We're winnings goys. We're turning them

Normies are getting redpilled and having an identity crisis. It's like they've just realized they've been in a cult.


This isn't good. It's becoming 'trendy' to do this. Especially among females who kind of do this because seein female stepping up against things like feminism gets them famous.
It'll become the norm and then it'll get boring so people will leave this state of mind

So do we become SJW's now to keep being contrarian to normies and Reddit and tumblr like how we became nazi and white nationalists?

Actually new 'redpilled' fags oftenly became right versions of the SJWs. Except shouting "racist, homophobic, bigot" at everything they just shout "SJW! libtard! snowflake!"

>It's becoming 'trendy' to do this.
How tho?
The msm shits on every people that step out of the line.

you realize that shills are making this possible.

people come here and the shills on /pol and other sites make us look good. They are super lame and unfunny and when normies come here they don't get put off that its 100% rightwing, but end up becoming redpilled.

I want reddit to leave.

Nice try. Reality educates people, that's how they become nationalists, right wing etc. SJWism is spawned from the dreams and fantasies of the weak, lonely, ugly, naive. They're not flip sides of the same coin, that's lazy bullshit from people like you who have run out of arguments for your own ideology.

normies go from one fad to the next. these people are fucking pathetic

>check out this dank youtube chick that teases being redpilled so I can thirst after her and subscribe to her patreon, fucking based

When the truth becomes "trendy" as opposed to jewish tricks then we will win. That's what we want. To win and defeat the kikes destroying western civilization.

no we show them holohoax infographics

I went to a fundamentalist megachurch when I was a teenager and some people I knew were full-on cultists. All but 1 got out of it and now live normal lives and have standard political views.

Recovering from harboring a cult-like mentality takes time and little else. It's a slow process but as long as the behavior isn't reinforced hardcore life's ebbs and flows are enough to knock the person out of it back to normalcy.

It's inevitable that SJW's will go through the same thing. As time passes more and more of them will snap out of it.

I just wish I knew why America was so "religious". It's as if there always has to be some nutjob group around.

I don't think this is a fad and the pendulum is suddenly going to stop swinging in our direction.

I also think it's good when these broads are getting redpilled. More white womens for us to impregnate and to vote right. They're also good at convincing other women. They can talk about how they changed their minds and their experience of it, and all that muh feels, feminine shit.

That's totally good, retard. Trends = actual change when dealing with normies.

Disgusting nose ring, thick rimmed glasses whore. Fuck off with "redpilled" females. Sage

Anyone who uses the word redpilled has arrived from reddit


you are a disingenuous faggot i'll say that much

>it's bad if saving the white race becomes trendy
gas yourself in real life

"I just couldn't believe how wrong I was."

The truth seeps through, but there is more. In fact there is a lot more.

the disgusting nose ring is how we know she's actually turning

While we have seen a few liberal celebrities lead the way against the SJW menace (Maher, Rubin, McFarlane) a lot of these women on Youtube are simply through with college.

Outside their cloistered and insular "safe space" on campus they're finding out that a lot of these leftist and SJW ideas don't go very far. Also, regarding women in particular, they simply hit 25 and get serious about finding a long term relationship. It's at this point they discover that most men aren't attracted to radical ideas or gnarly piercings and tattoos and Nickelodeon colored hair. Idealism is a good thing...up to a certain age. They're simply growing up and getting a taste of reality instead of academic theory.

They keep saying "red pilled" yet I haven't heard one racial statistic from any of these whores.

its a fucking a trend to get thirsty boys like you to donate to her patreon page.

also, you posted too soon so I know you didn't even watch the video.

You need to see how genuine she is.

>not being ultra progressive communist is now considered red pilled

>its a fucking a trend to get thirsty boys like you to donate to her patreon page.

Stop projecting


back to plebbit.

People are starting to see their liberal worldviews are shit and are becoming more conservative and now pol thinks that's a bad thing. Can you idiots even be more contrarian than you are now?

This isn't bad coming from the youtube://fagbookosphere.gov I'm happy to see her having a eureka moment. If she can peek out from the cognitive dissonance/social conditioning that plagues her kind, then I'm impressed at this first step.

big deal i took the red-pill before it was even cool. fucking noobs

>Reality educates people

this. It's why the SJW ideology becomes more common the further from reality the environment is. See: college campuses and coddled teenagers

You're a faggot retard.

You sound like you didn't even watch it. She doesn't have a patreon and she's not even hot, you dumb nigger.

You stupid cowardly, subversive French piece of shit.

Please fucking kill yourself everyone who reads this should understand that every word of your post is pure poison.

We just need to make sure they don't go to the civic-nationalist controlled oppositions side

Reminder that the term alt-right was created in late 2016 by our enemies to label and control us

This is exactly what i'm trying to do to my dumb fucking liberal girlfriend. She thinks she's a liberal but I can talk her into thinking positive of any one of Trumps positions. But she still hates the dude and claims muh liberalism. I need advice.

most people aren't going to be ahead of the curve like we are

Is her accent of mix of Irish and Canadian?

But I don't want to share a platform with someone with a fucking ring in her nose.

She can fuck off.

>I need advice.
Show her this video.

Maybe some JBP or whatever she can handle.

>Haha good luck pointing out my flaw projectionist!!!

