Trump wants to start charging stores to accept food stamps

>Donald Trump wants to charge retailers a fee for accepting food stamps as payment from the poor.

>The food stamp fee would be reassessed every five years.

>Budget office predicts $2.4 billion in new revenue from the fee, which is seen hurting independent grocers more than big chains.

>Separately, the Trump administration is proposing $191 billion in cuts over the next decade to the food stamp program.

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finally i can exercise my 2nd amendment rights by robbing stores for survival, based trump

Or you could get out of your moms basement and see the sun and get a job and pay taxes and not have to rob stores like a nigger...

just saying

Good. People shouldn't need food stamps anyways. They should get a decent job, like one of the better paying manufacturing jobs that Trump is helping create.

>independent grocers

You mean all those Pajeet-marts that sell niggers smokes, beer and lottery tickets for food stamps at 50 cents on the dollar?

>pay taxes

good goy

Not giving more gibs to IQ80s who birth more kids would have prevented all of this.

For instance, roughly 1967'ish, this should have been the precedent:

>Niggerbitch: But I has 3 kids, white daddy gubment. I needs more money to feed dem.

>Gubment: Tough shit. Can't pay for your kids, don't have them. We will, however, assist you with that.

Food stamps are indirect pillaging of tax dollars. Its not about feeding the poor. Its about paying the rich.

Waltons lobby for food stamps
Darkies get more food stamps
Give it to Waltons
Waltons have more power
Waltons lobby more

Why can't the limit the usage of food stamps to fresh fruit, veges, and a bit of meat so it's not wasted?

I like Australia's model. Why pay government workers when we're already paying people for nothing? Not enough roads to fix?