Just went to the Sup Forums meetup some time ago

Just went to the Sup Forums meetup some time ago.

Notice anything?

Me on the left

that's the reddit meetup nice bait

Me as the dog

Even the dogs overweight.

Our dogs love burgers too

there is 0 muscle tone in that picture

>All those fatsos

holy shit reddit is cringy

wtf who brought my wife's daughter

dog is ashamed to be in photo

Sage kys.

Reddit fags

it's a leddit meeting.

The only person in that photo who looks like they might be any fun to grab a beer with is the dog, and I'm pretty sure he's a fag enabler.

> There is a dog shitposting on Sup Forums right now

I feel bad for that dog being such a fat shit. What awful owners.

>implying the negro gentleman isn't the one taking the photo

the audacity to even step out of the house. Wew.

One of these things is not like the others, but most of these things just don't belong here.

The dog owner is skinny though.

>only one non overweight person
>even the dog is fat
>white fatty is raising a black, father nowhere to be seen lol
>all of them wearing ID stickers like fucking retards

Wtf is wrong with leddit

>he went to a fucking Sup Forums meetup

>tfw gotta shit

The dog is the closest thing to a decent human being in that picture.

So, did I win?

So much faggotry in one picture. The dog guy is even romantically touching the other guy's leg

source on pic? Is this a specific subreddit meetup or what?

jesus h christ