decades

I never am on my phone when i'm at a concert desu


I see stupid little cunts filming themselves in the mirror while doing squats at the gym with a bunch of people right beside/around her.

She even pulled out her phone and pointed it at herself for a Snapchat while in the middle of doing a fucking plank.

These stupid cunts will film ANY thing. It's so fucking weird and disgustingly narcissistic.

Social media is the absolute best thing for women. It allows them to compete with other women from the comfort of their own home. It's not a generational thing. It's just in women's nature


I really like this picture. Mind if use this?

Every two minutes we take more pictures than we took in the entire 20th century

No, rights was the worst thing for them.


Also worst parents. Created the Boomers

Now every father gets to raise his little girl with the knowledge that before long she's going to be sending pics of her ass, tits and vag to every boy she finds cute.

Why take pictures or record videos at all? If you can't live in the moment you don't deserve to live at all. Fucking degenerates.

Just wail til Islam goes full-retard Taliban style in France. That old woman will be the only one left untouched.

So what? Women like attention

"This lady comes from a generation that refuses to learn any new technology." FTFY

Except everyone there is clearly visibly enjoying the moment, why does it only count for one lady?
I see what these memes are getting at but technophobia for technophobia's sake is annoying

>It's so fucking weird and disgustingly narcissistic.

you're just mad that when you do it, no one cares. you can't blame women for farming attention when its so easy anymore.

She's fucking dead, all of her friends are dead, all of her children are dipshits looking at their phones, wtf does she need to take a video for?

No, go on

"This woman comes from a generation that refuses to learn any new technology."

not to mention back in the day, all those people 'enjoying the moment' were all thinking "shit i wish i had a camera"

Is this the world you really want ?

I kinda suspect this has something to do with the death of personal responsibility. People are now judged on increasingly trivial things which, along with the prevalence of social media gives rise to a weird sort of narcissism in which people are more concerned with being seen to do something than with actually doing it. But then I could just be talking shit.

>goes to event
>cant remember it later because of dimentia
>"if only i recorded it"

Bullshit. Old people are fucking obsessed with phones. Old ladies are dicking around on facebook at least 5 hours a day. I get around 10 of those stupid minions messages from my aunts and uncles every day.

But they should not receive it

It makes people who are already prone to being self centered even worse. Experience that can not be framed by a smartphone and posted online is worth nothing. It wouldn't be bad if it would only apply to those people, but they completely poison their environment as well. These days people are so weary and so fake in public, because everything that might be percieved as weird by people around you will land on social media. No one wants to become a new meme. No one wants to be laughed about by the whole world. There is this one video from the early 90s on youtube, where some random guy was filming people in a 7/11 I believe. Everyone acted natural and just went along with it. Today you would be met with outright hostility.

All in all Smartphones and faggots who film everything made the public an toxic place where everyone constantly has to watch their back and keep their head down.



this woman don't have a phone, it's too complicated


Stop complaining because other people are idiots with their lives OP. For fucks sake why do you care so much?

Wow some fags are on their phone, let them ruin their own moment. You don't have to use your phone if you don't want too.

What made normies start using social media so much? I remember when people thought it was stupid then all of a sudden everyone I knew had a facebook. I miss when the internet wasn't mainstream sometimes. It was better without all the cancer they produced.

Yeah and I see stupid cunts on Sup Forums getting butthurt about what others do in their free time.

I bet you even pulled out your phone in public and started typing up a mad reply because someone in your vicinity triggered you with their actions.

You stupid cunts will complain about ANY thing. it's so fucking weird and disgustingly pathetic.

To put it simply, majority of humans are too stupid for our advanced world
And it will only get worse

I think the teenagers who used Myspace grew up and the families that wanted to see what they were up to awkwardly followed along.

Ah, well you can blame that at least half on the men who give them said attention.

Mind you, I use the word "men" very loosely, as real men know to never give women attention.

this is deep

What is the chance people will tire of social media then? Even the fact companies have their own twitter accounts bugs me a bit.

>Mind you, I use the word "men" very loosely, as real men know to never give women attention.

c r i n g e

Really activating my almonds...

I have never understood the compulsion to pull your phone and record shit at public events. I figure enough people are filming the exact same thing so what's the fucking point

Have you stopped for a moment to considerate if it's true?


And I was expecting it to say "ME DAD DAD"


but user, how else will you prove you were there?

how else will your friends be able to experience such an amazing event if not through your shaking unfocused video footage?

can't be done, user

I don't use social media, but I do record stuff because it's fun to watch it again and relive good memories.

someone post the animu poorfag image, laptops and the one poorfag with paper and pen

>t. upset roastie

She, like I, don't give a shit about phones.
Mine makes calls, no text , no pics.
Consumer Cellular FTW!

>at event for hours
>lull in the action
>take out my phone and take a quick picture or video
>years later
>look back at the picture/video and memories come flooding back of my past

>old lady goes home
>year goes by
>can barely remember anything about the event

lol the edgy meme loling so hard at the epic post bro! Upvoted!

Probably so they can look back on what a good time they had in 10 years. Old hag doesn't have that problem. She'll forget why she was there before she drinks her beet juice and shit her depends.

A phone is a way to remember things at a lower resolution but with infinitely better fidelity than eyesight and memory.

good post user

if you cant remember it without needing a photo it isn't worth remembering
some stuff is worth taking a pic of but the majority of what I see people taking photos of isn't