You know it be true

>shhhhh relax & just let it happen
It's not a trend.
Humans (especially women) are wired to choose winners. Stop fighting it.

It's a slow process you fucking shill

you truly are lost. If its not patreon (which it will be) then its obvious attention whoring. These whores are degenerate and will always be

>If everyone does it we won't be edgy anymore
Jesus you frogs are giant fags. You shouldn't do shit to be different, you should do it because it's right

Red pilled more people than you


Kill yourself you pathetic fucking shill. Pic related is you

People will laugh at this but pol has become slightly more left wing now that trump is president

Either we'll become SJWs or radical centrists


It's pretty obvious that these women are realising that there is more money to be had by entertaining the insane frog posse.

All the SJW's donated their money to Hillary and Sarkeesian and now these youtube celebs are coming after our neetbux.

You guys clicking the fuck out of them will make them lots of youtoob moneys.

she's serving her purpose. We don't need to marry the bitch.

If by "white knighting" her, you mean I would sprayeth a full load of my vitamin E-laden jism across her epic, DSL's (bottom lip in particular huennnnnnnnggggggg), then yes, I'll white knight this bitch.

Shill DESU, how much to you make an hour?

this 100%

i'd fuck her brains out/10

>not being a psycho white hating retard is redpilled
uhm, no sweetie

Women choose winners and chads.

Chad nationalism is the winning tactics.

Also, white women realise that blacks are not their friends.

How is it becoming trendy not a good thing? If it's always going to be a fringe group, nothing will change. Unless that's what you want

>insane frog posse

lel. have a (you).

You just had to be French.

>to change the direction of a lemming you must persuade him that all the other lemmings are changing direction.


I know it's "lame" when something becomes trendy, but seriously think of the potential

the only reason they are leftist degenrate faggots is because its trendy. what if being a wholesome sensible person becomes trendy? that would be great

Do you use that ring in her nose to hook her head to the headboard, ass up?

>it's not good that people are starting to see through the left's bullshit

t. Mohammed

This is a good thing. The more support the better, all i ever wanted was to break the conditioning

There's literally no reality in which you are not hating women. If women weren't becoming right-wing you'd hate them. If they are becoming right-wing you hate them because they're doing it for nefarious reasons. You're a fucking loser who has no value to add into any discussion. GO OUTSIDE.

but, like, she's, like, so, like, elegant, like, in her, like,speaking and like stuff... and... so... like.. just.. don't really know... y'know?

going mainstream is bad

yuck, that fucking bullring

I saw that. This kekistan faggotry has to stop


t.whiteknight cuck

>what if not being a massive waste of space is something people actually start looking up to
Idk man, I'm not too hopeful.

kys user, I'm no leftie and never will be, you need to reevaluate yourself

They aren't normies, they are literal hipsters who want to be trendy and identify with a community.

Their positions aren't ardently held, because they've never ardently thought about them.

>People will laugh at this but pol has become slightly more left wing now that trump is president
>Either we'll become SJWs or radical centrists
I'm not laughing nigger. Sup Forums never "became left wing" despite your pathetic attempts at consensus building.

"The dominance hierarchy is a selection mechanism mediated by the female"
-Jordan Peterson.

t. low IQ cunt

Do you have any actual arguments??

>t. low IQ cunt
>Do you have any actual arguments??
Take your own advice you strawman autist cunt

but your point is a valid one.... leaf

no no no no

>hurr durr look how Sup Forums is redpilling normies
>its actually a fucking t_d behind all this "redpill" cancer

is it fucked up if i think it's okay if they take the bullet or is that fucked up,?

kek. Triggered much?

Are you so new you don't remember when Shadilay was a Sup Forums meme?

Everyone forms their own perception on whatever ideology they adopt. You can look at attempts to see merit in a rival ideology as a weakness, but the most passionate and honest people right or left I've met are converts. I do think this trends toward the conservative. Which is why i think the vanity of youth always trends toward the liberal ( barring heavy indoctrination moral or immoral.) The truth we pick as we age may circle back to the pride and solemnity of purpose just yet. Libertine times never last.

>jordan peterson and muh bootstrap is the other extreme

kek. Oh girl, if only you knew what's actually out there at the extreme

>It's becoming 'trendy' to do this
It's been "trendy" to be a leftist piece of shit since at least the 1960's.

I'm quite alright with a rightwing "trend" that only lasts about 50 to 60 years.

jesus christ

Shes talking about friendship with marxists, she still doesnt understand white genocide and cultural marxism. Leftism is silently exterminating whites, and ignorance of genocide is not an excuse.

If she took the redpill she would take off that disgusting shard of metal from her fucking nose.

shut up faggot - just look at the titles of her other videos, you'll see she's genuine. That money-grubbing, nonsense-spouting trash-truck conqueror is having an effect, and it's a salubrious one.

We become unironical exterminationalists.

JP is just too smart to subscribe to any political ideology


tfw to smart too have an opinion

Seriously, I wish I could get paid to shit post on here. Sadly too many people willing to work for free.

one you are red pilled,you don't go back or sideways. You go forward.You start lifting. You stop pointless exploits like watching sports, you seek healthy relationships and abandon bad habits. We are beyond politics,we are a code of living.This is not a fad, it is a shift in worldview. Cultural Marxism is dying md we are taking over. Praise Kek!
